Title: Thoughts on Branding
1Thoughts on Branding
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- What did Pepsi do, and why did they do it?
- Did the commercial tell you something about the
taste of the drink?
5What PEPSI didnt do
- Didnt describe the taste
- It didnt discuss the nutritional benefit of the
drink - Didnt discuss economics / cost
- It didnt make comparisons
- It didnt give a technical description of the
- Did you like the commercial?
- Are you upset in anyway at Pepsi?
- Did Pepsi sin by presenting this commercial?
- Deceptive, dishonest, evasive
7What is BRANDING?
- Branding produces an emotional message that
establishes a desired tone. - Branding is the selection of a desired image. It
is not the only face or image of the product. - The image entices and generates interest
- The image does NOT answer all of the questions.
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9CNN country advertisements
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11If Christians were to advertise Dubai
- Come to the desert
- Temperature is usually over 36 C
- Our women have fewer rights
- Life is overly expensive because we have to
import more goods - .but comeon over to Dubai
12Message about ETHICS
- Not everything is an ethical issue!
- The color you paint your house
- The size of the poster you print
- Whether you are direct or indirect about your
product is not an ethical issue in branding - The BIG IDEA there is amazing FREEDOM in
- Branding research starts with an analysis of a
target audience. The point of departure is NOT
the product being marketedit is the target
audience. - Branding creates a feel, and good branding
generates a unique identity that captures
attention! - An example How America On Line attempted to
grab attention.
- We have been branded (by others) and lost control
of our image. - Because of negative branding, our message is not
15The Purpose of Branding in CCC Eastern Europe
- We want to control our own image. We want back
what was stolen! - We want control of our own image because control
of the image ultimately SERVES GOD and SERVES
SOCEITY. - We invite people to see something they want, they
just didnt know it. They want Jesus!
16Branding helps us fish where we want to fish
- The Coverage plan cycle 2
- Use basically the same film
- Concern We will only reach the same audience?
- Question we had to ask
- Who should we be reaching this time?
- Analysis
17Religiously motivated
Not very motivated
18New brand
19Steps in Brand creation and promotion
- We MUST know our target audience, its interest
and its preferred cultural expression. - Determine the desired emotional feel.
- Invest in the image, sustain the image, promote
the image. - Have a clear picture of the desired impact of our
branding. It will be purpose driven.
20Our cultural position/challengeThe Tom Seely
Christian Sub-culture
General Society
21Our cultural challenge
Calm to radical
Christian Sub-culture
General Society
22THE PASSION and Branding
Calm to radical
Christian Sub-culture
General Society
Radical Christian culture
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24Identify your brand
- If a person ONLY encountered your media image,
what would he think/feel about you? - What kind of people are you?
- Why would someone want to meet you and interact
with you? - Would someone want to meet with you?
25Thoughts on selecting a Brand
- There is NO one-size fits all brand.
- Czech will be different than Japan
- Different ministries will select different
brands. Coverage and Campus will NOT look very
26Energetic Surprising Intelligent Sassy We know
you! We not nice nor moralistic
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28One more thought on selecting a Brand
- Being PREDICTABLE usually doesnt generate
30Questions we must answer
- What is your TARGET Brand?
- How do you want people to FEEL about you?
- What do you want your brand to accomplish for
31One Branding goalTo purchase the toughest 10
minutes on campus! The first 10 minutes at a
students door!
32A thought from Larry Thompson
- If we can improve our image by 5, we might be
able to double our impact. - NOT JUST ANY IMAGE WILL BRING BACK THE CONTROL!
33Branding and content
- Our writers need to know our brand
- Our editors MUST embrace and breath the brand
(and work with great freedom) - We must be committed to the following idea We
dont publish what we get, we publish what we
34Branding and integration
- Our brand cannot grow in independence from our
message. We must be COMFORTABLE communicating
Christ through our brand. If we are not, we must
modify the brand.
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37The future of branding
- The future might ask us to move outside our
current comfort zone. - If we are to intersect with CULTURE, then we need
to find more COMMON GROUND with the culture.
38The pill that is going to be difficult to swallow
- Branding is contextually driven. It often is not
message driven. - Jim Green in the 60s
- Jesus the Revolutionary
- Bud Hinkson, Russia in early 90s
- Jesus, a significant part of our history
- Many countries in Eastern Europe
- Jesus, the one who gives hope for the future
39- South America
- Jesus offers liberation
- Historys handful
- Jesus is my business partner
- American middle class
- Jesus offer balance and meaning
- After 9/11
- Prince of Peace
- The POINT is that we package our message