The Birth of Modern Linguistics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Birth of Modern Linguistics


– PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Birth of Modern Linguistics

The Birth of Modern Linguistics
  • Ferdinand De Saussure
  • Why Linguistics is a Science?
  • Science and Ideology
  • Basil Bernstein
  • Noam Chomsky
  • Structuralist Underpinnings
  • Formalism and Functionalism

Ferdinand De Saussure
  • In Switzerland. . .

Philology vs. Linguistics Diachronic vs.
Synchronic Descriptive vs. Prescriptive Langue
and Parole-- Semiotics Objective, scientific
approach Thoroughly modern
You are watching a documentary. Imagine usual
gorgeous footage of animals in their natural
You are listening to the voiceover and suddenly
realize some very troubling facts are being
Dolphins do not execute their swimming strokes
properly (performance is in decline)
White-crowned sparrows carelessly debase their
Chickadees are slacking off and constructing
substandard nests.
Pandas are holding their bamboo in the wrong paw.
The song of the humpback whale contains several
well-known errors
Monkeys cries have been in a state of chaos and
degeneration for hundreds of years.
The song of the humpback whale contains several
well-known errors. . .
What on earth could it mean for the song of the
humpback whale to contain an error?
Those whales have low class whalish my mom
wont let me play with you.
Basic Instinct
  • Animal behaviors are instinctual and stimulus
  • They can only communicate about food, territory,
    mating and danger
  • They cannot recombine components of their
    communication system to create novel utterances
  • Limited to the immediate mode

Too Dumb to Make a Mistake
  • We dont consider instinctual, stimulus dependent
    behavior to be subject to mistakes. . . We look
    for external variables to explain variation in
    performancebirds dont have the cognitive
    capacity to deliberate about altering the melody
    of their songs and calls.

  • You actually have to be very intelligent to make
    a grammar mistake.
  • You have to have the capacity to deliberate over
    your choice of form.

Philology vs. Linguistics
  • Diachronic historical linguistics how words and
    grammar changed across time
  • Classical variety, the standard or prestige
  • The written variety of a language.

Diachronic vs. Synchronic
  • Diachronic language variation across time (ie.,
    basically historical linguistics)
  • Synchronic language variation
    contemporaneously from place to place and person
    to person.

Descriptive vs. Prescriptive
  • Prescriptive Identifies a subjective ideal and
    purports that all educated people will meet that
    ideal (i.e., it tells you how you should talk,
    and howdy is not on the approved vocabulary
  • Descriptive Describes the way a person or group
    of people actually do talk describing naturally
    occurring phenomena is a primary task of
    scientific inquiry.

Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic
  • Syntagmatic (horizontal), different word classes
    and relations in a sentence.
  • Paradigmatic (vertical), same class of words,
    interchangeable in the same place in a sentence.

Langue and Parole
  • Langue, Saussure identified as the ideal of a
    languageall the German there is to know, for
    example, which does not exist in its entirety in
    any individuals head.
  • Parole, he contrasted, is all the German in one
    individuals head. (Even though he was writing
    in French?)

Why is Linguistics Scientific?
  • In science, you describe the phenomena you
    observe and try to work out the system underlying
    the phenomena. Can you predict when the
    phenomena will occur?

Why is Linguistics Scientific?
  • Metalanguage
  • Standardized units of analysis
  • 3) Externally observable evidence as data
  • 4) Rigorous systematic methodology
  • 5) Identification of replicable patterns
  • 6) Both quantitative and qualitative research

  • Vocabulary for talking about language (labels,

Standardized Units of Analysis
  • This includes standardized units of measure and
    description such as the IPA (International
    Phonetic Alphabet)

Externally Observable Evidence as Data
  • No mind reading
  • Phoneticians tend to use recordings of speech,
  • Syntacticians tend to rely more on native
    speaker intuitions about what sounds well
  • Sociolinguists require naturally occurring,
    recorded data.

