Title: Strategies for Handling Notifications at National Level
1Strategies for Handling Notifications at National
Level the Experience of China
- Yang Song
- Deputy Division Director
- WTO/SPS National Enquiry Point of China
2the Experience of China on Transparency
- 1. SPS System
- 2. Notifying SPS Measures of China
- 3. Handling Notifications from Other Members
- 4. Dealing with SPS Enquires
- 5. The Website of SPS Notification Enquiry
- 6. Difficulties faced
3the Experience of China on Transparency
41. SPS System of China
- government authorities involved
- General Administration of Quality Supervision,
Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) - Ministry of Commerce
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of Health
- Certification and Accreditation Administration of
China - The State Food and Drug Administration
- The State Forestry Administration
51. SPS System
- The Inter-Ministerial Coordination Mechanism on
TBT and SPS Measures - Established in 2002
- Led by AQSIQ
- To promote coordination on
- The implementation of SPS Agreement
- SPS related training
- Commenting on notifications that have crucial
impact on the trade (Positive List,
Anti-terrorism, etc.)
61. SPS System of China
- The SPS National Enquiry Point
- Established in AQSIQ to coordinate the
notification, enquiry and comment issues
domestically - The Notification Authority
- Established in the Ministry of Commerce to submit
7the Experience of China on Transparency
2. Notifying SPS Measures of China
82. Notifying SPS Measures of China
- Drafting of new SPS measure - competent
authority - Deciding whether to notify or not - competent
authority - Filling out the notification form in both English
and Chinese - the competent authority - Submitting the notification to SPS Enquiry Point
- Reviewing the notification - SPS Enquiry Point
- Submitting to the Notification Authority
- Submitting to WTO - through the Permanent Mission
of China in Geneva
92. Notifying SPS Measures of China
- 241 SPS notifications including
- 140 notifications according to the Accession
Commitment - 95 notifications on new SPS measures
- 6 addendum notifications
- Improvement
- The awareness of the importance of notification
is increasing among competent authorities
10the Experience of China on Transparency
2. Notifying SPS Measures of China
3. Handling Notifications from Other Members
113. Handling Notifications from Other Members
- Receiving and translating notifications - SPS
Enquiry Point - Selecting notifications to comment- SPS Enquiry
Point - Distributing notifications to relevant
authorities - Both electronic version and paper version
- SPS Notification Newsletter including all
notifications, published every two weeks - Notifications and their Chinese translation also
available on the website of the SPS Enquiry Point
123. Handling Notifications from Other Members
- Studying and making comments on notifications -
Expert group established by relevant Chinese
government authorities related to SPS issues - Collecting comments - SPS Enquiry Point
- Examining comments AQSIQ
- Translating the final comments into English and
submitting to the notification Member - the
Enquiry Point - Coordination
- Important notifications
- Disagreement on comment
133. Handling Notifications from Other Members
- Receiving responses - SPS Enquiry Point
- Feedback for reference or further comment
14the Experience of China on Transparency
2. Notifying SPS Measures of China
3. Handling Notifications from Other Members
4. Dealing with SPS Enquires
154. Dealing with SPS Enquires
- The SPS Enquiry Point is responsible to answer
reasonable questions asked by domestic and
foreign government authorities, industries and
other stakeholders. - During the 4 years after the Accession, it have
received and answered more than 1100 enquiries
and the number of enquiries is increasing year by
16the Experience of China on Transparency
2. Notifying SPS Measures of China
3. Handling Notifications from Other Members
4. Dealing with SPS Enquires
5. The Website of SPS Notification Enquiry of
175. The Website of SPS Notification Enquiry of
- Functions
- Provide information on proposals notified by all
WTO Members including China - Provide information on SPS measures of China and
other Members, including laws, regulations,
decrees, standards and etc. - A channel for comment online
- A channel for enquiry online
185. The Website of SPS Notification Enquiry of
- Contents
- Dozens of databases
- Notifications from China
- Notifications from other members
- Laws, regulations, decrees, standards and etc.
- Risk alert system
- Analysis reports
195. The Website of SPS Notification Enquiry of
- The website is established in 2003, and available
to government authorities, industries and other
stakeholders - Feed back by users - informative and useful
- 630,000 visits total, 270,000 in 2005
- www.tbt-sps.gov.cn
20the Experience of China on Transparency
2. Notifying SPS Measures of China
3. Handling Notifications from Other Members
4. Dealing with SPS Enquires
5. The Website of SPS Notification Enquiry of
6. Difficulties faced
214. Difficulties faced
- Translation
- Large amount notifications and full texts
- Costly for both money and time
- Unpopular languages
- Solution - share informal translations
- Problem - not a common practice
224. Difficulties faced
- Commenting period
- Some notifications less than 60 days
- Request for extending with no answer
234. Difficulties faced
- The initiative to make comments
- As a new Member of WTO, there is not much
awareness of the importance of making comments on
notifications from other Members. Especially
industries should be involved more deeply. - the training of industries should be
strengthened. - Experience sharing on commenting encouraged.
24Thank You