ANIMAL DEVELOPMENT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Mrs. Isaacs
  • Biology II

Unit Outline
  • Early Developmental Stages
  • Fertilization
  • Embryonic Development
  • Effect of Yolk
  • Neurulation and the Nervous System
  • Developmental Process
  • Cellular Differentiation
  • Homeotic Genes
  • Human Embryonic and Fetal Development
  • Embryonic Development
  • Fetal Development

Early Developmental Stages-Sperm
  • A mature sperm is also known as a spermatozoa.
  • Human sperm have three distinct parts a tail, a
    middle piece, and a head.
  • The middle piece and the tail contain
    microtubules, in the characteristic 9 cilia to 2
    flagella pattern.
  • In the middle piece, mitochondria are wrapped
    around the microtubules and provide the energy
    for movement.
  • The head contains a nucleus covered by a cap
    called the acrosome acros-at the tip/somabody
    that stores enzymes needed to penetrate the egg.

Early Developmental Stages-Sperm
  • A single milliliter of semen from a normal human
    male will have between 50 and 150 million sperm.
  • If less than 25 million sperm per milliliter are
    released, infertility may result.
  • Fewer than 100 sperm reach the vicinity of the
  • With contractions of the female uterus, it takes
    spermatozoa about two hours to reach the egg
    traveling approximately 12.5 cm per hour.

Early Developmental Stages-Egg
  • The mammalian egg (oocyte) is surrounded by a few
    layers of adhering follicular cells, collectively
    called the corona radiata, which nourish the egg
    when it was in a follicle of the ovary.
  • Next the egg has an extra-cellular matrix called
    the zona pullucida just outside the plasma
    membrane, but under the corona radiata.

Early Developmental Stages-Fertilization
  • The ovarian cycle occurs as a follicle changes
    form a primary to a secondary to a vesicular
  • Epithelial cells of a primary follicle surround a
    primary oocyte.
  • As a follicle matures, oogenesis (meiosis), is
    initiated and continues.
  • The primary oocyte divides, producing two haploid
    cells (23 chromosomes). One cell is a secondary
    oocyte (egg), and the other is a polar body.
  • The vesicular follicle bursts, releasing the
    secondary oocyte (egg), and develops into a
    corpus luteum.
  • The egg enters the oviduct.
  • If fertilization does not occur, the corpus
    luteum begins to degenerate in about 10 days.

Early Developmental Stages-Fertilization
  • Fertilization is the union of a sperm and an egg
    to form a zygote.
  • Fertilization has a similar process in all
    mammals, including humans
  • Fertilization requires three series of events
    that will result in a diploid (46 chromosomes)

Early Developmental Stages-Fertilization
  • Fertilization
  • Several sperm penetrate the corona radiata and
    attempt to bind to the zona pellucida.
  • After a sperm head bins tightly to the zona
    pellucida, the acrospme freleases digestive
    enzymes that forge a pathway for the sperm to
    enter the egg.
  • One sperm enters the eggs plasma mebrane and
    their nuclei fuse

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Early Developmental Stages
  • Mammalian secondary oocytes have a series of
    events to prevent polyspermy, the entrance of
    more than one sperm into a single egg.
  • Once one sperm head touches the egg plasma
    membrane, the eggs plasma membrane depolarizes
    and changes the charge. This serves to repel
    other sperm only for a few seconds.
  • Then vesicles in the oocyte called corical
    granules secrete enzymes that turn the zona
    pellicuda into an impenetrable membrane. The
    reactions serves as a long lasting block to other
  • Micorvilli extending from the plasma membrane of
    the egg bring the entire sperm into the egg.

Early Developmental Stages
  • The sperm nucleus releases its chromatin, which
    reforms into chromosomes enclosed within the
    sperm pronucleus.
  • In the meantime, the secondary oocyte completes
    ovulation and its chromosomes are also enclosed
    in a pronucleus.
  • A single nuclear envelope soon surrounds both
    sperm and egg pronuclei.
  • Cell division occurs immediately.
  • The centrosomes that give rise to the spondle
    apparatus are derived from the sperms flagellum.
  • The two haploid sets of chromosomes share the
    first spindle apparatus of the fertilized egg,
    now called a zygote.

Embryonic Development
  • Development is all the changes that occur during
    the life cycle of an organism.
  • During first stages of development, an organism
    is called an embryo
  • There are two stages of cellular development 1)
    cleavage resulting in a multicellular embryo and
    2) formation of the blastula.

