Title: Brian Agee
1 - Brian Agee
- Meghan Burkheart
- Janet Joslin
- Michael Kelly
- Melinda Pepper
- Chris Stevens
2Background on Amazon.com
- Amazon.com as it name implies is a website, it is
known as one of the largest retailers in the
world and was at the forefront of the E-Commerce
movement when they opened their virtual doors in
July 1995. Now 7 years later they are serving 220
countries across the globe.
3Why use Amazon.com?
- We picked Amazon.com because we felt the design
of the database would be interesting and the
basic underlying design would replicate itself
throughout the database.
4Amazon.coms Database
- Amazon.com has literally millions of products
including, greeting cards, online auctions,
books, cds, video, DVD, toys, games, electronics
.. And yes even kitchenware.
5Focus of our project
- Amazon.com is a massive database, to even attempt
to use even half of the entire site would be
futile, we focused our interest in 3 areas. - Books
- Computer / Video Game Software
- Magazines
6Database Description
- Amazons database is a centralized Homogenous and
non-autonomous, in nature. They keep all data
in one datawarehouse, which is updated and backed
up on a regular basis. - Due to the nature of Amazon.coms business, if
they lose their database they are out of business.
7Book ERD
8Magazine ERD
9Computer/Video Game ERD
10Amazon EERD
11Book OOD
12Magazine OOD
13Video Game OOD
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31The Process of Creating the Database in Oracle
create table MEDIA (ASIN char(10) Primary
Key, title char(25), List_Price
decimal(7,2), Sales_Rank char(7), C_Ratings
32The Database Is Populated Using This Command
insert into MEDIA values ('013061970','Modern VSL
Design',89.00,'859632','0') insert into
Media values ('031669320','2nd Chance',26.95,'23',
4) insert into Media values ('0385335520','The
33You Can Check Your Work for Accuracy by Running a
Select Statement
SQLgt select from Media ASIN TITLE
------------------------------- -------
--------- 013061970 Modern VSL Design
89 859632 0 031669320 2nd Chance
26.95 23 4 0385335520 The
Cottage 26.95 439 2.5
34Create Table Media_category(ASIN Char(25)
Primary Key,Category Char(25))SQLgt Insert
Into Media_category 2 Values 3
('0130619701','ProfessionalTechnical')1 Row
Created.SQLgt Insert Into Media_category 2
Values 3 ('0316693200','MysteryThriller')1
Row Created.SQLgt Insert Into Media_category 2
Values 3 ('0385335520','romance')1 Row
More Tables are Created and Tested
35Checking reveals that the table is Functional
SQLgt Select from Media_Category ASIN
CATEGORY -------------------------
----------------------- 0130619701
ProfessionalTechnical 0316693200
MysteryThriller 0385335520
Romance 0765400627
ScienceFictionFantasy 1561584029
36SQLgt Run 1 Select From Media,
Media_category 2 Where Media_category.Category
'Romance' 3 and Media_category.ASIN
------------------------- ---------- -------
--------- -------------------------CATEGORY-----
--------------------0385335520 The Cottage
26.95 439 2.5
We Can Run A Query To Find A Romance, But The
Results Dont Look Very Pretty And Are Difficult
To Read.
37This Is Cleaner, But Does Not Give Enough
SQLgt select Media_Category.category, Media.Title
2 from Media_Category, Media 3 where
Media_Category.Category 'Romance' 4 and
Media_Category.ASIN Media.ASIN CATEGORY
TITLE ----------------
-------------------- Romance
The Cottage
38Now The Query Results Are More Meaningful.
SQLgt run 1 select Media_Category.category,
Media.Title, list_Price 2 from Media_Category,
Media 3 where Media_Category.Category
'Romance' 4 and Media_Category.ASIN
LIST_PRICE -------------------------
-------------------- ---------- Romance
The Cottage 26.95
39Amazon Uses Queries and Views
- These views are embedded in the HTML code that is
Amazons website. - Giving the user a dynamic view of the items.
- That they want to see and the attributes they.
- Are interested in.
- In cells of information all over the page.
- From their site to your computer.
40Conclusion Amazon.com
- As you can see, Amazon.com is a very complex
database. It was a challenge to decide on which
categories to analyze because we wanted to make a
sufficient example of the entire database.
Amazon.com almost seems to be too sophisticated
for an entry-level project such as this.
41Conclusion (cont)
- Although the database is very complex, it is
similar in many ways. The categories we choose
(magazines, computer/video games, and books) seem
to be transparent to each other and items in the
database as well.
42Conclusion (cont)
- We applied many advanced database techniques to
design the ER, EER, and, OO diagrams. We used
many Access and Oracle commands, such as those in
chapter 10 to build, create, and populate tables.
We also gave examples of queries and the data
that was retrieved from the query.
43Conclusion (cont)
- As discussed in chapter 13, backup and recovery
is very important. For Amazon.com it is top
priority. Since Amazon.com is strictly an online
retailer, their information must be frequently
backed-up. Recovery is essential because
customers must be able to access the website in
order to make a purchase. That is what makes
Amazon.com different from databases.
44Team Questions
45Melindas Question
- Why is it necessary for Amazon to be a
Homogeneous non-autonomous database as apposed to
a heterogeneous autonomous database?
46Chris Stevens Question
What is the command to insert new data into the
media table of the database?
- What measures does Amazon.com go through to
ensure stability of their database.
48Meghans Question
- What is the main differences between an ER
diagram and an EER diagram?
49Mikes Question
- What is the difference between Amazons database
and the other databases that are being studied?
50Brians Question
- How is object-oriented diagrams used for
designing databases?