Title: Barrel Burning
1Medication Disposal Whats the Problem?Impacts
on Human and Environmental Health
Elizabeth Hinchey Malloy, Ph.D. and Susan Boehme,
Ph.D. Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Jessica
Winter ORISE Intern, U.S. EPA Great Lakes
National Program Office
Presented at the Indiana Hazardous Waste Task
Force, Inc. workshop
A Workshop for the Collection of Unwanted
Medications in Indiana June 20, 2007
target audience solid waste managers, TRIAD
programs, waste water treatment plant operators,
health departments, household hazardous waste
contractors, and interested citizens
2Presentation Outline
Background on the issues - disposal of unwanted
medicine - medicines in the environment Collecti
on programs and initiatives Whats happening in
the Great Lakes? Tool kit overview
3Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs)
- Includes prescription and over-the-counter (OTC)
medications, cleaning agents, cosmetics,
nutritional supplements, skin care products - Produced and used in larger volumes yearly
- Released via small quantity generators
- Biologically active
4Source U.S. Center for Disease Control and
Prevention. National Center for Health
Statistics. National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey.
5Disposal of Unwanted Medicines
- In some cases, medicines are not entirely
consumed due to - Change in prescription
- Patients health improves before finishing
medicine - Patient death
- Patient non-compliance
- Bulk economy size containers
of over-the-counter medicines
contain more than is needed
before expiration date
6Expired Medication Disposal Survey
- Survey of 100 pharmacies and 500 patients
- Pharmacy Policy
- 97 had established policies regarding the
disposal of expired UNDISPENSED medication - Pharmacy Advice
- Only 5 had consistent recommendations for
patients on PRESCRIBED drug disposal - 25 indicated that the issue of drug disposal was
addressed only at the customers request
Boehringer, S Whats the Best Way to Dispose
of Medications? 2004. Pharmacists
Letter/Prescribers Letter 20 (200415)
7Expired Medication Disposal Habits
- 500 patients surveyed
- 54 disposed of medications in the trash
- 35.4 flushed drugs down the toilet or sink
- 7.2 did not dispose of medications
- 2 used all medication prior to expiration
- 1.4 returned medications to the pharmacy
Boehringer, S. Whats the Best Way to Dispose
of Medications? (2004)
8(No Transcript)
9Main Risks of Improper Disposal Practices
- Environmental impact
- - Accumulation in waterways ? potentially harmful
effects on wildlife - Accidental ingestion (children elderly)
- - 78,000 children/year under 5 treated for
unintentional medication poisoning in U.S. - Illegal use or theft
- - Appropriation of pharmaceuticals by family and
friends, workers in homes, and burglars - Unnecessary accumulation waste of health care
10Medicines in the Environment
- U.S. Geological Survey monitoring study
- 139 streams analyzed in 30 states
- Contaminants identified in 80 of these streams
- 82 contaminants identified (many were
pharmaceuticals) - Co-occurrence common average 7 distinct
contaminants identified per stream
Kolpin, D.W. et al. 2002. Pharmaceuticals,
hormones, other organic wastewater contaminants
in U.S. streams, 1999-2000 A national
reconnaissance. Environmental Science
Technology. 36(6)1202-1211.
11Medicines in the Environment
- USGS/CDCP study of drinking water facility
- Analyzed for 106 contaminants in 24 water samples
from locations within a drinking-water- treatment
facility and the 2 streams serving the facility - 40 contaminants detected in 1 or more samples of
stream water or raw-water supplies in the plant - 34 contaminants detected in gt10 of these samples
- Some prescription and non-prescription drugs and
their metabolites were detected in finished water
Stackleberg, P.E. et al. 2004. Persistence of
pharmaceutical compounds and other organic
wastewater contaminants in a conventional
drinking-water-treatment plant. Science of the
Total Environment. 32999-113.
12Effects on Aquatic Organisms Cause for Concern
- Aquatic exposure chemicals in the aquatic
environment can result in continuous,
multigeneration exposure. - Feminization of fish - link to estrogen exposure?
