Title: Permanent Hair Straightening Tips
1Permanent Hair Straightening
Find out which permanent hair straightening
process best works for you.
2With the many hair straightening systems out
there, we get confused with their differences.
There are actually different kinds of hair
straightening treatments categorized as permanent
hair straightening or natural hair straightening.
3If you want to know if permanent hair
straightening is best for you, it would be
recommended that you first seek consultation from
a hair expert. A Strand Test is done to see what
will best work for you.
4Permanent hair straightening usually involves
five different kinds of hair products. Theres
the chemical hair relaxer formula, neutralizer,
petroleum cream, shampoos for relaxers and
relaxing conditioners. All these will be modified
in order to meet the needs of your hair.
5More hair straightening tips at