Embryonic Development
  • Cleavage is cell division without growth.
  • DNA replication and mitotic cell division occur
    repeatedly, and the cells get smaller with each
  • NOTE Cleavage increases only the number of
    cells it does NOT change the original volume of
    the fegg cytoplasm.

Embryonic DevelopmentCellular Stages
  • Cleavage of a lancelet is equal and results in
    uniform cells that form a morula, which is a ball
    of cells.
  • The 16-cell morula resembles a mulberry and
    continues to divide forming a blastula.
  • A blastula is a hollow ball of undifferentiated
    cells having a fluid-filled cavity called a
  • The blastocoel forms when the cells of the morula
    extrude Na (sodium ions) into extracellular
    spaces and water follows by osmosis, resulting in
    a hollow ball of cells.

Embryonic DevelopmentCellular Stages
  • The zygotes of other animals, such as a frog,
    chick, or human, also undergo cleavage and form a
  • In frogs, cleavage is not equal because of the
    presence of yolka dense nutrient material.
  • When yolk is present, the zygote and embryo
    exhibit polarity, and the embryo has an animal
    pole and a vegetal pole. In frogs, the animal
    pole has a deep gray color and the vegetal pole
    has a yellow color.
  • All vertebrates have a blastula stage, but the
    appearance of the blastula can be different from
    that of the lancelet.
  • Humans, birds, and reptiles develop a blastula
    that is a layer of cells that spread out over the

Embryonic DevelopmentTissue stages
  • There are two stages of tissue development early
    gastrulation and late gastrulation.
  • The early gastrula stage begins when certain
    cells begin to push, or invaginate, into the
    blastocoel, creating a double layer.
  • An early gastrula has two layers of cells. The
    outer layer of cells is called the ectoderm, and
    the inner layer is called endoderm.
  • The endoderm borders the gut, but at this point,
    it si termed either the archenteron or the
    primitive gut.
  • The pore created by invagination is the
    blastopore. In primitive animal species, such as
    the lancelet, the blastopore becomes the anus.

Embryonic DevelopmentTissue stages
  • Gastrulation is not complete until three layers
    of cells that will develop into adult organs are
  • In addition to ectoderm and endoderm, the late
    gastrula stage has a middle layer of cells called
    the mesoderm.
  • NOTE ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm are called
    the embryonic germ layers. They are the first
    cells to be considered differentiated!!!

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Embryonic DevelopmentOrgan stages
  • The organs of an animals body develop from the
    three embryonic layers.
  • The newly formed mesoderm forms a supporting
    structure called the notochord. In primitive
    organisms, such as the lancelet, the notochord
    remains through the animals life. However, in
    vertebrates, the notochord is replaced by the
    vertebral column.
  • The nervous system forms from midline (middle of
    the body) ectoderm located just above the

Embryonic DevelopmentOrgan Stages
  • A thickening of cells, called the neural plate,
    is seen along the dorsal (top) surface of the
  • Then neural folds develop on both sides of the
    neural groove. This becomes the neural tube when
    these folds fuse.
  • The anterior (toward the head) end of the neural
    tube eventually develops into the brain and the
    rest of the neural tube becomes the spinal cord.

Embryonic DevelopmentOrgan Stages
  • Mesoderm cells that did NOT contribute to the
    formation of the notochord now become two masses
    of tissue called somites. Somites eventually
    become the muscles of the axial (central body)
  • A primitive gut tube is formed by the endoderm as
    the body itself folds into a tube.
  • The heart begins as a simple tubular pump of
    endoderm cells
  • Organ formation continues until the germ layers
    have given rise to all of the specific organs of
    an animals body.

Development Process
  • Development requires 1) growth, 2) cellular
    differentiation, and 3) morphogenesis
  • Cellular differentiation occurs when cells become
    specialized in structure and function
  • Morphogenesis produces the shape and form of the
  • Pattern formation, a stage of morphogenesis,
    determines how tissues and organs are arranges in
    the body
  • Apoptosis, programmed cell death, plays an
    important role in pattern formation

Development Process
  • Scientists used to believe that irreversible
    genetic changes must account for differentiation
    and morphogenesis
  • However, researchers have discovered through
    cloning animals from specialized adult cells
    shows that every cell in an organisms body
    contains a full complement of genes.
  • Therefore ALL of the cells in an adult body of
    ANY organism is said to be totipotent, meaning
    that each one contains all the instructions
    needed by any other specialized cell in the body.
  • Modern researchers have turned their attention to
    discovering the mechanisms that lead to
    differential GENE EXPRESSION
  • Two mechanisms seems important cytoplasmic
    segregation and induction.

