Title: Oregon Vital Events Registration System
1Oregon Vital Events Registration System
- Electronic Death Registration System
- Information and Demonstration
2What is an Electronic Death Registration System
- Paperless death certificates
- Web based technology
- Biometric (fingerprint) authentication
- Disposition permit printing at funeral home
- Printing certified copies at the county office
- Electronic amendments and corrections
3Overall benefits of an EDRS
- Improved timeliness
- Higher quality
- More efficient communication participants
interact electronically - Increased security
4Who benefits?
- Families
- Funeral directors
- Medical professionals and medical examiners
- Local and state registrars
- Federal, state, and local agencies
- Public health researchers
5Specific benefits of EDRS
- Faster service to families
- Electronic referrals between funeral directors
and medical certifiers - Drop to paper feature if the funeral director
or medical certifier is not utilizing EDRS - Electronic SSN verification forthcoming
- Medical certifiers are able to initiate the death
certificate without waiting for the funeral home
6More specific benefits of EDRS
- Conformance with a 2002 American Medical
Association Resolution calling for moreuniform
cause of death reporting - Automatic error checking
- Reduces internal inconsistencies
- Reduces missing values
- Electronic corrections and amendments
- Amended/corrected records immediately available
at the county no fax, no fuss
7What does the Oregon EDRS look like?
The Oregon EDRS software is called DAVE, which
stands forDatabase Application for Vital Events.
8Login to DAVE
9Funeral Director Start/Edit Case
10Decedent Information
11Resident Address
12Family Members
13Informant Information
15Decedent Attributes
16Funeral Director can complete Place of Death
17Affirmation Sign with Fingerprint
18Refer to Medical Certifier
19Disposition Approval
20Funeral Director Print Forms
- Working copy, for your records
- Drop-to-paper, if medical certifier is not part
of the EDRS system - Disposition permit
21Medical Certifier Begins Case
- The medical certifier receives a system-generated
email when the funeral director requests medical
certification. - They login to DAVE and select the case from the
internal message requesting medical
certification. - Medical certifiers can also start a case, which
the funeral director can later locate and then
complete the personal information.
22Medical Certifier Work Queues Messages
23Date/Time of Death
24Place of Death
25Cause of Death
26Other Factors
28Certifier Information
29Affirm and Certify with Fingerprint
30Medical Certifier Print Forms
- Working copy, for your records
- Drop-to-paper, if the funeral director is not
part of the EDRS system
31Immediately Registered
- The case is immediately and automatically
registered unless there is information that
requires review by the Registrar. - Cases requiring review include rare or reportable
causes of death, possible duplicate record, etc. - Our goal is to review cases within 24 hours of
receipt. - The funeral director will be automatically
notified when a case is registered.
32Amend Records
- Amendments to the death certificate can be
submitted by funeral directors or medical
certifiers within DAVE. - Our goal is to process amendments with 24 hours
after receipt. - After submitting the amendment, replacement
certificates can be immediately ordered and they
will be issued as soon as the amendment is
processed and the original certificates have been
33Amend Record in DAVE
34Type of Amendment
35Amendment Detail
36Amendment Affirmation
37Registrar Ordering Process
- State and County registrars can process
certificate orders within DAVE for fully
electronic records or paper records that have
been processed by the State. - County registrars may also continue to issue
copies from paper certificates. - Orders may be received from funeral directors
directly through DAVE or manually.
38Applicant Information
39Search for Decedent
40Match Decedent to Order
41Request Certified Copies Called Services in DAVE
42Services Summary
43Payment Information
44Order Summary
45Issue Copies
46Death Certificate Prints as a PDF
47Next steps
- January-August 2006 Testing of Customized System
- Early August 2006 Pilot Site Refresher Training
- August-Sept. 2006 Pilot of System
- Mid-September 2006 Statewide Rollout Begins
- January 2007 Electronic Birth Registration Sy
stem (EBRS) begins - August 2007 EDRS Statewide Rollout complete