Title: Pangea 250 mya
1Mammalian ReproductionPart II Process
2The Placenta
- Physically anchors fetus to uterus
- Transport nutrients O2/waste to/from fetus
- Synthesizes hormones for maintaining pregnancy
- Maternal/fetal blood separate
- Fetus is a foreign object to mother
- Fetus carries ½ father proteins
- Different self-recognition proteins
3The Placenta
- Protects fetus from bacteria and larger molecules
- Eutherian placenta composed of fetal/maternal
tissue - Eutherian placenta produces some nutrients
- All mammals have a placenta of some type. Best
developed in eutherians.
4Placental Types - Choriovitelline
- Yolk-sac placenta
- Most primitive
- Monotremes/Marsupials (except peramelidae)
- Vascularization between chorion and large yolk
sac - Yolk sac enlarged and passes nutrients
5Placental Types - Choriovitelline
6Placental Types - Choriovitelline
- Monotremes
- Fetus receives nutrients from uterine milk
- Once egg forms, it is laid (platypus) or
transferred to pouch (Echidna) - Young hatch at undeveloped stage (altricial)
7Placental Types - Choriovitelline
- Platypus
- Eggs incubated for 11-12 days
- Hatchlings are 11mm long
- Platypus do not have nipples, but have milk
producing areas with hair tufts - Weaning at 21 days
8Placental Types - Choriovitelline
- Echidnas
- Egg retained in pouch
- Young 1.5mm long
- Nurse 100 days
- Ejected from pouch 50-60 days because spines form
- Weaning at 140-150 days
9Placental Types - Choriovitelline
- Marsupials
- Blastocyst sinks into depression in uterine
mucosa - Contact strengthened by folding of blastocyst
wall in contact with uterus - Embryo nourished by uterine milk secreted by
uterine mucosa - Limited diffusion across placenta
10Placental Types - Choriovitelline
11Placental Types - Chorioallantoic
- Peramelids (bandicoots) and all eutherians
- Fusion involves chorion and allantois
- Greater degree of intimacy between fetus and
mother - Six tissue layers potentially involved
- M. endothelium F. epithelium
- M. connective tissue F. connective tissue
- Uterine epithelium F. endothelium
12Placental Types - Chorioallantoic
- Peramelid Design
- Less effective than eutherian
- Blastocyst rests on uterus on side with allantois
- Large, vascularized allantois
- Lacks villi between fetal/maternal tissue
- Uterus becomes vascularized at contact point
13Placental Types - Chorioallantoic
V 20.3
14Placental Types - Chorioallantoic
- Eutherian Design
- Blastocyst adheres, then sinks into uterus
- Villi form and uterus becomes vascularized
- Tissue may be eroded during implantation leading
to different degrees of intimacy - Fetal contribution to placenta must be expelled
from mother - Deciduous afterbirth of fetal/maternal placenta
- Non-deciduous maternal placenta retained
15Placental Types ChorioallantoicPlacental Types
16Placental Types ChorioallantoicPlacental Types
- Epitheliochorial
- All 6 layers
- Least intimate
- Loose association between maternal/fetal tissues
- Non-deciduous
- Pigs, horse, lemurs, whales
17Placental Types ChorioallantoicPlacental Types
- Syndesmochorial
- Uterine epithelium eroded
- Deciduous
- Ruminants (goats, sheep, cows)
18Placental Types ChorioallantoicPlacental Types
- Endotheliochorial
- Erosion of maternal connective tissue and uterine
epithelium - Deciduous
- Carnivores
19Placental Types ChorioallantoicPlacental Types
- Hemochorial
- Erosion of all maternal tissues
- Fetal tissue in direct contact with maternal
blood - Deciduous
- Some insectivores, bats, higher primates, most
20Placental Types ChorioallantoicPlacental Types
- Hemoendothelial
- All tissue eroded except fetal endothelium
- Surrounded by maternal blood
- Deciduous
- Lagomorpha, some rodents
21Placental Types ChorioallantoicPlacental Shape
- Shape of the placenta determined by distribution
of villi - Diffuse
- Villi over entire chorion
- Cotylenodary
- Evenly spaced groups over entire chorion
- Zonary
- Band of villi around equator of chorion
- Discoidal
- Villi in one or two discs
22Placental Types ChorioallantoicPlacental Types
23Birthing Process
- Passage of embryo is difficult
- Relaxin hormone that relaxes pelvic ligaments
and symphysis - Oxytocin initiates contractions
- Pelvic Passage
- Modifications to enlarge pelvis include resobtion
of connective tissue joining pubic bones
(gophers) or realignment of digestive tracts to
be ventral to pelvis (moles)
24Birthing Process
- When placenta tears away it leaves scars on
uterus - Counting scars gives indication of number of
young produced - Nulliparous 0 young
- Multiparous multiple litters
25Patterns of Reproduction Spontaneous Ovulation
- Spontaneous Ovulation (most mammals)
- Ovulation
- Copulation
- Fertilization
- Implantation
- Gestation
- Parturition
- Lactation
26Patterns of Reproduction Induced Ovulation
- hares/rabbits
- Copulation
- Ovulation
- Fertilization
- Implantation
- Gestation
- Parturition
- Lactation
27Patterns of Reproduction Delayed Fertilization
- Temperate bats
- Copulation
- Ovulation
- Fertilization
- Implantation
- Gestation
- Parturition
- Lactation
- Good for species with long dormancy
- Viable sperm stored through winter/hibernation
- Up tp 70-80 days
- Sperm attach to uterine wall, receive nutrients
28Patterns of Reproduction Delayed Implantation
- Insectivores, rodents, bears, mustelids, seals,
armadillos, some bats - Ovulation
- Copulation
- Fertilization
- Implantation
- Gestation
- Parturition
- Lactation
- Obligate (bears) or facultative
- Embryo develops to blastocyst, remains in uterus
until spring then continues to develop
29Patterns of Reproduction Delayed Development
- Blastocyst implants, but delays development
- Jamaican Fruit Bat example
- March April Birth 1st young, estrous
- Apr/May pregnant and nursing
- Jul/Aug birth to 2nd young, estrous, new
blastocyst implants - Sep-Mar implanted young delays then grows
30Embryonic Diapause
- Macropodid Marsupials
- Mates and produces young (Joey)
- If conditions good, reproduce again
- Presence of joey causes 2nd embryo to arrest
- 2nd young born when joey leaves pouch
- Possible mating again to have 3 young
- Joey outside pouch
- Joey inside Pouch
- Embryo arrested
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32Special Problems of Reproduction
- Cursiorial Species
- Predator exposure problems
- Camouflaged young
- Precocial young
- Arboreal Species
- Less predator problems
- Altricial young
- More development may be needed for mental acuity
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34Special Problems of Reproduction
- Aquatic Species
- Cetaceans
- Birthing as a breach to prevent drowning
- Rich milk for fast growth of blubber
- Pinnipeds
- Come on land to birth
- Need to return to sea for forage
- Short lactation, high fat, maternal body reserves
- Longer lactation, foraging trips by female
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37Special Problems of Reproduction
- Aerial Species
- Disproportionately large young
- Up to 50 adult weight
- Adult females larger than males, esp. wings
- Some Females carry young
- Others use nest
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