Rigorous Systematic Methodology
  • In phonetics, you record and carefully transcribe
    the data. If youre doing quantitative work you
    get statistically significant numbers of the
    phenomenon under scrutiny. . .

Identification of Replicable Patterns
  • What are the patterns and why do they occur? If
    youve identified a real pattern you can predict
    what will happen when certain variables are

Both Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
  • Case studies Particularity
  • Goes into context and all the factors that
  • come to bear
  • Quantitative Studies Generalizeability

Formal vs. Functional
  • Formal Linguistics (sometimes called Theoretical
    Linguistics) is focused on the technical aspects
    of language phonetics, phonology, morphology,
    syntax, semantics/pragmatics.
  • Functional Linguistics (also called
    Sociolinguistics) is focused on language in
    usehow people use language to create
    relationships and social realities.

Bernstein the Pariah
  • Bernstein, who was guilty of sympathizing with
    the socialists during the wrong phase of U.S.
    history, got himself (and sociolinguistics)
    pretty much blacklisted for the next 30 years or
    so. His linguistics wasnt safe.
  • (He will remain faceless on this slide1) to
    remind you that he was blacklisted for so many
    years and 2) because I cant find a photo of him.

What is Safe Linguistics?
  • Like any academic discipline, as long as you
    stick to describing the laws of nature
    uninterfered with by human volition, you will
    generally be on the safe side. If you are just
    trying to describe the biological, cognitive
    device that produces language, thats pretty
  • (Although if you say nuclear physics, stem
    cell research, or evolution its hard to
    separate them from of all the ethical and
    philosophical baggage that attends them, isnt it)

What is Dangerous Linguistics?
  • As soon as you start acknowledging and describing
    the ways human beings use language to create
    social realities, you are going to identify
    patterns where some humans use language in ways
    that benefit one group and harm another.

The Monster of Free Willy
More of Free Willy ?
The Monster of Free Will
  • There are many forms for a single function
  • The reason for choosing a particular form is not
    merely aesthetic
  • The choice of form relates to the social goals of
    the speaker

How do I apologize to thee? Let me count the
ways. . .
  • Im sorry
  • I apologize
  • Please forgive me, I am filled with remorse
  • Excuse me
  • Pardon me, I beg your pardon
  • I really regret that a mistake was made.
  • I suck.
  • You knew I was a jerk when you married me.

No Mind Reading But. . .
  • Although it is not possible (yet) to get inside
    somebody elses head and find out what their true
    motives or goals are, it is possible to identify
    patterns between the use of certain forms and the
    social effects that follow.
  • (This is just an appetizer for discourse
    analysis, which comes at the end of the course
    and is the meaning of life?).

Patterns of Verbal Behavior
  • When you start describing the social effects of
    language in use, you are getting into a sphere
    where accountability for ones linguistic actions
    must also be acknowledged. You will inevitably
    stumble upon sinister or otherwise non-benign
    patterns of language use that just happen to
    result in the social dominance of some people by
    others. National leaders tend to get their
    knickers in a knot over such observations and are
    fond of incarcerating scholars who sally into
    these shark-filled political waters. (E.g, Dr.

Noam Chomsky
  • Generative Syntax
  • Formal Linguistics
  • Safe Linguistics
  • Goal Model of LAD
  • Competence vs. Performance
  • His problems with ape research (cf. Noam Chimpsky)

Cold War Era Linguistics
  • Chomsky happened to be writing about syntax
    during the Cold War. His Aspects of Syntax came
    out in 1957.
  • (Incidentally, he was about 21 when this landmark
    work was published)

How was Chomskys work different from
  • Unlike Bernstein, who threatened the
    establishment by looking under social rocks he
    wasnt supposed to, Chomskys work was able to
    blossom because his focus was on the formal,
    technical aspects of language, not the
    functional, social uses of language (so social
    criticism was not the inevitable upshot of his
    work as it would be with Bernstein and other

Competence vs. Performance
  • Competence is what you know its the ideal
  • language thats in your head. Whats in the
  • black box? Chomsky is interested in
  • competence. He wants to know how the brain
  • produces language.

