Title: 5 Tips to Writing A Compelling LinkedIn Summary
15 Tips to Writing a Compelling LinkedIn Summary
- By Jerry Nihen
- http//www.jayninelessons.com
2A compelling LinkedIn summary has the potential
to really set your LinkedIn profile apart from
your competition. Recently I have been spending a
lot more time on LinkedIn, and I really like how
they have stepped up to the plate and offered a
great B2B social networking platform.
3That being said, Im seeing a lot more marketing
mistakes made by LinkedIn users than any other
social networking website, starting with the
summary or the biography you are allowed to
write about yourself.
45 Tips For A Quality LinkedIn Summary
51. Write From the 1st Person The biggest
mistake Ive seen is someone writing a company
biography, rather than an actual self written,
down-to-earth summary about themselves.
6Keep in mind, your LinkedIn profile is promoting
YOU as a professional, and your LinkedIn summary
should be written as such.
72. Have a Format A successful LinkedIn summary
follows a very basic, three part format
8First, introduce yourself and talk about who you
are. Make people see you as an interesting
person, not a faceless company. Talk about how
you came to where you are today.
9Secondly, talk about who THEY are, meaning who do
you help? Write a description of who your target
client is (subtly it key here).
10Finally, finish by talking about what you offer.
Dont give away everything here, just talk about
what you mainly do, and how people can benefit
from it. Finish off with a couple of forms of
contact (like a phone number and email address)
people can reach you on.
113. Multiple Businesses? Have a Different
Structure If you are involved in multiple
things, use the same method as above but separate
your businesses when you get to step two and
three. A very basic, paragraph style layout is
124. Use Keywords Integrate keywords that your
target market would type into Google to find you.
Do this tastefully. If someone is looking for
your niche, these keywords will stand out to them.
135. Invite Them Finally, invite them to connect
on LinkedIn! Its important to always be growing
your network, as LinkedIns search feature is
VERY connection driven.
14Implement those tips into your summary, and
youll have a much more professional looking
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16Jerry Nihen is a Social Networking Consultant
that has worked a wide variety of businesses and
individuals that have launched successful social
media strategies and campaigns.