Developmental ProcessCellular Differentiation
  • Cytoplasmic Segregation
  • -An embryo contains substances called maternal
    determinants, which influence the course of
  • -Cytoplasmic segregation is the parceling ut of
    maternal determinants as mitosis occurs.

Developmental ProcessCellular Differentiation
Developmental ProcessCellular Differentiation
  • Induction is the ability of one embryonic tissue
    to influence the development of another tissue
  • A 1935 Nobel Prize winner, Hans Spemann,
    discovered that there may be a molecular
    concentration gradient that acts as a chemical
    signal to induce germ layer differentiation.
  • In the experiment Spemann discovered that if
    presumptive nervous tissue was removed and
    transplanted to the belly region, it did not form
    a notochord.
  • However, when presumptive notochord tissue is
    placed in the same region, a second notochord is

Developmental Process--Morphogenesis
  • Pattern formation is the number one concept in
  • Studying Drosophila, fruit fly, investigators
    have uncovered that some genes determine the
    animals anterior/posterior and dorsal/ventral
    axes, other determine the flys segmentation
    pattern, and homeotic genes determine the body
    parts on each segment.
  • One of the first events to take place is the
    orientation of the head (anterior) vs. the tail
    and the back (dorsal) vs. the front.
  • In the fruit fly, and anterior end contains a
    greater concentration of a protein called bicoid.
    If bicoid is missing, the organism could have two
    tails and not head.

Developmental Process--Morphogenesis
  • The next event in morphogenesis is the
    determination of body segments, called the
    segmentation pattern.
  • The first set of segmental genes to be activated
    are called gap genes. If one of these genes
    mutates, there are gaps, or large blocks of
    segments missing)
  • Next, the pair-rule genes become active, and the
    embryo has precisely 14 segments. If one of these
    genes mutate, the animal has half of the number
    of segments.
  • Last, the segment-polarity genes are expressed,
    and each segment has an anterior and posterior
  • These morphogens, proteins associated with
    morphogenesis, are transcription factors that
    regulate which genes are active in which parts of
    the embryo in what order.

Developmental Process--Morphogenesis
  • Homeotic genes act as main switches and control
    pattern formation, which is the organization of
    differentiated cells into specific
    three-dimensional structures.
  • In fruit flies, homeotic genes determine that
    certain genes control whither a particular
    segment will bear antennae, legs, or wings. A
    homeotic mutation can cause a fly ot have two
    sets of wings or extra legs.
  • Homeotic genes have now been found in many other
    organisms, including mammals.
  • Surprisingly, all homeotic genes contain the same
    particular sequence of nucleotides (sequence of
    60 amino acids), called a homeobox. In mammals
    homeotic gened are called hox genes.

Developmental Process--Morphogenesis
  • Homeotic genes code for transcription factors.
  • The homodomain, sequence of 60 amino acids,
    protein is the part of a transcription factor
    that binds to DNA, but the variable sequences of
    a transcription factor determine which particular
    genes are turned on.
  • Researchers envision that a homeodomain protein
    produced by one homeotic gene binds to and turns
    on the next holeotic gene, and so forth. This
    orderly process determines the morphology of
    particular segments.

Developmental Process--Morphogenesis
  • Mice and humans have the same homeotic genes
    located on four different chromosomes.
  • Drosophila have homeotic genes on a single
  • All three types of animals have homeotic genes
    expressed from anterior to posterior in the same
  • The first cluster determines the final
    development of anterior segments of the animal,
    while those later in the sequence determine the
    final development of posterior segments of the
  • Finally, apoptosis, programmed cell death, is
    used to shape certain parts of the body, such as
    removing the webbing in human hands and the tail
    of tadpoles.
  • When a cell-death signal is received, an
    inhibiting protein becomes inactive, allowing a
    cell-death cascade to proceed that ends in
    enzymes destroying the cell.

