Suez Canal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Suez Canal


Muhammad Ali and the beginnings of the nation. state in Egypt: trade with Europe, attempts to ... Son of Muhammad Ali. Loved France & the French ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Suez Canal

SUEZ CANAL begun 1859 finished 1867
Old Canal Thutmosis III? C. 1450 BC Ramsses
II, c. 1200 Necho, c. 600 BC New Canal Darius,
c. 500 BC Used during Ptolemaic Period Re-dug
by Trajan, 100 AD Again by Amr Ibn-Al-As, c. 642
AD Napoleon, 1800
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By 1800 Ottomans are losing power. North Africa
to France and England. Balkans to independence
movements-Greece in 1820es and to
Austria. Economic power by lose of trade route
monopolies to Port, Spanish/Dutch How to react
to the Battle of the Pyramids 1. Westernization
and/or nationalsim 2. Arabian peninsula to
Wahhabism Examples 1. Muhammad Ali and his
dynasty in Egypt, 2 idea of a Turkish nation
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Muhammad Ali and the beginnings of the nation
state in Egypt trade with Europe, attempts to
increase agricultural exports and to use the
profits to create industry, to conquer the
surrounding areas (Sudan), so conflict with the
Ottoman sultan, and England, since England
needed markets in the Middle East, so sought to
destroy the new regime in Egypt, Egyptian
fallahin were drafted into the army, and the
administration was Egyptianized, establishing
the groundwork for a nation state.
Said Pasha, 1845-1863
  • Son of Muhammad Ali
  • Loved France the French
  • One of his best friends was Ferdinand de Lesseps,
    son of the French Ambassador in Egypt
  • Gives Ferdinand a firman to build the canal
  • Britain says NOOOOOO
  • But starts anyway in 1859

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Ferdinand de Lesseps and the building of the
Canal (again)
Ismail, 1863-79
Grandson of Muhammad Ali Tradecotton with
England because US Civil War Revenues for
education, rebuild Cairo and Alexandria Egyptian
museum started But too much spending Plus Sudan
(England wants no competition) Soooooo, England
forces sultan Abdul Hamid to dismiss Ismail
Queen Victoria
1819-1910 r. 1837-1901 Empress India
1876- 1901 Married to 1st cousin Albert
(1840-61), 9 children, 40 grandchildren (married
to many royal Houses-WW1 war of the Cousins)
William Gladstone Liberal Prime Minister
Benjamin Disraeli Tory/ Conservative Prime
William Gladstone vs. Benjamin Disraeli
  • William Gladstone
  • Liberal Prime Minister, 1868-74, 1880-85, 1886,
  • Reforms Disestablish Anglican Church in Ireland
  • trade unions Reform Act
  • Anti-empire sanctity of life
  • Benjamin Disraeli
  • Tory/Conservative
  • Prime Minister 1868 74-80
  • Reforms Reform Act 1867
  • Empire extend British Empire and prestige
    through wars Suez
  • Victoria The costs of many wars and constant
    acts of terrorism worth the price for an empire

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Opening of the Suez Canal, Verdis Aida
So Muhammad Ali and his dynasty Is The False
Start How can Egypt become a major
nation? Modernize/industrialize? Nationalism? T
urn back to pure Islam?
Meanwhile, in Ottoman Turkey
Annihilate the Janissaries Est. new army trained
by French Prussian officer. Open
medical and military schools trained in
French. Open official newspaper.
Mahmud II 1808-39
  • The TANZIMAT (reorganization) Reforms
  • 1839-1876 longest period of Ottoman attempts
  • at reform.
  • 2. Goals a. modernize Ottoman Empire
  • b. modernize beauracracy
  • c. Reduce power of the ulama
  • d. idea that we all are Ottomans
  • 3. Consequences
  • a. much debate as to what modern
  • meant-ie women? Minorities?
  • b. for sure all wanted a constitution
  • and a parliament

  • But there were many obstacles to success
  • The Sultan, like Abdul (the Damned) Hamid II,
  • 1876-1909
  • who initially agreed, then suspended
  • both the Constitution
  • and the Parliament.
  • Sees that the new power
  • in Europe is Germany

  • AbdulHamid II, Later problems
  • Pan-Turanism
  • Turkish nationalism, but these are based on
    linguistic identity, Young
  • Turk movement
  • 1909-1922
  • c. Pan-Islmism

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AbdulHamidII, 1876-1909
Pre-imperial heads of the House Süleyman Shah
(-1227) (bey)Ertugrul (1227-1281) (bey) Imperial
heads of the House Osman I (12811326)
(bey)Orhan I (13261359 bey)Ibrahim I
(16401648) Murad I (13591389 Sultan from
1383)Mehmed IV (16481687) Bayezid I
(13891402)Suleiman II (16871691)Interregnum
(14021413) Ahmed II (16911695)Mehmed I
(14131421)Mustafa II (16951703) Murad II
(14211444) (14451451)Ahmed III
(17031730) Mehmed II (the Conqueror) (14441445,
14511481)Mahmud I (17301754) Bayezid II
(14811512)Osman III (17541757) Selim I
(15121520 Caliph from 1517)Mustafa III
(17571774) Suleyman I (the Lawgiver (Kanuni))
(15201566)Abdul-Hamid I (17741789) Selim II
(15661574)Selim III (17891807)Murad III
(15741595) Mustafa IV (18071808)Mehmed III
(15951603)Mahmud II (18081839) Ahmed I
(16031617)Abdülmecid I (18391861)Mustafa I
(16171618) Abd-ul-Aziz (18611876)Osman II
(16181622)Murad V (1876) Mustafa I
(16221623)Abdul-Hamid II (18761909)Murad IV
(16231640 )Mehmed V (Resad) (19091918)Mehmed VI
(Vahdeddin) (19181922) Post-imperial heads of
the HouseAbdul Mejid II (1922-1944) Ahmed IV
Nihad (1944-1954)Osman IV Fuad (1954-1973) Mehmed
Abdulaziz II (1973-1977)Ali Vâsib
(1977-1983) Mehmed VII Orhan (1983-1994)Ertugrul
Osman V (1994-)
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