Title: Black History Month
1Black History Month
- Unsung Heroes / Unheard Voices
St Michaels History Department Assembly
2How does someone make it into History?
3Why might someone not make it into the history
- Biased Historians
- They dont fit the right image
- They dont have a voice to tell their story
- What if the colour of your skin stopped your
story being told?
4Black History Month is held every October in
- Black History Month was
- started in America in 1926 by
- Dr Carter Woodson, an
- American historian, who felt
- that the history taught in
- Americas schools did not
- recognise the achievements
- of African Americans. He
- launched a week to highlight
- those achievements, and by
- the 1970s this had become
- Black History Month in the
- United States. Black History
- Month started in Britain in
- 1987.
The aims are to Promote knowledge of Black
History Spread information about positive Black
contributions to society
5Who celebrates it? Can anyone participate or is
it just for Black people?
- Black History month is for everyone!
- It should be an educational experience and
historical educational experience - African heritage should be shared by everyone as
world history
6Why do black people need a history month?
- As long as the great contributions made by these
people remain little known we will need Black
History Month until the time when everyones
history is recognised. - We need a history month, as an opportunity to
share with the world the incredible contribution
of all nations to this planet.
7Unsung Heroes/Unheard Voices
Septimus Severus Was from North Africa and
was Emperor of the Roman Empire. He ruled for 5
years. He rebuilt and restored Hadrians wall.
- Julius Caesar
- The most famous Emperor of
- The Roman Empire. He ruled
- for 5 years.
8Unsung Heroes/Unheard Voices
Mary Seacole was rejected from helping
Nightingale, she opened her own hotel and treated
soldiers there.
- Florence Nightingale
- was a nurse in the Crimean war.
9What important contributions have black people
- Black people have invented many things and
persevered throughout time...
11 - Benjamin Banneker
- inventor of the first clock
13 - M.A Cherry
- inventor of the tricycle
15 - Charles Richard Drew
- Started up blood banks for blood transfusions
17 - Daniel Hale Williams First person to
successfully perform open heart
19 - P.B Dowling
- inventor of the street
- letter box
21 - George Crum
- inventor of crisps!
23 - D.A Fisher
- inventor of the joiners clamp
25 - T. Elkins
- inventor of the refrigerator
27How have black people moved forward in todays
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29Strength Paul Sackey
- England Rugby Star
- Talented at both football and Rugby
- Extremely proud to represent his country in this
years World Cup
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31Intelligence Sir Trevor MacDonald
- Diplomatic correspondent
- Presenter of ITV news and Tonight with Trevor
MacDonald - Knighted for his work in 1999
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33Success Jamelia Rio Ferdinand Theo Walcott
- Jamelia- Successful RnB star
- Rio Ferdinand- successful international
footballer - Theo Walcott- youngest ever player to score for
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- Black people are successful in all areas of
society - Prestigious positions are held in politics,
education and fashion
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37Inspirational Kelly Holmes
- Determined athlete
- Persevered with her dream
- Excellent role model
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39Drive Lewis Hamilton
- Youngest British Formula 1 driver
- Ambition
- Hertfordshire Hero!
- On the verge of making Formula 1 History
40What does MTV Base think about Black History
41How have black people moved forward in todays
- Black people will not settle for mediocrity
- Black people are inspirational, passionate,
successful, driven and determined - Black History month is a way of celebrating all
of these qualities
42As a result of
- Black people will not settle for mediocrity
- Black people are inspirational, passionate,
successful, driven and determined - Black History month is a way of celebrating all
of these qualities
Heroes are being praised And Voices are being
heard in abundance!
43Let us finish with a prayer to celebrate Black
History Month
- "Thank you Lord for those who have brought light
to world with their kindness and courage. Help us
never to forget the past and those who have
worked to make the lives of others better. Give
us the strength that many black people had as
they strived to make a difference in the world.
Help us to keep their memory alive and to use the
stories from the past to help us make good
choices in the present. Amen."