Wetland Classification and Assessment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Wetland Classification and Assessment


Sample from Slippery Rock University – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Wetland Classification and Assessment

Wetland Classification and Assessment
Why the emphasis on wetlands
  • Wetlands are aquatic systems that has been and
    continues to be lost at a rapid rate
  • These ecosystems provide numerous ecological
    services that would cost the public significant
    amounts of money to duplicate
  • Many entities (including the public) do not
    understand their value
  • Large numbers of our endangered species are
    located in wetlands

Wetland delineation
  • Many federal, state, and local agencies, private
    organizations, and landowners need to identify or
    delineate the boundaries of wetlands for a
    variety of purposes
  • Each agency may be required to use one or more
    federal, state, or local laws or guidelines
    defining wetlands in specific ways.

Who has responsibilities for wetlands
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) administers
    the Section 404 program governing the discharge
    of dredge and fill material into waters in the
    U.S. as defined and guided by Section 404 of the
    Clean Water Act.
  • The wetlands which fall within the Section 404
    regulation are referred to as jurisdictional
  • The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service scientists and
    many other scientists, land use planners, and
    watershed or water quality managers, utilize the
    Cowardin system for more in-depth identification
    or classification of wetlands.

What you already know about wetland
  • Cowardin Wetland and Deepwater Systems
  • The following is a brief description of the major
    classes of wetlands under the Cowardin system.
    Marine - Open ocean overlying the continental
    shelf and coastline exposed to waves and currents
    of the open ocean shoreward to (1) extreme high
    water of spring tides (2) seaward limit of
    wetland emergents, trees, or shrubs or (3) the
    seaward limit of the Estuarine System, other than
    vegetation. Salinities exceed 30 parts per
    thousand (ppt).
  • Estuarine - Deepwater tidal habitats and adjacent
    tidal wetlands that are usually semi-enclosed by
    land but have open, partly obstructed, or
    sporadic access to the ocean, with ocean-derived
    water at least occasionally diluted by freshwater
    runoff from the land. The upstream and landward
    limit is where ocean-de rived salts measure less
    than .5 ppt during the period of average annual
    low flow. The seaward limit is (1) an imaginary
    line closing the mouth of a river, bay, or sound
    and (2) the seaward limit of wetland emergents,
    shrubs, or trees when not included in (1).
  • Riverine - All wetlands and deepwater habitats
    contained within a channel except those wetlands
    (1) dominated by trees, shrubs, persistent
    emergents, emergent mosses, or lichens, and
    (2)which have habitats with ocean-derived
    salinities in excess of .5 ppt.
  • Lacustrine - Wetlands and deepwater habitats (1)
    situated in a topographic depression or dammed
    river channel (2) lacking trees, shrubs,
    persistent emergents, emergent mosses, or lichens
    with greater than 30 areal coverage and
    (3)whose total area exceeds 8 hectares (20
    acres) or area less than 8 hectares if the
    boundary is active wave-formed or bedrock or if
    water depth in the deepest part of the basin
    exceeds 2 m (6.6 ft) at low water. Ocean-derived
    salinities are always less than .5 ppt.
  • Palustrine - All nontidal wetlands dominated by
    trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, emergent
    mosses, or lichens, and all such tidal wetlands
    where ocean-derived salinities are below .5 ppt.
    This category also includes wetlands lacking such
    h vegetation but with all of the following
    characteristics (1) area less than 8 ha (2)
    lacking an active wave-formed or bedrock
    boundary (3) water depth in the deepest part of
    the basin less than 2 m (6.6 ft) at low water
    and (4) ocean-derived salinities less than .5
  • A Palustrine system can exist directly adjacent
    to or within the Lacustrine, Riverine, or
    Estuarine systems.

What you already know about wetland
  • Wetland indicators of deliniation
  • Hydric plants (hydrophytic vegetation)
  • Hydrology
  • Hydric soils

Hydric plants
  • Criteria for a wetland more than 50 of the
    composition of the dominant species (largest
    relative basal area (trees), greatest height
    (woody understory), number of stems (vines) or
    greatest areal cover (herbaceous understory) from
    all strata (overstory, understory, woody vines,
    ground cover/herbaceous understory), must be
    obligate wetland (OBL) species, facultative
    wetland species (FACW), and/or facultative (FAC)
  • Obligate wetland species (OBL) occur more than
    99 of the time only in wetlands.
  • Facultative Wetland species (FACW) occur in
    wetlands 67-99 of the time.
  • Facultative species (FAC) are tolerant of wet and
    dry conditions. They are as likely to occur in
    uplands as in wetlands and are found in wetlands
    34-66 of the time.

