Title: New Prospects in Multiple Sclerosis
1"New Prospects in Multiple Sclerosis"
- Problem-oriented MS treatment with a positive spin
2 Problems, Problems, More Problems!!
4Problems have solutions
- Optimism
- Collaboration between patient and physician
5Experience ProvesOptimism wins out over
6Optimism vs. Pessimism
- Optimistic Persons do better clinically
- are they optimistic because they feel better or
do they feel better because they are optimistic?? - Optimists are willing to explore possibilities
- Keep trying
- Dont reject therapies that may help
- Work with their professionals
- bring up issues pertinent to quality of life
7Optimism Rationale
- It works better
- More effective treatments than before
- New effective treatments on Horizon
8(No Transcript)
9MS interrupts pathways
10Attack inflammation
Series of MRI scans in one patient
- MS attack Area of inflammation
- One or more Areas in the Nervous system is
12Problem Reducing inflammation
- Acute attack
- Preventing attack
13Acute Attack
- Steroids
- Solu-Medrol intravenous
- Prednisone
14Preventing attack/progression
- Interferons
- Betaseron
- Avonex
- Copaxone
- Immune-suppressing drugs
- Methotrexate, Imuran
- Betaseron, Avonex
- Cut attacks by about one third
- Flu-like side effect
- ?Depression
- Hold in pregnancy
- Avonex
- Convenient once a week injection
- intra-muscular
- shown to decrease disability progression
- More minimal side effects ?lower dose
- Betaseron
- First to be introduced
- injected subcutaneously every other day
- Highest dose interferon
- more pronounced side effects
- some skin reactions
- start slow and with anti-inflammatory meds
- Novel Mechanism of action
- Every day sq injection
- Very well-tolerated
- ? As much MRI effect
- ? Effect on Disability
19MS Issues
- Neuromuscular function
- Gait
- Vision
- Nutrition
- Bladder Function
- Sexual Function
20MS Issues (contd)
- Pain/Paresthesia
- Energy
- Spousal/ Social/Relationships
- Psychiatric
- Cognition
- Spiritual Needs
21Neuromuscular Function/probs
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Spasticity
- Incoordination
- tremor
- Ataxia
- Dyscontrol
22NM Fxn/ Weakness/solns
- Attack Treat Inflammation
- Steroids, longer acting agents
- Physical Therapies
- Increase strength, endurance
- Movement Strategies
- Assistive Devices
- Occup. Therapy increase function
23NM/ Fatigue
- Causes more Weakness
- ?Due to prolonged inflammation
- ?similar to prolonged viral illness (cold)
- Something in the blood causes fatigue
- Damage to nerve fibers is not as important
- ? Does more fatigue mean more inflammation
- Does fatigue affect prognosis?
- Drugs
- Amantadine
- Activating antidepressants
- Prozac, Wellbutrin
- Stimulants
- Ritalin, Cylert,
- 4-Aminopyridine
- Exercise
- Preemptive - Goal to increase Stamina
- Budgeting Energy
- Energy-Saving Strategies
- Nervous system Control through INHIBITION
- Brain connection to spinal cord inhibits reflexes
- Connections are broken
- Reflexes are dis-inhibited (liberated from higher
control - Reflexes are increased
- SpasticityResistance to Motion Tightness
- Physical/occup Therapies
- Limbering loosening up
- Drugs
- Baclofen
- Tizanidine (Zanaflex)
- Valium
- Dantrium
- Botox
29Baclofen Pump
- Disconnection of
- Cerebellum
- Other motor areas
- Tremor
- Postural trunk and head
- in arms and legs
- Disorganization of Movement
- Physical Therapy
- Movt Strategies and Synergies
- Assistive Devices
- Drugs
- Tremor
- Coordination
- anti-spastic
- Thalamotomy/Pallidotomy
- Tremor pacing device
33Activa tremor implant
34tremor device
- placed in the VIM of thalamus
- Weakness
- lowers affected more than uppers
- Control
- Loss of Balance
- Ataxia
- Therapy
- Exercise for muscle strengthening
- Stretches and Drugs for Spasticity
- Usually temporary
- Balance Exercises
- cane /walker
- vestibular medications
- attention to incoordination
- Loss of Vision in one eye (optic Neuritis)
- Double Vision
- Problems in coordinating moving eyes
- Complex visual perceptive problems
- Fortunately most problems are temporary
- Regular well-balanced diet recommended
- Low saturated fats
- Vitamin Supplement
- Avoid Obesity
- Spastic Bladder
- Flaccid Bladder
- Dyssynergia
- Bladder is small and tight
- urgency, frequency
- many voids with small volumes
- Goes with spasticity in legs
- Ditropan (XL), Detrol
- Late in disease and less frequent
- Bladder is large and empties poorly
- Chronic change
- Intermittent Catheter usually recommeded
44Bladder dyssynergia
- Sphincter and bladder contract together
- Trouble pushing urine out against a closed
sphincter - Training and medication that affects contraction
of both elements
- Complex Issue
- Psychiatric aspects
- Anxiety
- Performance
- Relational
- Physical Issues
- Motor dysfunction
- Sensory Loss
- Assd with bladder/ spinal cord
46Sex (Sols)
- Drugs
- Newer agents
- Stopping certain drugs
- Relational (counseling)
- Techniques
- Methods to get around specific problems
- Openness!!
