Title: About this presentation
1(No Transcript)
2About this presentation
- I am not an expert
- A lot to cover fast pace
- Look for key points
- Take notes ask questions
- How can I apply these ideas?
- What does this mean to my business?
- How can I make this work for me?
3One other thing
- To get the most from this session you must be
brutally honest with yourself
4- What does it really take to run an excellent
5An excellent business or life does not result
from chance, fate, or good luck, but from a
succession of excellent days lived in pursuit of
a clear and vivid worthy purpose.
6Before I begin
7He who would accomplish little must sacrifice
little he who would achieve much must sacrifice
much he who would attain highly must sacrifice
greatly. James Allen
8What isExcellenceto You?
9Individuals of Excellence?
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Michelangelo
- Mozart
- Beethoven
- Madame Curie
- Shakespeare
- Charles Darwin
- Helen Keller
- John F. Kennedy
- Martin Luther King
- Mother Teresa
- Gandhi
- Albert Einstein
- Oprah Winfrey
- Tiger Woods
- Lance Armstrong
10Continuum of Excellence
Where do you want to be?
The Best
11Studying the lives of people who have achieved
excellence, I have consistently noted that they
have defined their vision, established their
goals, and irrespective of obstacles, committed
themselves to their achievement. The moment in
which they fixed an objective in their mind and
decided to concentrate all their energies on that
objective, they began to surmount the most
difficult odds.
12The Formula for Excellence
- Decided specifically what it is that you really
want to achieve.
- Determine exactly what it will take to achieve
it. (5 Ws and H)
- Focus every bit of energy and effort to achieve
13Pay the Price
Get / Give / Give Up
30 min cardio AM Gym 5 x 1 hour Attend aerobics
classes No food _at_ 630 PM 1500 calories per
day Join diet group Personal trainer No
cookies Read 4 diet books No butter Skip Tues.
HH Reduced wine No TV 3 nights
Lose 30 Lbs
12 Hrs / diet
5 Hrs / cookies
10 lbs
What do you want?
14A Personal Philosophyof Excellence
- You must define in your own words what
excellence means to you and how you will pursue
it and measure it in your own life and in
your business.
15It all starts with
16What are some of your organizations corporate
- What are your top three personal core values?
WS - Score
17The foundation of excellenceis built on.
But what does it mean? Here is my definition
18What you are speaks so loudly, that I cannot hear
what you say.
People will judge you by your actions not by
your intentions.
20The man who succeeds above his fellows is the
one who clearly discerns his object and towards
that object he habitually directs his powers.
Even genius itself is but fine observation
strengthened by fixity of purpose.
Edward G. Bulwer-Lynton
22- You must clearly define what excellence is to you
and your own set of Excellence goals - Your definition must be values based.
- You must have a specific and detailed plan to
achieve your goals. - You must be incredibly curious about what it will
take to achieve your goals. - You must FOCUS intently every single day on
achieving your excellence goals.
- Total World Domination
- The Top 5
- Bet the Company
- Require Failure
- Managers are Qualified
- Perform, Perform, Perform
- Shrimps vs. Weenies
- Stop the Insanity
24Charlie Trotter
- Hire Only the Best
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Highest Standards
- Innovation
- Truly Delight Customers
25Lessons in Excellence
- The Key Ingredient isPassion.
- Examine Your Values (rather than everyone elses)
- Do What Fulfills You
- Know What The Hell You Want Your Company To Be
(and tell everyone) - Think Big (because there is always room at the
Tom Peters
26- Focus on the Success of the Client
- Do Excellent Work
- Make a Difference
- Have Fun
- Make Money
Just named the number one fastest growing
female-owned company and the 14th fastest growing
company in the state of Florida.
27What must you focus on in your company to be
truly excellent ?
- What are the top 3-5 key success factors for
being excellent in your business
28If one advances confidently in the direction of
his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has
imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in
common hours. Henry David Thoreau
30What you do today, will determine who you will be
31- You must have the discipline to keep focused on
your goals regardless of setbacks and
difficulties. - You must have the discipline to say NO
- You must have the self-discipline to make
excellence a lifelong habit. - You must have the discipline to pursue excellence
even when those around you may not want you to.
32What must you start doing or stop doing - to
be truly excellent ?
33You cannot build a reputation on what you are
going to do.
Henry Ford
35- You cant just talk about excellence you must
live it. - If you want to achieve more than others you
have to work harder and longer there is no
reward without effort. - The work of excellence is measured in years and
decades not days and weeks.
36What must you do every day to take more action
towards achieving excellence?
- List three specific action steps, that if you
implemented them right away, would have a
dramatic positive impact on your business or life
- Define clearly, specifically, honestly the
level of excellence you truly want to attain. - Determine the necessary costs in time, money,
effort, people, resources that you must pay to
achieve that success. - Apply massive action and stay persistent in
your effort to achieve your goals.
Focus Discipline Action
38If the first key is FOCUS
- Leadership
- Management
- Self-Leadership
39Survey of
- 200 Fortune 1,000 CEOs
- 170 presidents or CEOs from the Inc. 500
- 88 leaders of not-for-profit organizations
- 117 deans of major universities
- Characteristics of top leaders
40Do the Right Things Right
- Live with Integrity Lead by Example
- Develop a Winning Strategy or Big Idea
- Build a Great Management Team
- Inspire Employees to Achieve Greatness
- Create a Flexible, Responsive Organization
- Tie it all Together with Reinforcing
- Management and Compensation Systems
41Six year study10,000,000 customers3,000,000
Employees200,000 Managers / Leaders300,000
Business Units700 Companies
Worldwide Gallup Poll
42To be great you must
- Identify Your Strengths
- Right People in the Right Jobs
- Great Managers
- Engaged Employees
- Engaged Customers
- Sustainable Growth
- Real Increase in Profit / Stock
43Essence of Excellence
44During the past 10 years we have worked with more
than 280 organizations worldwide delivering
training and consulting.When you boil it all
down, several patterns emerges and repeat again
and again and again.
455 Ways to Run or Ruin a Great Company
- Vision
- Culture of Urgency
- Open Honest Communication (CCCT)
- Only the Best People
- Focus on the Customer
John Spence
46Elements of a High Performance Team
irection - vivid, compelling, shared vision
easurment - clear, quantifiable objectives
ompetence - right people on the bus
ommunication - open, honest, robust
utual Accountability
iscipline - all of this, everybody, all the time
John Spence
47Most Common Obstacles To Happiness and Success
- No clear life direction
- Fear Failure / Change
- Unrealistic expectations
- Inability to delay gratification
- Negative peer group
- Unwilling to commit
- Lack of discipline / persistence
48The most important slide of the day
50Focus Discipline Action
- The greater danger for most of us is not that
our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it
is too low and we reach it. - Michelangelo
Thank You