Title: Jeopardy
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4Mexican War
Oregon Trail
California Gold Rush
Acts Such
Manifest Destiny
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
10 Point
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
20 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
40 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
5This is the area of land once owned by Mexico,
but acquired by the United States after the end
of the Mexican-American War.
6The Mexican Cession
7These years span the duration of the
Mexican-American War.
81846 - 1848
9This is the name of the treaty which brought an
end to the Mexican-American War.
10The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
11This man was President of the United States
during the Mexican-American War.
12James K. Polk
13This Mexican President/Commander was defeated at
the Battle of Buena Vista by Zachary Taylors
14Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
15This term is defined as the act of formally
destroying something through legal means, either
by making it illegal, or simply no longer
allowing it to exist in any form.
17This phrase was commonly used in referring to
18The Peculiar Institution
19This man was active in the abolitionist movement
and was known for being the editor of The North
Star newspaper.
20Frederick Douglass
21This man was actively involved in the
abolitionist movement and was the editor of The
Liberator newspaper.
22William Lloyd Garrison
23This term is defined as a tendency among sections
in a bureaucracy to focus solely on the interests
of a section and NOT on the benefits of the whole.
25The painting shown here beholds the idea of
this belief that the United States had the divine
path to move westward.
26Manifest Destiny
27During Manifest Destiny, this is the territory
that was most notably settled.
28The Oregon Territory
29This is the man that coined the term Manifest
30John L. OSullivan
31This is the parallel that divides the Oregon
Territory from British Territory.
3249th Parallel
33This is the name of the magazine where the term
Manifest Destiny first appeared.
34The Democratic Review
35The illustration shown highlights this path that
pioneers took westward.
36The Oregon Trail
37This city was the most common starting place for
wagon trains setting out on the Oregon Trail.
38Independence, Missouri
39The illustration shown highlights the trail
westward taken by this famous group of pioneers
that met with misfortune.
40The Donner Party
41This is the name of the man who gave The Donner
Party bad directions.
42Lansford Hastings
43This was the disease that killed many of the
pioneers that traveled westward.
45This is the year most notorious for the
California Gold Rush.
47This man was responsible for making pants that
were durable for miners, which eventually became
known as blue jeans.
48Levi Strauss
49This man is the one who found gold and sparked
the California gold rush.
50John Marshall
51This is the name of the place where gold was
discovered in California.
52Sutters Mill or Sutters Fort
53This nickname was given to those people who
traveled west to mine for gold.
55In December of 1845, Texas was admitted into the
Union as the 28th state when Congress approved
this measure.
56The Texas Annexation
57This document presented a stipulation that none
of the territory acquired in the Mexican War
should be open to slaveryit was never passed by
58The Wilmot Proviso
59Also known as Clays Resolutions, this resolved 5
points concerning questions of controversy arisen
by the institution of slavery.
60The Missouri Compromise of 1850
61This stated that slavery would be prohibited
north of 36 degrees 30 minutes and that slavery
would be allowed south of 36 degrees 30 minutes.
62The Missouri Compromise of 1820.
63This Act, passed by Congress in 1854, divided
territory into areas North and South of the 49th
parallel, and each territory was allowed to
separately decide whether or not to allow slavery
within its borders.
64The Kansas-Nebraska Act
65Final Jeopardy
Make your wager!
66This is the name of the famous ghost town,
located in eastern California, that used to be a
prosperous city during the California mining