Competence vs. Performance
  • Performance is what actually comes out of
  • your mouth (or in some cases your pen),
  • which sometimes is messed up. You
  • get tongue tied or accidentally say
  • something other than what you know is well
  • formed languageif given a chance to
  • rephrase, you fix it immediately, because
  • your competence always exceeds your
  • performance.

Language in Use
  • Performance also covers the social functions
  • you perform with your language. Besides the
  • exchange of information, you build all kinds of
  • relationships and create larger social realities
  • with your language. This is what Sociolinguists
  • are concerned with. Chomsky doesnt care
  • about language in use because it doesnt
  • contribute to his quest to understand how the
  • brain produces language.

LAD The Little Black Box
  • The LAD is the Language Acquisition Device
    Chomsky believes is the key to human language
    productionit is essentially the black box of the
    human mind.
  • The goal of Chomskyan linguistics is to discover
    and describe the systematic organization of the
    LAD and its product (grammatical relations in

Chomsky and the Planet of the Apes
  • Chomsky believes that language is unique to
  • Those who want to prove an evolutionary link
    between apes and humans are invested in finding
    similarities between ape communication and human
  • Chomsky dismisses this work because he believes
    the LAD is completely unique to humans.

Universal Grammar UG
  • The UG is the universal grammar that Chomsky and
    other structuralists (and pretty much all
    linguists now, including moi) that all human
    languages share a common core of grammatical
  • Ideologically, the UG eradicates the possibility
    of one language or its users being inferior or
    primative by comparison to other languages and
    peoples (not using races here on purpose. . . )
    since they all share, in the Chomskyan theory,
    the same black box. (This is good ?)

Metaphors for UG
  • (Think of a Universal Grammar of car design,
    house building, painting a portraitonly a
    handful of options at each stage of decision
    making (standard or automatic, cloth or leather,

Whats the Point?
  • The scientific point of tracking down all the
    languages in the world and writing up a
    descriptive grammar of them is partly to prove
    that there are these universals that are
    basically a finite set of options used creatively
    to generate an infinite number of words,
    sentences, and languages. It is also, of course,
    to get a full description of what the UG

More on the Point of the Search for the UG
  • Prove that there is a UG (which supports the
    theory that all humans are born with the LAD)
  • Describe whats in the UG (partly to get at what
    it is that being human endows us with

Social Point
  • Theres also an underlying social agenda or
    worldview driving this scientific quest, and that
    is to prove the equality of all races. If you
    can prove that humans all come with the same
    equipment, then youre going to have very strong
    evidence refuting the idea that some races are
    more evolved than others.

Whats in the Black Box?
  • Switches. (Not the kind your mom made you go out
    and pick before she whipped you with it).
  • These switches are a limited number of choices
    about each feature of language.
  • The LAD allows you to learn any language as a
    baby you dont get a language as a genetic
    inheritance encoded in your genes.
  • You are born with all the switches everyone else
    is born with (think of dials or control panels),
    and your mind sets them to match the language
    being spoken around you.
  • A finite number of switch/dial settings can
    produce an infinite number of language

Adjectival Possibilities
  • For example, there are only so many things you
    can do with an adjective
  • You can put it before the noun blue eyes
  • or after the noun ojos azules
  • You may be able to add a suffix or prefix to the
    noun that serves as the adjective.
  • You could even make what English does with
    adjectives into a verb the eyes blue, the coat
    reds, that really blues me out man, etc.

A now a word from our sponsor
  • Dont forget that you have a very nice glossary
    in the back of your text book.
  • USE IT!

