Title: We all love story!
1We all love story!
2A good story challenges us to a new vision of
life.Change also Religion?
3No definition of Religions can be agreed. But
all discover something original.
4Religions have two hands.One is Faith in
something absolute. Another is a Way of living.
5Five QuestionsJesus Story?Elephant Story?Why
me?What about others?How is Jesus related to
other religions?
6The Story of Jesus is owned by God Today it
continues to inspire the World.
7From the Beginning, where is no time but The
Divine Love overflowing from the Triune God!
Creation becomes an on going entrance into the
world which finds it climax in the incarnation of
the Word.
8The Story has not ended yet. It becomes a
life-giving memory with which the Holy Spirit
keeps renewing humanity.
9It is the Story that touches the stories of all
human individuals!He is the way, the truth and
the life.
10Why does the elephant-story weaken the Jesus
11A King summoned some blind and asked them to
touch an elephant for the best description of it
Some touched the head, some its ear, others the
tail They began to quarrel to the extent of
striking one another which delighted the king.
12Let us try to stretch our imagination
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28The elephant-story and Relativism
Human inability to claim the fullness of truth
29If Catholics claim that Jesus is the Only Savior,
they are intolerant for other religions. If
they deny it, they would overturn the permanence
of Catholic faith.
30The teaching of the Church in Redemptoris Missio
(1990), Fides et Ratio (1998), Ecclesia in
Asia (1999), Dominus Iesus (2000) provide the
ground for rebutting the horns of this dilemma.
31How does the Jesus Story touch me and you?
32It all starts with our hearts to which God speaks
out of love. The Church bear witness to it.
33What God speaks of is the Story of Jesus, because
In Jesus God wants us to be free and loved
- He who defines his conduct by a set of rules
determined by religion - imprisons his songbird in a cage
34The best song comes not through bars and wires
but from the utmost freedom and love.
35The Jesus-Story reveals the power between the
darkness of the cross and the light of the
Resurrection. Thence one finds not a mere
solution to the riddles of life but the God-given
wisdom and strength to embrace them
36The Way God chooses to approach us is not
unrelated to our human nature and destiny
- Human nature is so formed that God has placed in
the human heart a desire to know the truth - God.
- Human destiny is to share Gods life Christ has
gained for us.
37JP II has two concerns in FR. Right Reason is
waning. Relativism is growing.
- The Conscience is the most secret core and
sanctuary of a man. There he is alone with God,
whose voice echoes in his depths.
38In fidelity to conscience, Christians are joined
with the rest of humankind in the search for
truth, and for the genuine solutions to the
numerous problems.
39Three levels of truth Natural Sciences,
Philosophy and Jesus received by Faith.
40Two orders of knowledge Reason and Faith.
Indissoluble and Profound unity between the them
41Faith and Reason are like to wings on which the
human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth.
42The truth received in Faith is not opposed to the
truths which science and Philosophy perceive.
The unity of truth is a fundamental premise of
human reason.
43The Way God chooses to tell the Story of Jesus is
intrinsically related to human nature as such.
This guarantees the objectivity.
- The Mystery, like the elephant, is still huge and
big. The blind cannot sense the Whole. - The Incarnate Word is likened to eye-opener
all-important for anyone in search of God.
44Can there be Ways of Salvation by-passing the
Story of Jesus?
45None other than Christ is the answer.When it
applies to the non-hearers the Jesus Story, the
statement needs to be nuanced. Their salvation
is related in a mysteriously way to Christ and
the Church.
46For such people Salvation in Christ is accessible
by virtue of grace.
- This grace comes from Christ His Sacrifice -
and is communicated by the Holy Spirit. - This grace enables them to have a mysterious
relationship to the Church, does not make them
formally part of the Church.
47- The Church as sacramental sign is to make visible
the Mystery, including that mysterious
relationship, by inviting people to join the
Church. - Human promotion and explicit proclamation are not
to be separated.
48How the Should the Story of Jesus be related to
other religions?
49The Story of Jesus is related to other religions
because of the fundamental solidarity and
universal unity between the Incarnate Word and
every human being.
50The Church is invited to discover and respect the
seeds of the Word present in other religions
- Those who do not know Christ may be in a state of
darkness and spiritual hunger. The Church should
help them. - The Church should remain opened to the new and
surprising ways in which the face of Jesus might
be presented in Asia appealing to the Asian
51As the Story told in the fourth Gospel presents
Him as the logos with a certain Hellenistic
flavor, so the same story can be re-told to
present Jesus, for example, as a Holy Sage with a
certain Confucian sensibility.
52In re-telling the Story, one should insist upon
the openness of cultures to the universality of
the truth the Story bears and let the same Story
break through all the cultural barriers which
seek to contain it.
53The Story of Jesus has its originality and power
and is of crucial importance for the proclaiming
Relativism tends to weaken its force. The Church
defends the right reason so as to preserve the
strength of the hearers.
54The Mysterious relationship between Christ-Church
and every human individual needs to be
For us to keep the Story of Jesus alive among so
many religions is to strive for the unity of
Faith and Life without losing sight of cultural
55When Faith and life are joined together, there
comes to the worship in Spirit and in Truth. In
worship one cannot but fly higher and higher.
56Perhaps the Confucian moral path may help us to
be more perceptive to the mysterious
transcendence coming from above and manifesting
itself from within.
57I do not complain against Heaven. I do not blame
men. I study things on the lower level, but my
understanding penetrates the higher. It is Heaven
that knows me said Confucius.