Morphological adaptations to permanent or
periodic inundation or soil saturation and
examples of species displaying adaptations
  • Buttressed tree trunk Taxodium distichum (Bald
    cypress), (swollen bases) Nyssa (Gum)
  • Multiple trunks (Acer rubrum) Red maple
  • Pneumatophores (knees) Taxodium distichum,
    Nyssa aquatica Stubby projections extending from
    the roots to heights above the average water
  • Adventitious Roots Plantanus occidentalis
    (Sycamore), Salix Roots occurring on plant
    (Willow), Ludwigia (Water primrose) stems and
    above soil surface.
  • Shallow roots (exposed) Acer rubrum (Red maple)
  • Hypertrophied lenticels Salix (Willows), Acer
    rubrum (Red maple) Large lenticels, allowing
    greater gas exchange Aerenchyma in roots and
    stems Juncus spp. (Rush), Typha spp. (Cattails),
    spongy, air filled tissue Cyperus spp. (Sedges)
  • Polymorphic leaves Sagittaria (Arrowheads),
    Leaves that have different shapes depending on
    site conditions
  • Floating leaves White water lily,

  • Wetlands require permanent or periodic inundation
    or soil saturation at the surface for a week or
    more during the growing season to be a wetland
    ecologically as well as for jurisdictional
  • These conditions create an anaerobic environment
    which affects the plants and soil.
  • Hydrology is not as useful for wetland
    identification as the use of vegetation and soil
    characteristics since many wetlands are dry for
    much of the year.
  • Hydrology is a feature of the regulatory
    determination of "jurisdictional wetlands" but is
    considered "technically flawed" by experts in the
    field of delineation who recommend that only
    vegetation and soil characteristics be used
    (Tiner 1993 Day et al. 1993).
  • However, if obligate species comprise all
    dominants in the community and there has been no
    recent significant hydroperiod alteration, the
    hydrology characteristic is fulfilled for
    jurisdictional wetland delineation even if no
    water is present.

Hydric soils
  • Hydric soils take time to form, and are formed
    from regular or constant water saturation or

Hydric soils include
  • 1. All Histosols except Folists,
  • Histosols are organic soils (more than 50 of
    upper 32 inches by volume is organic) or any
    depth of organic material on bedrock Folists are
    non hydric organic soils originating from
    excessive moisture in tropical and boreal
  • or,
  • 2. Soils in Aquic suborders and Aquic subgroups
    that are
  • Somewhat poorly drained and water table lt0.5 ft
    from the surface (gt1 week during the growing
  • Poorly drained or very poorly drained and have
  • Water table lt1 ft from the surface for (gt1 week
    during the growing season if permeability (6
    in/hr in all layers within 20 inches of the
  • Water table lt 1.5 ft from the surface for (gt1
    week during the growing season if permeability lt6
    in/hr in all layers within 20 inches of the
  • Soils that are ponded for long duration (or
    inundation by a single event for (7 days) during
    the growing season.
  • Soils that are frequently flooded (gt 50
    probability of flooding in a given year) for long
    duration during the growing season.

Field indicators of hydric soils
  • These are listed in the order in which they can
    be used to definitively indicate whether soils
    are hydric and the area is a wetland.
  • Histosols (except Folists)
  • Histic epipedon
  • Sulfidic materials (H2S) in mineral soils
    emitting the smell of rotten eggs
  • Aquic moisture regime (usually hydric soil) or
    peraquic moisture regime
  • Reducing soil conditions as indicated by
  • Gleyed soils (blueish or greenish gray)
    immediately below A horizon, matrix chroma
    (predominant color) less than or equal to 1
    (using Munsell Soil Color Book)
  • Bright mottles immediately below A horizon or 10
    inches and/or matrix chroma of less than or equal
    to 2 (if soil has mottles color determined with
    wet or moist soils)
  • Iron (reddish brown) and/or manganese (black)
  • always hydric soils