Human Embryonic and Fetal Development
  • In humans, the length of time from conception
    (fertilization followed by implantation) to birth
    (parturition) is approximately nine months (266
  • It is customary to calculate the time of birth by
    adding 280 days to the start of the last
  • In humans, pregnancy (gestation) is the time in
    which the developing embryo is carried by the
  • Human development is divided into embryonic
    development (months 1 and 2) and fetal
    development (months 3-9)
  • Development can be divided into trimesters.
  • The first trimester is characterized by embryonic
  • The second trimester is characterized by organ
    and organ system formation. By the end of the
    second trimester the fetus looks distinctly
  • In the third trimester, the fetus grows rapidly
    and the major organ systems become functional. An
    infant born one or perhaps two months premature
    has a reasonable chance of survival.

Human Embryonic and Fetal Development
  • Extraembryonic membranes it possible for reptiles
    and other organisms to develop on land.
  • When embryos develop in water, the water supplies
    oxygen for the embryo and takes away waste
    products. Water also prevents drying out and
    provides a protective cushion. For embryos that
    develop on land, all of these functions are
    carried out by the extraembryonic membranes.
  • The chorion carries on gas exchange for the
  • The amnion contains the protective amniotic
    fluid, which bathes the developing embryo
  • The allantois collects nitrogenous wastes and the
    yolk sac is the first site of blood cell

Embryonic Development
  • The First Week
  • -Fertilization occurs in the upper third of the
  • -Cleavage begins 30 hours after fertilization
    and continues as the embryo passes through the
    oviduct to the uterus
  • -By the time the embryo reaches the uterus on
    day three, it is a morula
  • - By the fifth day, the morula has transformed
    into the blastocyst. The blastocyst has a
    fluid-filled cavity, a single layer of outer
    cells called the trophoblast, and an inner cell
    mass. The early trophoblast provides nourishment
    for the embryo. Later the trophoblast gives rise
    to the chorion and athe inner cell mass
    eventually becomes the embryo.

Embryonic Development
  • The Second Week
  • -At the end of the 1st week, the embryo is
    implanting in the wall of the uterus.
  • -The trophoblast secretes wnzymes to digest away
    some of the tissue and blood vessels of the
    endometrium of the uterus.
  • -The embryo is about the size of a period in
    size 12 font.
  • -The trophoblast begins to secrete the hormone
    HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to maintain
    the corpus luteum past the time it normally
  • -the endometrium is maintained and menstruation
    does not occur.
  • -The inner cell mass detaches itself from the
    trophoblast and the yolk sac and the amnion both
  • -The yolk sac has NO nutritive function in
    humans, but it is the first site of blood cell
    formation. The amnion serves as an insulator
    against cold and heat and absorbs shock from a
    mother exercising, etc.

Embryonic Development
  • The Second Week continued
  • Gastrulation occurs during the 2nd week.
  • The inner cell mass now has flattened into the
    embryonic disk, which is composed of two layers
    of cells ectoderm above and endoderm below
  • Once the embryonic disk elongates to form the
    primitive streak, the third germ layer, mesoderm
    forms by invagination of cells along the streak
  • The trophoblast is reinforced by mesoderm and
    becomes the chorion.

Embryonic Development
  • The Third Week
  • Two important organ systems make their appearance
    during the third week the nervous and
    circulatory systems.
  • The nervous system is the first system to be
    visually evident. At first, a thickening appears
    along the entire dorsal length of the embryo and
    the neural fold appears.
  • When the neural folds meet at her midline, the
    neural tube, which later develops into the brain
    and the nerve cord, is formed.
  • Once the notchord is replaced by the vertebral
    column, the nerve cord is called the spinal cord.
  • Heart development begins in the 3rd week and
    continues into the 4th week.
  • At first, there are only right and left heart
    tubes. When these fuse, the heart begins pumping
    blood, even though the chambers of the heart are
    not fully formed.

