Title: The Possibility of the Impossible
1The Possibility of the Impossible
2The Possibility of the Impossible
- The trouble with paranormal phenomena is that
theyre just not normal. - Its not simply that theyre rare or unusual
(which they are) its that they seem to violate
the natural order of things. (Thats why we
sometimes call them supernatural.) - Their very existence seems to contradict certain
fundamental laws that govern the universe. - Since these laws define reality for us, anything
that violates them appears impossible. - According to Rothman, anything that violates
physical principles is impossible. Because ESP
violates these principles, it is impossible.
3Paradigms and the Paranormal
- According to the true believers (those who accept
the reality of the paranormal), nothing is
impossible. - Erich von Daniken, author of Chariots of the
Gods, puts it, nothing is incredible any longer.
The word impossible should have become
literally impossible for the modern scientist. - Von Daniken is referring to the fact that many
things that scientists once considered impossible
are now considered real. - The most notorious example is meteorites. For
many years, the scientific community dismissed
meteorites as impossible.
4Paradigms and the Paranormal
- Many of todays scientists, say the true
believer, suffer from a similar myopia. Theyre
unable to see beyond the narrow confines of their
pet theories. - This defect is a potentially serious one, for it
can block scientific development. The historian
Thomas Kuhn, in his seminal work The Structure of
Scientific Revolutions, has shown that science
advances only by recognizing and dealing with
anomalies (phenomena that dont seem to obey
known laws). - According to Kuhn, all scientific investigation
takes place within a paradigm, or theoretical
framework, that determines what questions are
worth asking and what methods should be used to
answer them.
5Paradigms and the Paranormal
- From time to time, however, certain phenomena are
discovered that dont fit into the established
paradigm that is, they cant be explained by the
current theory. - At first, as in the case of meteorites, the
scientific community is forced to abandon the old
paradigm and adopt a new one. - In such a case, the science is said to have
undergone a paradigm shift.
6Paradigms and the Paranormal
- There have been many paradigm shifts in the past.
Galileos discovery of the moons of Jupiter and
the phases of Venus let to a shift from a
geocentric (Earth-centered) view of the solar
system to a heliocentric (sun-centered) one. - Darwins discovery of the strange creatures of
the Galapagos Islands let to the shift from
creationism to evolution. - The failure to detect the luminiferous ether
(the medium in which light waves were supposed to
travel) led to a shift from Newtonian physics to
Einsteinian physics. - Similarly, say the true believers, paranormal
phenomena may lead to another paradigm shift.
7Paradigms and the Paranormal
- We may have to give up many of our most cherished
beliefs about the nature of reality. But its
happened before, and, they claim, theres no
reason to think it wont happen again. - As Shakespeare so eloquently put it, There are
more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than
are dreamt of in your philosophy.
8Logical Possibility versus Physical Impossibility
- Although, its fashionable to claim that anything
is possible, such a claim is mistaken, for there
are some things that cant possibly be false, and
others that cant possibly be true. - The Greek philosopher Aristotle (Platos pupil)
was the first to systemize our knowledge of
necessary truths. The most fundamental of
them-the ones upon which all other truths
rest-are often called the laws of thought.
9Laws of Thought
- Necessary truths and necessary falsehoods
- The Law of Noncontradiction Nothing can both
have a property and lack it at the same time. - The Law of Identity Everything is identical to
itself. - The Law of Excluded Middle For any particular
property, everything either has it or lacks it.
10Laws of Thought
- These principles are called the laws of thought
because without them thought-- as well as
communication-- would be impossible. In order to
think or communicate, our thoughts and sentences
must have a specific content, they must be about
one thing rather than another. - One of the most effective techniques of refuting
a position is known as reductio ad absurdum
reduction to absurdity. - If you can show that a position has absurd
consequences, youve provided a powerful reason
for rejecting it.
11Reductio ad absurdum
- Adopt one of the tenets of an argument, say for
instance that reality is constructed by the
individual. - If so, then why not ask an individual to step out
in front of a moving dump truck. Lets see what
kind of reality they construct. - If you can adopt an argument and show it to be
absurd, you have a powerful tool for refuting the
12Logic and Subatomic Particles
- Can you be in two places at once? The obvious
answer would be No! Otherwise, this would be a
violation of the Law of Noncontradiction, not to
mention a physical impossibility - But some reports of what is termed
SuperPosition show that subatomic particles CAN
be in two places at once. - At the quantum, subatomic level, things do get
weird an conventional logic may not always apply.
