Title: Miss. Stenquists First Grade Class
1Miss. Stenquists First Grade Class Open House
Presentation September 2008
2(No Transcript)
3Overview of Curriculum
Language Arts
Social Studies
4Language Arts
- Harcourt Program, Bradley Program, Project Read,
Trade Books, Center Activities
- Reading
- Sight Word Recognition
- Decodes, reads with fluency comprehension
- Retells a storys beginning, middle end
- Identifies characters and setting in a story
Writing Uses capitalization punctuation
appropriately Writes in a logical sequence
5Telling Time Money Addition/Subtraction Measuring
Problem Solving Patterns Two Three dimensional
shapes Fractions
- Harcourt Program, Trade Books, Center Activities
- Living Things
- Frogs
- Butterflies
- Bears
- Plants
- Chicks
- Weather/Changes
- Seasons
- Moon
Position and Motion Balls and ramps
7Social Studies
- Trade Books, Center Activities, American Girl
US Leaders, Events, Symbols, Holidays
- Johnny Appleseed, Christopher Columbus, Squanto,
Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Ruby
Bridges, Jackie Robinson, Harriet Tubman, George
Washington, Abraham Lincoln
- Colonial Period, Slavery, Depression
- Americas symbols - Flag, Statue of Liberty,
White House, Bald Eagle
Individuals, Families, Communities
8A Typical School Day
815-835 Morning Work
835-900 Morning Meeting
900-1000 Phonics/Spelling
1000-1100 Reading Groups
1105-1145 Lunch/Recess
1145-1200 Read Aloud
1200-1240 Art
1245-115 Centers
115-130 Snack
130-215 Math
9Classroom Rules
1. Follow directions the first time they are
2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
3. Do not interrupt others while they are
4. Raise your hand to be recognized.
5. Respect yourself, others, and property.
10Consequences-Traffic Light
? Green Light Break no rules
Break 1 rule (Name on
? Yellow Light Break 2 rules (Name on board with
a ?) Lose 5 minutes of recess
? Red Light Break 3 rules (Name on board with
??) Lose 10 minutes of recess Break 4
rules (Name on board with ???) Sent to the
11Positive Reinforcement
? Super Star Student of the week
? Dollar Bills
? Marble Jar
? Starbursts
12 Homework
- Weekly Writing Math activities Begins in
? Reading Log - 10 minutes each night
? Weekly spelling words
? Math Homelinks
? Sight Words
? Addition/Subtraction facts
13 Birthdays
Birthday Bag 1. Cards from classmates
2. A small gift from me 3. A birthday book
to read with their family 4. A birthday
journal Summer birthdays will be
celebrated in June!
Thank you for all your cooperation!
14Thank you for your support! Be sure to sign up in
the back for conferences, volunteer times, etc!!