Title: Steffen Kaeser
1Brussels Rural Development Briefings
Session No 11 Meeting Food Safety Standards
Implications for ACP agricultural exports
11th May 2009 European Commission
Challenges with the Development of Compliance
Steffen Kaeser Trade Capacity-Building
Branch tcb_at_unido.org
2Global Trade Challenges Present Inadequacies
SUPPLY SIDE LDCs have neither the surplus of
capacity of exportable products nor the
production capacity to take immediate advantage
of new trade opportunities Kofi Annan - UN SG,
Financial Times, 5 Mar. 2001
CONFORMITY Countries that can not meet standards
and regulations in developed country markets are
effectively barred from trading with those
markets. International Development Research
Centre (IDRC), Canada
majority of Sub-Saharan African countries,
tariffs amounted to less than 2, while transport
cost incidence often exceeded 10. Since the
introduction of AGOA, transport costs have risen
relative to tariffs. World Bank Trade Note 15
May 10, 2004
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE US 1.75 bn. exports from
developing countries have been disrupted in 2004,
due to SPS (food safety) non-compliance. While
only US 53 mn. spent by donors on SPS support.
Steven Jaffee Spencer Henson, Standards and
Agro-Food Exports from Developing Countries
Rebalancing the Debate, World Bank 2004
3Challenges for Trade participation The 3 Cs
- Countries must have marketable products for
exportation - ? COMPETITIVITY of productive capacities
- Products must conform to requirements of clients
and markets - ? CONFORMITY with standards
- Rules for trade must be equitable and customs
procedures harmonized - ? CONNECTIVITY to markets
(support services)
4(No Transcript)
5Developing countries potential in Agro-Food
areabut have to comply with market requirements
Meeting Pre-conditions for Exports
- WTO TBT SPS agreements compliance
- Products sourced from areas free of pests
diseases - Fruits/vegetables - minimum pesticide residue
standard - Meats/fish meet minimum antibiotic residue
requirement - Standards of hygiene applied in manufacturing
(HACCP/ISO 22000)
Developing countries lack of implementation
6Fair Trade for All Priority Areas to meet
Product Standards Requirements
- Developing countries lack the ability to assist
their producers to meet product standards, - which often act as a barrier to developing
country exports - Significant assistance from developed countries
is required to build up their capabilities to
conform to product standard requirements - UNIDO recommends the following priority areas
for assistance - 1. A national/regional standards/standardization
body - 2. A national/regional metrology system
- 3. A certification/conformity assessment system
- 4. An accreditation system
- Source J. Stiglitz A. Charlton, Fair Trade for
All How Trade can promote - Development, Oxford University Press, 2005
7UNIDO DG SANCO Cooperation
- High-level dialogue between UNIDO DG and EC
DG SANCO since 2008
- Main targeted areas for cooperation
- Establishment of a Manual on Competent
Authorities for horticulture products - Systematic use of Food and Veterinary Office
(FVO) Inspection Reports and of RASFF data on
rejections for design of TA programmes - Participation in the Better Training for Safer
Food (BTSF) Initiative - - Development of a Rapid Inspection Response
Facility (for short-term immediate TA after
deficiencies are identified by Inspections -
avoiding bans)
Plan UNIDO support project for DG SANCO
cooperation, includ. RIRF
8UNIDO TCB - LDCs Coverage (2007 36 countries)
On-going and planned
9UNIDO Aid-for-Trade type Programmes (Supply-side
Support to the National Prevention Programme of
Ochratoxin in Coffee and Cocoa in Côte dIvoire
Budget 1.7 million Donor EC
- Objective help the supply-chain actors to secure
their incomes and exportations - Outputs
- studies in coffee and cocoa supply-chains
(determination of contamination levels, - identification of critical contamination
points, and determination of adequate sampling - methods)
- national OTA analytical laboratory upgrading for
ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation - promotion of good practices during production
and post-harvest stages - Lobbying activities to draw the attention of the
EC on adequate OTA maximum levels. - The OTA is a mycotoxin considered as a
genotoxic human carcinogen and the European
Commission (EC) is examining the opportunity to
raise new maximum contamination levels for green
and roasted coffee, cocoa and cocoa based
10UNIDO Aid-for-Trade type Programmes (Supply-side
Budget 5.0 million Donor EU
- Barrier to Trade Survey
- Study on SPS Compliance for Exports
- Standards (PSQCA)
- Standards development
- Certification Body (Systems)
- Consumer affairs
- Product certification
- Metrology (NPSL)
- Lab upgrading, international accreditation
- Product Testing (MFD, PCSIR, etc) Fisheries,
Food, Leather, Textile - Lab upgrading, PT participation
- International accreditation
- Accreditation (PNAC)
- Organizational strengthening, international
recognition - National accreditation scheme
- Training of auditors
- Setting-up of PT schemes
- Quality/Hygiene (Private sector, FPCCI, etc.)