But this does NOT mean that the same
contradictions of logic apply to the rest of the
13Laws of Thought
- We know, for example, that there are no round
squares, no married bachelors, and no largest
number because such things violate the law of
noncontradiction--they attribute both property
and its negation to a thing and are thus
self-contradictory. - Thus, von Daniken is mistaken in thinking that
anything is possible. Things that are logically
impossible cannot be real. - There are limits to what can exist, and those
limits are most broadly defined by the laws of
14Laws of Thought
- Rothman claims that ESP is impossible. Now if he
means that ESP is logically impossible, then,
provided hes right, we can dismiss it out of
had, for in that case, it cant exist. - But if ESP isnt logically impossible. The
notions of reading anothers mind, viewing
distant objects, and even knowing the future are
not self-contradictory in the way that married
bachelors or round squares are, neither are such.
- Many things that are logically possible are
physically impossible.
15Too many questions about ESP
- What form of energy is used to convey information
in ESP? Why cant it be detected or blocked? Why
is there no signal decay over distance or time? - How does the brain or mind generate this
energy? - What sensory system receives the information? If
its a gut feeling as in our organic senses,
how precise is this sense?
16Laws of Thought
- Even if we take von Daniken to be claiming that
nothing is physically impossible, hes still
mistaken. Our universe is governed by physical
laws, and whatever violates them cannot occur. - What is von Daniken claiming then? His point
seems to be not that paranormal phenomena dont
violate physical laws, but that our understanding
of physical laws may change. - In other words, he seems to be saying that it is
logically possible that our notion of physical
possibility will change, that we may someday
adopt a paradigm that permits such phenomena.
17Laws of Thought
- But this possibility doesnt give us any reason
for believing that paranormal phenomena are
real--for reasonable belief must be based on
actual evidence. The fact that we may someday
come to believe that something is real gives us
no reason for believing that it is. The
principle that should guide our thinking in these
matters is this - Just because something is logically possible
doesnt mean that it is real. - If logical possibility were evidence for physical
reality, all sorts of fantastic things would have
to be considered real, like moon-jumping cows.
18Laws of Thought
- Logic is the study of correct thinking. As a
result, the laws of thought are often referred to
as the laws of logic. Anything that violates
these laws is said to logically impossible, and
whatever is logically impossible cant exist. - Logic The study of the laws of the laws of
science. - Paranormal phenomena as psychokinesis,
spontaneous dematerialization, spontaneous
combustion, UFOs, reincarnation, plant
communication, dowsing, or out-of-body
experiences. What, if anything, these phenomena
violate are not the laws of logic, but the laws
of physics or, more generally, the laws of
science. If they violate those laws, theyre
physically impossible. - Just because something is logically possible
doesnt mean that its real.
19Laws of Thought
- Time travel seems to be logically impossible
because it implies that an event both did and did
not happen. Suppose you travel back in time to a
place youve never been before. History records
that you were not present at that place and time,
but now you are. - You cannot both be and not be at a place and
time, however. So time travel seems to violate
the law of noncontradiction.
20Laws of Thought
- Psychokinesis, the ability to move external
objects with the power of ones mind, seems to be
impossible because it seems to imply the
existence of an unknown force. - Science has identified only two forces whose
effects can be felt over long distances
electromagnetism and gravity. - The brain however, is not capable of producing
enough of either of these forces to directly
affect objects outside of the body. So
psychokinesis seems to violate the laws of
21Laws of thought
- The notion that we have been visited by ancient
astronauts or aliens from outer space seems
technologically impossible because the amount of
energy needed to travel to the stars is
astronomical. - In Beyond Star Trek, physicist Laurence Kraus
considers some of the practical problems
associated with interstellar travel. A spaceship
traveling to Alpha Centauri (the nearest star) at
25 the speed of light and using conventional
rocket fuel, he claims, would have to carry more
fuel than is available from all the matter in the
22The Appeal to Ignorance
- If a lack of evidence against a claim actually
constituted evidence for it, all sorts of weird
claims would be credible. - A claims truth is established by the amount of
evidence in its favor, not by the lack of
evidence against it. - In addition, the strategy of placing the burden
of proof on the nonbeliever is unfair because
doing so asks him or her to do the impossible,
namely, to prove a universal negative.
23The Appeal to Ignorance
- There are those, however, who measure the
credibility of a claim, not in terms of the
evidence in its favor, but in terms of the lack
of evidence against it. They argue that since
there is no evidence refuting their position, it
must be true. - Arguments of this type are said to commit the
fallacy of appealing to ignorance. - Just because a claim hasnt been conclusively
refuted doesnt mean that its true. - Just because a claim hasnt been conclusively
proven doesnt mean that its false.