- Ex Boulder Creek, CO female white suckers
outnumber males by gt 5 to 1 50 of males have
female sex tissue (David Norris, Univ. of
Colorado at Boulder) - Effects of antidepressants on fish and frog
development? - Ex Lab studies show low levels of common
anti-depressants, including Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil
and Celexa, cause development problems in fish,
and metamorphosis delays in frogs
(Marsha Black, Univ. of Georgia)
13Entry Pathways of Medicines into the Environment
- Outflow from wastewater treatment plants
- Surface application of manure and biosolids
- Commercial animal feeding operations and
aquaculture - Landfill leachate sent to wastewater treatment
plants - Septic tanks
Source www.york.ac.uk/.../ gsp/esm/images/pharma1
14Medicine Waste Management Issues and Barriers
- Communicating the issue to the public
- Lack of conclusive research
- A waste management program for medicines needs to
provide - Safe disposal method (typically hazardous waste
incineration) - Identification of controlled substances in order
to comply with Drug Enforcement Administration
requirements for handling - Convenience to participants
- Funding for disposal publicity
- Privacy of medical information
15What Can Be Done?
- Education and awareness
- Extended producer responsibility
- Pollution prevention
- Legislation (regional and national)
- Creative thinking on collection
- Collections
- - One-day drop-off events
- - Long-term take-back programs for consumers
unneeded medicines - (both need collaboration with reverse
distributors, pharmacies and/or local police
16Other Countries Initiatives
- Australia
- Community pharmacies collect unwanted/expired
medications - Paid for by Commonwealth with pharmaceutical
industry support - Canada-British Columbia
- Return program established voluntarily by
pharmaceutical industry - 75 of all pharmacies in British Columbia accept
unused/expired medications - European Union
- 11 nations have take-back programs
- Pharmacies accept unwanted pharmaceuticals
- More than half operated by pharmaceutical
industry/ pharmacies - remainder paid for by
17The new (2/21/07) federal prescription drug
disposal guidelines advise Americans to
- If alternative methods of disposal are not
available, - Take unused, unneeded, or expired prescription
drugs out of their original containers - Mix with an undesirable substance
- Put in sturdy, opaque, non-descript containers
- Throw these containers in the trash
- Flush prescription drugs down the toilet only if
the label specifically instructs doing so. - Dispose of unused prescription drugs through
pharmaceutical take-back programs if available.
The White House Office of National Drug Control
Policy (ONDCP), Health and Human Services (HHS),
18The American Pharmacists Association and the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service jointly recommend the
following (2/14/07)
- DO NOT FLUSH unused medications
- When tossing unused medications, protect
children and pets from the potentially negative
effects - crush or dissolve solid medications
- mix with kitty litter or a solid kitchen
substance - place in a sealed plastic bag to reduce the
poisoning risk - remove and destroy ALL identifying personal
information - check for approved state and local collection
programs or with area hazardous waste facilities - Talk To Your Pharmacist
19Unwanted Medication Collection Initiatives
- Local take-back programs pilots in CA, FL, IN,
IL, IA, OH, WI, WA, MI and the Northeast - Legislation in Maine established a mail-in
program IL, MA, WI and CA considering similar
legislation - Pharmwaste email listserve national group of
health care professionals, waste management
officials, government http//lists.dep.state.fl.u
s/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/pharmwaste - Product Stewardship Institute www.pruductstewardsh
ip.us - Hospitals for a Healthy Environment organization
developing a blueprint for hospital
pharmaceutical waste management nationwide
20Whats Happening in Illinois?
- Chicago Collection for Household Unwanted
Medicine May 2006 - 3rd annual event, 25 Chicago sites
- Spearheaded by Chicago Police, U.S. EPA Region 5,
IL-IN Sea Grant - Targeted older citizens
- One-day event 1,330 citizens
- turned in 1,600 lbs of
- prescription and OTC
- medications
21Whats Happening In Wisconsin?