Fish/food - Management systems
Boat hygiene Icing Landing Sites Inspection Auctio
n Hall Processors Traceability
11UNIDO Aid-for-Trade type Programmes (Supply-side
Supply and Conformity Bangladesh QUALITY
Budget 7.5 million Donor EU (co-funded
by Norway)
- Quality Infrastructure
- standard setting, laboratories infrastructure,
certification, accreditation, - metrology/calibration
- Textile competitiveness
- - industrial upgrading, product development,
technical and marketing training - Fish Inspection
- product testing and inspection services,
laboratory accreditation, waste treatment, - staff training
- Export Diversification (ITC component)
- access to regulatory market information,
EUREPGAP, - sectoral strategies, packaging
12UNIDO TCB Programmes (TA combining Supply-side
Regional Trade UNIDO/EU - UEMOA Programme
Budget 14.0 million Donor EU
- Productive Capacities and Quality Promotion
- Food safety, productivity and quality promotion
- 68 pilot enterprises prepared for ISO 9001
- National and regional Quality awards
- Training of journalists in consumerism and
product quality - Standards and Conformity Assessment
- Harmonization of standards for export products
- Harmonization of testing procedures, reg.
database on labs - Upgrading of 50 laboratories, 24 for
international accreditation - Regional accreditation scheme
- Training of 16 Lab. auditors
- Training of 40 ISO 9001 auditors
- UEMOA Phase 2 ( 6.0 million)
- UEMOA Upgrading funding received ( 11.0 million)
Microbiology Laboratory in Côte dIvoire recently
received COFRAC ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for
food testing (Sept. 2007)
13West Africa Quality Programme ( 14.5 million
EU funding)
14West Africa Quality Programme
- Trade Analysis
- Standardization
- Accreditation
- Product Testing/Metrology
- Inspection
- Traceability
- Quality Promotion
Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF)
15Component 1 Product Testing
- Total of 120 labs interested in the programme
- Total of 40 laboratories assessed for
international accreditation (ISO/IEC 17025) - Micro-biological Testing
- Chemical Testing
- Pesticides Testing
- International accreditation potential
- 2 3 laboratories per country
- Critical Issues
- Decision on lab selection (done through NSCs and
UEMOA Commissions) - Identification of country priority products (done
by NSCs) - Regional division of labour
- Civil works as pre-requisite, limited programme
funds for equipment upgrades - Institutional set-up and salary/incentive schemes
16Component 2 Product Testing
- Total of 39 laboratories assessed for
international accreditation (ISO/IEC 17025) - Micro-biological laboratories
- Cape Verde (3), Ghana (3), Guinea (2), The Gambia
(2), Liberia (2), Mauritania (3), Nigeria (2),
Sierra Leone (1) - Chemical laboratories
- Cape Verde (1), Ghana (3), Guinea (2), The Gambia
(2), Liberia (1), Mauritania (2), Nigeria (2),
Sierra Leone (1) - Pesticides laboratories
- Cape Verde (1), Ghana (1), Guinea (1), The Gambia
(1), Liberia (1), Mauritania (1), Nigeria (1),
Sierra Leone (1) - International accreditation potential
- Micro-biological laboratories 8-10
- Chemical laboratories 5
- Pesticide laboratories 3
- Critical Issues
- Decision on lab selection, reference
laboratories, and regional division of labour - Civil works as pre-requisite, limited programme
funds for equipment upgrades
17Implementation Challenges
- Programme Design
- Available financial resources
- Programme duration 3 years with no inception and
closing phase - Regional Support Unit (2 staff only)
- Increase in expert pro forma cost, equipment
cost, regional travel fares
- Regional Dimension
- 2 RECs
- 151 countries
- Regional travel
- 3 languages, Translation/interpretation
- Diverse country/development profiles
- Countries and RECs divergences
18Implementation Challenges
- Managerial Challenges
- Techn. counterpart at RECs level (SMTQ)
- RECs familiarity with TA (FAFA, etc.)
- Responsabilities of programme partners, division
of labour - UNIDO HQ management
- Size and Location of Regional Support Team
- Donor Coordination
- Communication by programme with RECs, EC
(regional and national), countries, etc.
- Politico- technical Challenges
- Regional decisions on lab upgrading, division of
labour - Regional activities Harmonization of standards,
etc. - Regional schemes are new territory
Developing Compliance Infrastructure is complex
tailor programmes Regional programmes are needed
but difficult develop REC Capacity REC
development is an extra outcome allocate
resources and time Programme management is
intensive and needs a lot of communication Region
al outcomes are difficult but measurable need
regional convergence Compliance Infrastructure
is only one part of trade development 3 pronged
Competitive supply Compliance services -
20Merci !
Questions ?
Thank You !
Trade Capacity