Title: Doingbusiness in 2006 Creating Jobs
1Doingbusiness in 2006Creating Jobs
Michael Klein Vice President for Private Sector
Development, World Bank-International Finance
Corporation (IFC), Chief Economist, IFC October
24th, 2005 São Paulo, Brazil
2Doingbusiness indicators
- Business Licensing
- Taxation
- Trade Infrastructure
- Transport
- Customs
- Standards
- Updates of 04 and 05
- Corporate Governance
- Property registration
- Updates of 04 topics
- Regulation of Entry
- Labor Regulations
- Contract Enforcement
- Credit Markets
- Credit information
- Collateral
- Bankruptcy
Products Report, academic papers, country
summaries, website database www.doingbusiness.org
3What is new this year?
- Creating jobs
- entry of new businesses
- reducing informality
- New topics
- trading across borders
- paying taxes
- Post-conflict Afghanistan, East Timor, Eritrea,
Iraq, Sudan, West Bank and Gaza
4ReformsFaster entry, smaller tax burden, fewer
bordersStubborn labor regulations
5Top reformers in 2004-2005
6Top 30 economies on the ease of doing business
- New Zealand
- Singapore
- United States
- Canada
- Norway
- Australia
- Hong Kong, China
- Denmark
- United Kingdom
- Japan
- Ireland
- Iceland
- Finland
- Sweden
- Lithuania
- Estonia
- Switzerland
- Belgium
- Germany
- Thailand
- Malaysia
- Puerto Rico
- Mauritius
- Netherlands
- Chile
- Latvia
- Korea
- South Africa
- Israel
- Spain
119. Brazil
7Bottom 30 economies on the ease of doing business
119. Brazil
- 155. Congo, Dem. Rep
- 154. Burkina Faso
- 153. Central African Republic
- 152. Chad
- 151. Sudan
- 150. Niger
- 149. Togo
- 148. Congo, Rep.
- 147. Lao PDR
- 146. Mali
- 145. Cote dIvoire
- 144. Guinea
- 143. Burundi
- 142. Timor-Leste
- 141. Egypt
140. Tanzania 139. Rwanda 138. Uzbekistan 137.
Eritrea 136. Sierra Leone 135. Angola 134.
Haiti 133. Cambodia 132. Senegal 131.
Madagascar 130. Cameroon 129. Benin 128.
Algeria 127. Mauritania 126. Zimbabwe
8Heavy regulations exclude the vulnerable
Greater Informal Sector to GDP
Lesser Womens Share of Private Employment
9How much more employment?
Total average unemployment 11.3
Reforms to reach the top quartile of countries
could cut 3.7 percentage points off unemployment
Implied rate after cut
Bottom quartile
Top quartile
Ease of Doing Business indicator
10How much less informality?
Total average informal sector 41.4
Reforms to reach the top quartile of countries
could cut 9 percentage points off the share of
informal sector as a of GDP
Implied rate after cut
Bottom quartile
Top quartile
Ease of Doing Business indicator
11- Part II
- Brazils Performance
12Trading across borders
Days to import
Brazil Hard infrastructure is only 14 of the
total time
13Importing in Brazil, Jan. 2005
Customs Inspection Clearance
Pre-arrival activity DOCUMENTATION
Time, days
Inland Transportation
Port Related Activity
Total 43 days
14Strong incentives to evade tax means less revenue
Tax revenues relative to tax payable
Tax paid as a of gross profit
15Brazilian Reforms
- Bankruptcy reform
- Creditors have more say in the process
- Rehabilitation is an option not available in
previous law - Secured creditors -gt more priority, only after
limited labor claims - Estimated time halved from 10 years to 5 years.
- Estimated recovery rate jumped from 40 cents to a
U100 invested to U 17 to a U 100 invested. - Why only U17?
- High interest rates erode the returns (5 years)
16Brazilian Reforms Contd
- Debt Recovery
- New procedural rules for courts set time limit on
appeals - The new rule could shorten up to 100 days from
the current 546 days - Abuse of appeals process is used as tactic to
stall enforcement - In Brazil, 88 of commercial cases appealed
- Argentina 13
- Peru - 17
- Mexico 30
- Brazils Supreme Court handles more than 100,000
cases a year vs. the approx. 200 cases in the US.
17Brazil days to start a business
Least days Global
18Brazil days to build warehouse
Least days Global
19Brazil cost to hire and fire
Hiring Cost ( of monthly salary)
Firing Cost (weeks of salary)
20Brazil Depth of credit information
Best perfomer Global
Depth of credit information index Scale 1 6
21Obrigado pela atenção
Michael Klein Vice President for Private Sector
Development, World Bank-International Finance
Corporation (IFC), Chief Economist, IFC October
24th, 2005 São Paulo, Brazil