24Appealing to mysteries
- A common attempt to avoid having to answer
difficult questions raised by your belief is to
appeal to other mysteries as if these explain or
justify your belief too. - Remember the coelacanth they said it had to be
extinct therefore - Honeybees should not be able to fly according to
aerodynamics therefore
25The evidence for ESP?
- Following Humes maxim and the outcome of Project
Stargate as well as over 70 years of other ESP
research, to what extent should we invest belief
in ESP based on evidence for ESP? - An emerging new paradigm A new paradigm is only
dictated by anomalies occurring frequently
Evidence in favor of ESP is actually a rare
occurrence. - Is the experimenter effect a valid experimental
variable for a robust phenomenon OR evidence
that even if ESP is real, it is a weak phenomenon
at best????
26The Possibility of ESP
- What about Rothmans claim that ESP is physically
impossible? Is it? - If so, is investigating it really worth our
while? - Even if our best scientific theories seem to
indicate that ESP is physically impossible,
investigating is still has some value, for our
scientific theories may be wrong. - The only way we can tell whether or not theyre
wrong is to test them, and investigating ESP
constitutes one such test.
27The Possibility of ESP
- Failure to come up with any credible examples of
ESP (or other paranormal phenomena) serves to
confirm our current theories. - If Psi is not an anomaly, then how else to
account for apparent unexplainable findings - What are artifacts?
- For Psi to be extrasensory, doesnt sensory
leakage have to be ruled out?
28The Possibility of ESP
- Your inability to explain something may simply be
due to your ignorance of the operative forces or
principles. - When faced with something you dont understand,
then, the most rational course of action is to
seek a natural explanation.
- Rothmans claim that ESP is impossible is based
on the theory that ESP is a transmission of
information from one object to another and that
the information transfer has features (like the
failure to degrade over distance) that violate
physical law. If his theory is correct, his
claim is justified. If not, its unfounded.
30A photo of psychic John Edward being tested by
Gary Schwartz. Ph.D. in Schwartzs research
facility at the University of AZ. Note that while
Edward is being tested for being able to
communicate psychically with another person,
Edward is able to peek through the room divider
used to control for any non-psychic means of
31Theories and Things
- Skeptics who wish to maintain that paranormal
phenomena are physically impossible often write
as if the phenomena themselves contradict
physical law, but a phenomenon cant contradict a
law any more than a tree can get married. - It isnt the phenomena themselves that contradict
physical law, but rather our theories about them.
32Theories and Things
- We say that an object must fall if its dropped to
obey the law of gravity. Objects do not have to
obey any such law dropped objects do fall and
this regular observation of nature is the basis
for saying there is a law of gravity. - But dropped objects do not necessarily fall if
some other force acts on them some form of
propulsion makes an object able to fly or hover
and gravity to be overcome.
33Theories and Things
- Since these theories may be mistaken, we must
approach claims of physical impossibility with
extreme caution.
- A miracle is not contrary to nature but contrary
to our knowledge of nature. - The scientific ignorance of the ancient Jews and
early Christians may explain why they reported so
many miraculous occurrences. - The parting of the Red Sea (or REED Sea?), then,
need not be considered a miracle because it does
not violate any physical laws. The research by
the Oceanographers It could have been a purely
natural event. - Just because you cant explain something doesnt
mean thats supernatural. - The people who wrote the Bible would regard a
wheel barrel as high technology, a laser pointer
as a miracle.
35Knowing the Future
- Precognition, (knowledge before hand) is even
more puzzling than telepathy, (knowing anothers
feelings thoughts at a distance), because it
not only seems to be physically impossible, it
also seems to be logically impossible. - So precognition seems to commit us to an existing
nonexistent, which is a logical impossibility.
- Precognition, then, is a form of fortune-telling
its seeing into the future. Such an ability
certainly appears physically impossible, for it
seems to be at odds with the principle of
causality, which states that an effect cannot
precede its cause. But more important, it also
appears logically impossible, for it seems to
suggest that the future exists now, and thats a
contradiction in terms. - It will exist, when the time comes, but does not
exist now. - The problem with this view is that there are
models of physical reality, consistent with all
known physical laws, in which the future does
exist now.
- Even if precognition doesnt violate any physical
laws, it probably doesnt occur. From the fact
that something can happen, it doesnt follow that
something does. Whats more, we have reason to
hope that it doesnt happen because if it did, we
would have no free will. If the future exists
now, then its determined. And if the future is
determined, then we are powerless to change it. - The problem with reconciling precognition and
free will is particularly acute for those who
believe that God is all-knowing. If God knows
everything, He knows the future, and thus the
future is determined. - Just because something is physically possible
doesnt mean that its real.