Title: Making an Offer On a Home
1Making an Offer On a Home
- ITT Employees Federal Credit Union
2How Much To Offer
How Much Should You Pay for a Home? There are no
concrete answers to that question. However, here
are some things to consider.
- Market Value
- House Condition
- Sellers Motivation
3Earnest Money
Shows a seller that you are serious about buying
the home.
4Contingencies and Provisions
Contingencies are things that must be done for a
contract to take effect. Your offer to purchase
will be contingent on.
The results of the professional home
inspection Your obtaining financing
The Home Appraisal
5List Everything
The home says that it comes with a refrigerator,
but make sure on the offer, you list the type of
refrigerator. As honest as we hope people are,
some will switch out an appliance and put in a
cheaper one. Anything you dont write down, the
seller can remove from the home, so be thorough.
6Making the Offer
You need to complete a purchase and sale
agreement to make an offer on a home. An Agent
will help you complete this.
7Counter Offer
If a seller doesnt accept your offer, they may
choose to come back with a counter offer. You
then have the option of accepting it, sending a
counter offer back, or walking-away.
8Take Your Time
Remember, dont make an offer until you are ready
to make a commitment.
9Let Us Help
Dont forget to get pre-approved before you make
an offer on a new home. Give us a call at
260-451-6161 or 260-451-5095 or you can contact
our lending partner USA Financial at
1-800-591-0123 ext. 102 and ask for Matt. Just
let him know youre a member of ITT Credit Union
and he will be happy to assist you.