Title: Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction Scheme All Responses 2485
1Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction SchemeAll
Responses - 2485
2565 Questionnaires returned 80 no address /
outside area Database of 2485 15 sample
2Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction SchemeExcluding
Duplicate Responses - 2254
304 Addresses with multiple responses 104 with
different responses 200 with same response
3Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction
SchemeResidents/Business Responses
236 Businesses 2162 Households 87 Not
4Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction Scheme Option
- Option 2 most favoured
- Over 50 in favour of options 1 2
- Two out of three against options 3 4
- Removing duplicate responses gives very similar
results - More businesses shops against options 3 4
than residents
5Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction SchemeRanking-
All Responses
Different ways of ranking are all valid Opt 2
most favoured by 25 Opt 1 most favoured
by 20 Opts 1 2 favoured by 50 Opt 4
least favoured by 45 Opt 3 not favoured
by 47
6Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction SchemeRanking -
Similar to all responses Do nothing does not
have widespread support
7Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction SchemeStreet
Streets with more than 50 in favour of 1 or 2
- RED More than 50 in favour of 3 or 4 -
BLUE Streets with more than 10 responses
8Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction SchemePeak Hour
Flows Exceed 300 VPH
9Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction SchemeStreets
Exceeding 300 VPH in Peak Hours Responses - 1079
10Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction Scheme- Heavily
Trafficked Streets
- Responses more evenly balanced
- Majority support for closures in some streets
- Some streets evenly balanced
- No overall support for any option
- Option 2 has most support 46
11Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction Scheme- Comments
on Questionnaires
- Residents - 3300 comments
- Against road closures
- Other calming measures
- Diverted traffic
- In favour of closures
- Loss of access
- Safety
- Existing situation acceptable
- Businesses 350 comments
- Against road closures
- Loss of access
- Other calming measures
- Additional letters
- 260 against 3 4
- 40 against 1 2
12Barnsbury Area Traffic Reduction Scheme -
Statutory Consultees Preferences
- Fire, Police, Ambulance Option 2
- Transport for London - Option 1 or 2
- Street Management/ Buses
- Camden Officers - Option 1 or 2
- Taxi Drivers - Do nothing, 1 or 2
- Post Office - Do nothing
13Conclusions Recommendations
- Clearly more support for calming than closures
- Scheme should be based on 20mph zone supplemented
with signals and chicanes - Implemented experimentally and subject to monitor
review - Should scheme not meet peak hour traffic
reduction estimates, consider additional measures - Additional measures would be subject to
additional consultation - Consistent with incremental approach