Field indicators of wetland hydrology
  • visual observation of inundation
  • visual observation of soil saturation in 18" hole
    to 12" depth
  • watermarks (stains on bark or other fixed
  • water-borne debris deposition, particularly in
    aboveground vegetation
  • water-borne sediment deposits on plants and other
    vertical objects
  • drainage patterns within wetlands, including
  • water stained (blackened or grey) leaves

Field Indicators of Hydric Soils
  • There are several field indicators that can help
    in determining if a soil would be considered
    hydric, including
  • Organic Soils
  • Are easily recognized as thick peats and mucks.
    Mucks feel greasy when rubbed between the
    fingers. Partially decomposed plant remains can
    be identified in
  • peats.
  • Organic Surface Layer
  • Organic surface layers often form above the
    mineral substrate in hydric mineral soils due to
    the greatly slowed decomposition of the organic
    matter as a result of soil saturation and

Field Indicators of Hydric Soils
  • Sulfidic Material
  • Soils that emit an odor of rotten eggs indicate
    permanent saturation and the presence of sulfidic
    material. Such permanent saturation causes
    anaerobic conditions that cause the sulfidic
    material to be chemically reduced to form
    hydrogen sulfide.
  • Soil Color
  • Due to the presence of water in the soil column
    creating very low oxygen conditions, hydric
    mineral soils often form diagnostic colors. The
    two main categories of hydric soil colors are
    gleyed and low chroma/mottled soils. Gleying
    (bluish, greenish, or grayish colors) is an
    indication of a soil that is saturated for
    prolonged periods. Low chroma (dull) colors and
    mottles (bright splotches of color in a dull
    matrix) indicate soils that are alternately
    saturated and unsaturated during the growing
    season. Accurately identifying soil colors
    usually requires comparing the soil to
    standardized color charts made specifically for
    that purpose.

Field Indicators of Hydric Soils
  • Dark Vertical Streaking
  • In sandy soils with an organic surface layer,
    organic matter is moved downward through the sand
    as the water table fluctuates. This often occurs
    more rapidly in some sections of the soil than in
    others. As a result, a cross-sectional view of
    the soil as revealed in a soil pit will appear to
    be vertically streaked. (It is important to note
    that some non-hydric soils may also reveal
    vertical streaking.)
  • Iron and Manganese Concretions
  • Under the chemical conditions of hydric soils,
    iron and manganese are sometimes segregated into
    concretions or soft masses. These accumulations
    are usually black or dark brown.

Aids for identification of wetlands
  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Topographic Maps
  • National Wetlands Inventory
  • http//www.fws.gov/wetlands/
  • USDA Soil Conservation Service Soil Surveys and
    Hydric Soils List
  • http//www.nrcs.usda.gov/

Helping the public understand wetlands
  • Do I Have A Wetland On My Property?
  • Many property owners are confused about the
    technical definitions of wetlands.
  • This is understandable given the variety of
    wetlands in Michigan and the fact that many
    wetland types look different than our traditional
    conception of a wetland (which is typically a
    cattail marsh). Below are a few questions that
    you can ask yourself about your land that relate
    to the information in this chapter. A YES answer
    to any of the questions may indicate that you
    have a wetland on your property.

Helping the public understand wetlands
  • YES NO
  • n n Is the ground soggy underfoot in the
  • n n Are there depressions where water
    pools on the ground surface during
  • the spring?
  • n n Do you avoid the area with heavy
    equipment for fear of getting stuck?
  • n n Would you need to ditch the site to
    dry it out?
  • n n Is the site in a depression that has
    a different vegetation community than the higher
  • around it?
  • n n Are there groundwater seeps or
    springs present?
  • n n Are fallen leaves black or very
    darkly stained and contain sediment deposits on
    their surfaces?
  • n n Dig a hole. Is the soil gray, or
    contain bright mottles (red or orange) against a
    gray background?
  • n n If farmed, is there crop stress due
    to excessive water?
  • n n Does the National Wetland Inventory
    map, U.S.G.S. topographical show a wetland on
    your property?
  • n n Does the NRCS Soil Survey for your
    county show the soil on your property to be
    hydric, poorly, or very poorly drained?
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