Title: Email Viz Future Directions
1Email VizFuture Directions
- Important Infoviz Principle
- Tough Data Mining Problem
- The infrequent important thing
- Interfaces tailored to user goals
- Intelligence Analysts
- Investigative Reporters
- Promising Future Directions
- Integration of task, viz, and content analysis
- Mixed-Initiative Interaction
3Important InfoViz Principle
4Tough Data Mining Problem
- Its easy to see the main trends
- But often we want the rare but unexpected and
important event - Russian oil company example
- Schwarzenegger and Enron
- Cigarettes and kids
- Person on the periphery who is working stealthily
to influence things - Deep throat
5Intelligence Analysts
6Intelligence Analysts
- Interviews wit active counter-terrorist analysts
- Great diversity in
- Goals
- Computing environments
- Biggest problems are social/systemic
- Many mundane IT problems as well
7Mundane IT Problems
- System incompatibilities
- Data reformatting
- Data cleaning
- Documenting sources
- Archiving materials
8Intelligence Analysts Problem 1
- Look at a series of reports, images,
communication patterns - Try to build a model of what is going on
- Follow leads
- Compare to previous situations
- Recent problem
- Groups are changing their behavior patterns
quickly - Very little use of sophisticated software tools
9Intelligence Analysts Problem 2
- Given a large collection
- Roll around in the data
- See what has been touched
- Tools should indicate which parts of the
collection have been examined and which have yet
to be looked at, and by whom - View data in several different ways
- Data reduction methods such as MDS, SVD, and
clustering often hide important trends.
10Intelligence Analysts Problem 2
- Dont show the obvious
- e.g., Cheney is president
- Dont show what youve already shown
- Only show the most recent version
- Show which info is not present
- Changes in the usual pattern
- Something stops happening
11Intelligence Analysts Problem 3
- Prepare a very short executive summary for the
purposes of policy making - Really the culmination of a cascade of summaries
- Reps from different agencies meet and pow-wow
to form a view of the situation - Rarely, but crucially, must be able to refer back
to original sources and reasoning process for
purposes of accountability
12Investigative Reporter Example
- Looking for trends in online literature
- Create, support, refute hypotheses
13Investigative Reporter Example
Clustering Corpus-level statistics,
Co-occurrence statistics Contrasting collection
What are the current main topics? What are the
new popular terms? How do they track with the
14Investigative Reporter Example
Named-entity recognition Creating a list of
terms Apply the list to a Subcollection Create
regex rules with POS information
How long after a new Star Trek series comes on
the air before characters from the series appear
in stories?
How often do Klingons initiate attacks against
Vulcans, vs. the converse?
- TAKMI, by Nasukawa and Nagano, IBM systems
Journal 40(4), 2001 - The system integrates
- Real tasks (CRM, patent analysis)
- Content analysis
- Information Visualization
16- TAKMI, by Nasukawa and Nagano, 2001
- Docs containing windows 98
- TAKMI, by Nasukawa and Nagano, 2001
18- TAKMI, by Nasukawa and Nagano, 2001
19- TAKMI, by Nasukawa and Nagano, 2001
20- TAKMI, by Nasukawa and Nagano, 2001
21- TAKMI, by Nasukawa and Nagano, 2001
22- TAKMI, by Nasukawa and Nagano, 2001
23Mixed-Initiative Interaction
- Balance control between user and agent
- In Spotfire demo, system adjusts axes after
other category hidden - EDA
- User selects a subset of data based on
interesting-looking grouping - System then does stats on this subset in the
background while user continues to work - Then system notifies user of interesting trends
- See the AIDE system
- St. Amant, R., Dinardo, M. D., and Buckner, N.
(2003). Balancing Efficiency and Interpretability
in an Interactive Statistical Assistant.
Proceedings of IUI.