Embryonic Development
  • The Fourth and Fifth Weeks
  • At four weeks, an embryo is barely larger than
    size 12 font.
  • A bridge of mesoderm called the body stalk
    connects the caudal (tail) end of the embryo with
    the chorion, which has treelike projections
    called chorionic villi.
  • The chorionic villi eventually form the placental
  • The allantois, the 4th extraembryonic membrane,
    is contained in the stalk of the of the placental
    sinus, and its blood vessel becomes the umbilical
  • The head and tail of the embryo then lift up, and
    the body stalk moves anteriorly by constriction,
    allowing the umbilical cord to fully form.
  • Little flippers called limb buds appear later,
    arms and legs develop from the limb buds.
  • At eh same time, the head enlarges, and the sense
    organs become more prominent. Igt is possible to
    make out the developing eyes, ears, and even the

Embryonic Development
  • The Sixth through Eighth Weeks
  • At the end of the fifth week the pharyngeal
    arches become functioning gills only in fishes
    and amphibians larvae in humans, the first pair
    of pharyngeal pouches become the auditory tubes.
    The second pair becomes the tonsils, while the
    third and fourth become the thymus gland and the
    parathyroid glands.
  • During the 6th through 8th weeks of development,
    the embryo becomes easily recognizable as human.
  • Concurrent with brain development, the head
    achieves its normal relationship with the body as
    a neck region develops.
  • The nervous system is developed well enough to
    permit reflex actions, such as a startle response
    to touch.
  • At the end of this period, the embryo is about
    38mm long and weighs no more than an aspirin
    tablet, even though all organ systems are

The Structure and Function of the Mammalian
  • The placenta is a mammalian structure that
    functions in gas, nutrient, and waste exchange
    between embryonic/fetal and maternal
    cardiovascular systems.
  • The placenta begins formation once the embryo is
    fully implanted.
  • At first, the entire chorion has chorionic villi
    that project into the endometrium.
  • Later, these disappear in all areas except where
    the placenta develops.
  • By the 10th week, the placenta is fully formed
    and is producing progesterone and estrogen, which
    serves two purposes 1) they prevent any new
    follicles from maturing, and 2) they maintain the
    lining of the uterus, so the corpus luteum is not
    needed. No menstruation occurs during pregnancy.
  • The placenta has a fetal side contributed by the
    chorion and a maternal side consisting of
    uterine tissue.

The Structure and Function of the Mammalian
  • The chronic villi are surrounded by maternal
    blood. However, maternal and fetal blood do not
    mix under normal conditions because exchange
    always takes place across plasma membranes.
  • Carbon dioxide and other wastes move from the
    fetal side to the maternal side of her placenta
    and nutrients and oxygen move from the maternal
    side to the fetal side.
  • The umbilical cord stretches between the placenta
    and the fetus. The umbilical cord DOES NOT enter
    the fetal intestines instead, the umbilical cord
    is simply taking fetal blood to and from the
  • The umbilical cord is the lifeline of the fetus
    because it contains the arteries and veins that
    transport waste molecules to the placenta for
    disposal into the maternal blood and take oxygen
    and nutrient molecules from the placenta to the
    rest of the fetal circulatory system
  • If the placenta prematurely tears from the
    uterine wall, the life of the fetus ad the mother
    are endangered.

Fetal Development
  • Fetal development (months 3-9) is marked by an
    extreme increase in size.
  • Weight multiples 600 times, going from less than
    28 g to 3 kg.
  • The fetus also grows to about 50 cm in length
    (19.7 in)
  • The genitalia appear in the third month, so it is
    possible to tell if the fetus is male or female.
  • Hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes add finishing
    touches to the face and head.
  • Fingernails and toenails complete hands and feet.
  • A fine hair (lanugo) covers the limbs and trunk,
    only to later disappear
  • The fetus looks old because the skin is growing
    so fast that it wrinkles.
  • A waxy substance (vernix) protects the wrinkly
    skin from the watery amniotic fluid.
  • The fetus at first only flexes its limbs and nods
    its head, but later it can move its limbs
    vigorously to avoid discomfort. The mother feels
    these movements from the fourth month on.
  • A fetus born at 24 weeks has a chance of
    survival, but the lungs are still immature and
    often cannot capture oxygen adequately

Birth (Parturition)
  • The latest findings suggest that when the fetal
    brain is sufficiently mature, the hypothalamus
    causes the pituitary to stimulate the adrenal
    cortex so that androgens are released into the
  • The placenta uses androgens as a precursor for
    estrogens, hormones that stimulate the production
    of prostaglandin and oxytocin. All three
    molecules cause the uterus to contract and expel
    the fetus.
  • During the first stage of birth, the cervix
    dilates to allow the passage of the babys head
    and body.

Birth (Parturition)
  • The amnion usually bursts during the first stage
    of birth.
  • During the second stage of birth, the baby is
    born and the umbilical cord is cut.
  • The third stage of birth allows the mothers body
    to expel the placenta.

Preventing Birth Defects
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