- Collection Events
- Outreach Guidance, FAQs
- Law Enforcement Survey
- Statewide Working Group
- Possible Pilot Program
22Wisconsin Initiatives Collection Events 2006
- Brown Co. June 27 28
- 175 participanjts
- Approx. 3,500 pill containers (109,000 pills)
- Est. 230,000 worth of medicine (conservative,
based on pharmacists estimates of shelf price) - 10 controlled substances
- Winnebago Co. Oct. 3 and 4
- 114 participants
- 5 x 30-gal. non-controlled (184 lbs.)
- 3,426 pills/caps controlled, assorted liquids
- Cost 1,325.91
- Rock Co. Nov. 11
- Four hours
- 132 cars
- 261 pounds of prescription/outdated drugs
- 37 pounds controlled substances
23WI DNR Guidance for Collecting Unwanted Household
24Wisconsin Initiatives Collection Events
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28Wisconsin Initiatives Collection Events
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30125 cars 3 walk ups 128
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34Milwaukee collected fourteen 30-gallon drums of
non-controlled substances
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38Cool Facts
Controlled substances 10,472 pills
Oldest medication 1925
39Wisconsin Initiatives Collection Events
40Key Issues in WI Right Now
- Need disposal options for households where
collections have not occurred - Need disposal options for assisted living or
long-term care facilities - Need to engage coroners and law
enforcement - Need to establish a funding source
41Whats Happening in Michigan?
42Whats Happening in Indiana?
Indiana DEM has created a brochure to advise
residents on medicine disposal (excerpt below).
Numerous medicine collections have been organized
locally by the TRIAD programs, partnerships
between law enforcement and senior citizens
43IL-IN Sea Grant Resource Kit Disposal of
Unwanted Medications A Resource for Action in
Your Community
- Includes
- Background
- What are the substances of concern?
- What are the risks of improper disposal?
- How do these substances enter the environment?
- Take-back program case studies - models of
success - Guidance for organizing medicine collections for
households - Legislation on disposal and donation of unneeded
medication - Materials for public education and outreach
- Bibliography of news articles and scientific
44Disposal of Unwanted MedicationsA Resource for
Action in Your Community
- Reviewed and revised by scientists, doctors,
nurses, pharmacists, drug enforcement, waste
management professionals, and community
organizers - Kit requested by county water treatment/ solid
waste officials, environmental groups, other EPA
regions and state agencies - Holding workshop/training with solid waste
managers in Illinois, Indiana - Now on-line www.iisgcp.org/unwantedmeds
45Resource Kit ImpactsShort- and Long-Term
- Short-Term
- Form advisory group for review of resource kitv
- Give presentations on topic widely v
- Long-Term
- 1 year ? wider distribution of educational
materials (clearer, more direct, more
accessible) educate the educator (e.g.
ILCSWMA) - 2 years ? public able to 1-stop shop for info
re mgmt. of household pharmaceutical waste
disposal - 2 years ? change disposal habits of public
shift away from flushing, disposing in trash,
etc. - 5 years ? sustainable collection program
established in Great Lakes city - 10 years ? measurable decrease of
pharmaceuticals in local water supplies/watershed
46What is Still Needed?
- Research
- Humans, pets, livestock will always be taking
medications, so solutions at the WWTP are needed
for the long run - Research on designer medications
- Determine the relative importance of the
different sources excretion vs. disposal
veterinary vs. human medicine - Curb medicine waste and over- prescribing
- Education and outreach
47To Learn More
Elizabeth Hinchey Malloy, IL-IN Sea
Grant hinchey.elizabeth_at_epa.gov Jessica Winter,
U.S. EPA GLNPO winter.jessica_at_epa.gov
Additional materials and links to ongoing work
relevant to this issue are available at the U.S.
EPAs PPCPs web site
- U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office
- Scott Morgan, Indiana Household Hazardous Waste
Task Force, Inc. - Joanie Burns, Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources - Bart Hagston, Illinois Counties Solid Waste
Management Association - Sgt. Jeff Hoffmann, Chicago Police Department
- Lara Polansky, UC Santa Barbara NOAA Hollings
Scholar Program