- Chronic effect of inflammation
- ?Viral Illness?
48Energy (Solutions)
- Exercise (Incr. Stamina)
- Amantadine
- Activating Antidepressants
- Stimulants
- anti-inflammatories
- 4-AP
49Cognition More common than previously realized
- Attention
- Concentration
- Short-term memory
- Information Processing
- Executive Function/Organization
- Perception
- Speech
- 50 of patients
50Lesion Burden
More lesions Greater Effect
51Less lesion burden
52Cognition - solutions
- Problems with thought dont make you less of a
person - Just like a limp or problem with vision you have
to get around.
53Cognition Sols 2
- Aids
- Notes
- Organizers
- Alarms
- Keyboards
- Personal Assistants
54Cognition- sols 3 Let people know...
- You are not goofing off
- You still care about your work
- Slowness of decision making does not make you
indecisive - If you are distractible it is not because you
dont care
- Discomfort to severe pain
- Painful tonic spasms
- Anticonvulsants
- Tegretol, Dilantin, Neurontin
- Antidepressants
- Reaction to chronic disease
- Reaction to other persons reaction
- spouse
- employer
- other
- Direct effect of MS on brain
- Effect of other meds especially interferons
- Talk it out
- support groups
- avoid whipping yourself
- help with medication
- Developing outlets
- pleasures
- hobbies
- purpose
58Spiritual Needs
- Developing a personal context
- Creating a network of acquaintances or one
empathic person - Refuse to be defined by your illness
- Taking charge
59Recent Advances
60New Treatments
- Immunomodulators
- Antibody Therapies
- Pumps
- New Drugs
- Devices
61Rebif study
- Positive results were reported from a large
clinical trial in Europe, Canada and Australia of
interferon beta-1a (Rebif) in relapsing-remitting
MS. The drug reduced relapse rate, slowed
progression of disability and reduced
MRI-detected brain lesions. Ares-Serono is
seeking approval of the drug from the FDA.
62Betaseron in progressive MS
- A large European clinical trial of interferon
beta-1b (Betaseron) in over 700 people with
secondary-progressive MS was stopped early
because the study showed the drug can slow the
progression of disability. The U.S. FDA is
reviewing study findings for possible approval of
Betaseron for this new use
63Monoclonal Antibodies
- Researchers across the U.S. continued or began
separate clinical trials of two monoclonal
antibodies (LeukArrest, by ICOS Corp. and
Antegren, by Athena Neurosciences) aimed at
reducing the severity and duration of MS attacks
by blocking the entry of destructive immune cells
into the brain and spinal cord.
- Elan drug
- monoclonal antibody
- attaches to alpha 4 Integrin
- protein on lymphocyte
- protein is receptor for lymphocyte attachment to
blood vessels
65Antegren (Elan)
- monoclonal human antibody
- 12 week study in England
- reduction in brain lesions
66LeukArrest (monoclonal Ab)
Prevents White cells from invading brain
Red areas myelin breakdown
67(No Transcript)
68Oral interferon
- Researchers at the University of Texas Health
Science Center began a small-scale clinical trial
of an oral form of interferon alpha for
relapsing-remitting disease, based on positive
findings in rodents with MS-like disease
69TCR (t-Cell receptor) peptide (Connetics)
70Growth Factors
- Insulin-like growth factor
- Increase myelin
- When and where to implant
71Stem Cell Transplants
- May be more effective for diseases that kill
neurons or brain cells - One day may be effective for treating certain
persons with MS
72Herpes 6
- Roseola in toddlers
- erythema subitum
- rash
- neurologic symptoms
- mononucleosis like in adults
- can invade CNS
- Demyelinating when invades CNS
- Detected high levels in MS CNS (Challoner)
- Detected in bloodstream in MS patients
- Also seen in chronic fatigue
74HHV-6 Treatment
- Similar to Cytomegalovirus
- Ganciclorir and Foscarnet
- Gan can affect WBCs
- Fos can affect Kidneys anemia, lytes
- ?How long to treat?
75HHV-6 tests
- Peripheral blood test
- Shell vial Culture
- HerpesVirus Diagnostics Inc
- c/o Federal Express, 11101 W. Plank Court,
Wauwatosa, WI 55226 - 270.00