Some Distinctive Features of Human Language
  • Innate
  • Culturally transmitted (not genetically)
  • Arbitrary
  • Discrete
  • Generative, Creative, Productive
  • Displacement friendly
  • Dynamic

  • All human beings are born with an LAD
  • People with very low IQs can still acquire
    language with a predictable, rule governed grammar

Culturally Transmitted
  • Although its innate, humans have to learn their
    language (even though it cant be taught).
  • Some animals are born with instinctive songs and
  • Humans are born with an LAD, but it has to be
    activated by exposure to human language within
    the early years of life (a critical window) to
    actually acquire language.

  • For evidence of this you need only survey the
    variety of ways languages around the world refer
    to the same entity/item. You can even look at
    onomatopoeia in how different languages represent
    the sounds that animals make (as when talking to
    their two year old children. ?)

  • This means that smaller parts are combined in
    different ways to make larger units

Generative, Productive, Creative
  • Even a small child can take words s/he has heard
    and create sentences she has never heard before.
    She can generate new thoughts with the same

  • This, to repeat, (no waving yellow cards here,
    please) is the fact that a finite number of
    elements can be used to produce an infinite
    number of utterances and ideas.

Displacement friendly
  • While a bee can give you an elaborate performance
    as to the location of a certain desirable food
    source, it cannot remark on what it had for
    dinner the night before, or speculate on what it
    might like for breakfast tomorrow. The bee, like
    other animals, is limited to the HERE and NOW.

Displaced vs. Immediate Modes
  • Animals are limited to the immediate mode.
    This time and this place. Bees and dolphins
    dont tell stories (as far as researchers have
    been able to divine).
  • Humans are capable of using language to refer to
    other places and times, including those that are
    imaginary. Chimps and ants also do not tell
    jokes. The displaced mode is one that allows
    you to talk about past and future and
    hypothetical or fantasy worlds (which is, of
    course, what jokes are).

  • Language is fluidit is in a constant state of
    flux, changing in some ways predictably and in
    other ways almost whimsically as it is used
  • This is why the dictionary is always already out
    of date by the time it is printed
  • People like Ed Newman who think English is going
    to hell in a hand basket dont understand this
    fundamental characteristic of language. We
    dont, thank God, still talk like Beowulf or King
    James. Are we in hell?

Thought to Ponder
  • So I guess Ill just leave you with that
    inspiring thought today,
  • Are we in hell?

Intercalary Caveat
  • Remember that being a descriptivist doesnt mean
    that EVERYTHING that comes out of your mouth is
    grammatical. In terms of theory, it means that
    you have a perfectly well formed grammar in your
    head (ie. Competence). What comes out of your
    mouth may be another matter!

You CAN be wrong!
  • If other native speakers of your speech variety
    judge a sentence to be ill formed, then you
    uttered something ungrammatical.

Seeing Stars in Linguistics
  • Asterisks are used in linguistics to mark a word
    or sentence that is unsayable or unsaid by native
    speakers of the language variety in focus.
  • John drives me up the wall.
  • John drives up the wall me.

Starred Sentence Example
  • In American English
  • Have you ever had sushi?
  • I might have, but I was too young to remember.
  • I might have done, but I was too young to

Scottish English
  • In Scottish English
  • Have you ever had sushi?
  • I might have done, but I was too young to

Another Starred Sentence
  • Elisa Im moving to Texas.
  • Cecilia Oh? Were, too.
  • Cecilia Oh? We are, too.

In SAE (Standard American English)
  • 1. You might could open an account there.
  • 2. You might be able to open an account
  • In many southern dialects both 1 and 2 are
    perfectly acceptable in everyday conversation.

Relative Stardom
  • Thus a sentence might be starred in one language
    variety, but might be judged as well-formed in
  • However, there is still a galaxy full of starred
    utterances that would never be judged well formed
    in any variety of the language.

Some Unredeemable Stars
  • Who is firefly or eat out?
  • Dog car on over running bark.
  • Reds the coat.
  • Louise over hill the ate.
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