Title: How our Creators Creations Can Help Your Counselees
1How our Creators Creations Can Help Your
Mickeys Surgery Frog Friend
2This is only a starting point for your own
ongoing study ofGods Worldin light of Gods
Word(soli deo gloria)
3Do NOT believe anything I say,unless you agree
the evidence makes it worthy of your
trust.Proverbs 1415
4Review of my motives reasons
- NON-Dr. (BS, M.Div., AMP, NWJ)
- Ex-New Age, Evolutionary Ethologist
- Zookeeper / Animal Trainer (literally lions,
tigers, bears, elephants, etc) - Veterinary Assistant / Wildlife Rehabilitator
- Family Counselor (25 years)
- Church Planter / Pastor
- Science Teacher / Seminar Speaker
- Husband / Father of Six (my own litter)
- Creature in the image of my Creator
6Creation is all around Counselees
- The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
- Unavoidable in the full context of counseling
- All of creation still belongs to God
- Even we counselors are merely creatures
7Remember Why Suffering?
8Dad, who made this day?
9Video Virtual Reality
- Todays new Trojan Toy Horse
- Movies, TV, PCs, Internet, Chat Rooms
- Video Games (especially the violent ones)
- What is their influence?
- Good, Bad, Both?
- What has been lost?
10Nature Creation Deficit Disorder?
11Creation Assisted TherapeuoRetreats!
12Naturally drawing close
13Drawing close to God and one another
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16Yes, parents it is hard work
17But its worth it
18Alone with our Creator
19What about our Creators other nephesh creatures?
20But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you
and the birds of the heavens and let them tell
you . . . . in whose hand is the soul nephesh
of every living thing . . . .Job 127-8
21Gen 218 Not good
- For Adam to be alone
- Helper (nephesh companion)
- The need for Eve does not erase the animals
- Adam learned from them
- We, our counselees, and especially children can
and should learn from them.
22Why do Apes Look Like Us?
23Bara 3xs 2 are for Nephesh
- Gen 11 - Space, time, matter, energy
- Gen 121 - Animals that can think and feel(not
for plants which are merely machines) - Gen 127 Human Beings(People nephesh animals
were created to share Gods love in relationships
His Way)
24If youd like your spouse children to greet you
at the door every time you come home, as if you
were the most important and wonderful person in
their life . . .
Forget it Get a dog!
25Why this considered a scandal?
- Michael Vick
- ABC News Photo
- Accused of Dog Fighting crimes
- Whoever would do this is wrong.
26Dear God,please help me become the person my dog
thinks I am!Sadly, even abused dogs still love
their human owners.
27Animals might bite, but . . .they never
intentionally hurt your feelings.
28Gods creature that saved my life.
29Gods creature that saved my life.
DOG Depend on God
30Suzys Ministry
- How Suzy saved my life
- Suzys state mental hospital ministry
- Suzy and our marriage (emotion barometer)
- Revealed parenting flaws before kids
31Shouldnt Christians be leading in the use of our
Fathers creations for hurting people?
32GingerOur newly rescued, AnimalAssistedTh
33DOG Example of Faithfully Depending on God
- If we can use Seeing Eye Dogs
- How much more Caring Heart Dogs
34Potential for Biblical Counselors
- Juvenile Delinquents
- Physical therapy
- Abused Children
- Autism / AspergerSs
- Schizophrenia, etc.
- Lonely Elderly
- Pediatric Hospitals
- Etc . . .
- Modeling
- Empathy, tr
- Learning
- Love motivated work
- Empirical Evidence
- Blood Pressure, Muscle tension, Behavioral
relaxation - Normalization of setting
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36I just remember countless times patients were
depressed and seeing them smile for the first
time in several days when the dog arrives.
Advance for NursesMay 22, 2006
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42A Companionable Zoo / Class / Office?
- The CARES program is a day-education
environment for children who have been diagnosed
with Autism, Asperger's Syndrome Motivation,
Responsibility, Planning, Social Skills
43Learning to Love the Nephesh Way
- Matthew 22 Love God and Neighbor
- Nephesh capacity to think, feel, and love
44Explain this?
45Back to Eden / On to the New Earth
46Another Old Family Friend Jean
47Jean Up close personal
48Old friends Akela Rakshi
49A righteous man has regard for cares about the
life nephesh / soul of his animal, but even the
supposed compassion of the wicked is
cruel.Proverbs 1210
51What about unnecessary suffering?
- Dog Fighting?
- Slow kill hunting?
- Inhumane factory farms?
- Please remember pray about Proverbs 1210
52The wolf and lamb shall feed together,The lion
shall eat straw like the ox,.They shall not
hurt in all My holy mountain,"Says the LORD.
the heaven is my throne and the earth is My
footstoolIsaiah 6525-661
53Coming soon . . .
54Called to be a Protector
- Not a Predator
- or Parasite
- or Prey
55For more resources to study more on your own,
please see the links on my websitewww.soulcare.