Title: A Raisin in The Sun Jeopardy
1A Raisin in The SunJeopardy
- Students will be placed on 1 of 3 teams.
- Starting with the first team, a category and a
number of points will be chosen. - The question will be seen and read aloud.
- Whichever claps first and answers the question
correctly receives those points. - The team who answers the question correctly also
chooses the next category and amount. - The game continues on this way until all boxes
have been chosen or the bell rings.
- Each team will accumulate points as they answer
questions correctly. - You WILL loose points for questions answered
incorrectly. - Good Luck!
5QUESTION What terms means an authors message to
the audience?
6QUESTION What is the definition for symbol?
ANSWER Something that represents something else.
7QUESTION What is the setting of the story?
ANSWER Youngers apartment Southside,Chicago. 19
8QUESTION What does sunshine symbolize?
ANSWER Everything that makes dreams grow.
9QUESTION Name one theme from the play.
ANSWER Dreams- Humans will go to great lengths
to achieve a dream. Human struggle- Brings about
10QUESTION What is an example of the conflict
character v. society in the play?
ANSWER The Youngers v. The Welcoming Committee
11QUESTION Who calls George an assimilationist?
ANSWER Beneatha.
12QUESTION She is compared to the KKK because she
tries to keep people down.
ANSWER Mrs. Johnson
13QUESTION This person wants to be a bus driver.
ANSWER Travis.
14QUESTION He talks about change and how life is
like a line?
ANSWER Joseph Asagai.
15QUESTION Beneatha calls Mama this when she is
slapped for expressing her disbelief in God.
ANSWER A tyrant.
16QUESTION Who is the author of the play?
ANSWER Lorraine Hansberry.
17QUESTION What is it called when a dream is put
off for a long time?
ANSWER A dream deferred.
18QUESTION Whose dreams are deferred at the end of
the play?
ANSWER Walter, Beneatha, and Mama.
19QUESTION What is the name of the poem that
inspired the author?
ANSWER Montage of a Dream Deferred.
20QUESTION Who wrote this poem?
ANSWER Langston Hughes.
21QUESTION Name one other thing that a dream
deferred is compared to in this play beside a
raisin in the sun?
ANSWER A sore, rotten meat, syrupy sweet, heavy
22QUESTION How does this poem relate to our story?
ANSWER Our characters all have their dreams
- What does entrepreneur mean?
- Devoted friend
- Business owner
- School teacher
ANSWER b. Business owner
- Which word means disrespect?
- Indictment
- Mutilated
- Flippancy
ANSWER C. Flippancy
25QUESTION What does replenish mean?
ANSWER To restore.
- Graft means to payoff?
- True
- False
27QUESTION What does ludicrous mean?
ANSWER laughable.
28QUESTION What is Walter Lees occupation?
ANSWER He is a chauffer.
29QUESTION Why does Walter dislike George
ANSWER He is jealous of Georges wealth.
30QUESTION How does Walter finally become a man at
the end?
ANSWER He turns down the money offered by Linder.
31QUESTION Why does Ruth consider having an
ANSWER She is willing to make great sacrifices
for her family.
32QUESTION When does Ruth realize that Walter had
not been going to work?
ANSWER After talking to his boss wife on the
33QUESTION Why does Mama finally give Walter the
ANSWER She feels guilty about contributing to
his despair.
34QUESTION BONUS QUESTION Explain one important
way Walter changed throughout the novel.