Title: In India
1In India!
- By
- Susan Warnock
- And
- Brandon Garner
2Why Censor?
- India has over 1.1 billion peoplethats a lot of
room for misinformation to spread. - India is deeply entrenched in customs that
citizens seek to protect. - Indian culture has a strong belief in syncretism,
censorship aiding in this by keeping an
underlying harmony throughout Indias diverse
3Banned Books
- The Face of Mother India by Katherine Mayo.
Banned January 18, 1936 - The Jewel in the Lotus (A Historical Survey of
the Sexual Culture of the East). Banned July 20,
1968 - What Has Religion Done for Mankind, Watch-tower
Bible and Tract Society, New York. Banned Feb
26, 1955 - Hindu Heaven by Max Wylie. Banned April 28, 1934
- Dark Urge by Robert W. Taylor. Banned Dec 29,
1955 - Books are banned either for religious content,
sexual content, or political content.
4Banned Films
- 1984 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
- 2004 The Final Solution (Political)
- 2006 The DaVinci Code (Religious)
- India has also seen fit to ban the on-screen
smoking or advertisement of cigarettes, in an
effort to reduce smoking-related illnesses and
deathseven though India is the 3rd largest
producer of tobacco in the world. It is also the
2nd largest consumer, with 800,000 dying a year
there from smoking-related causes.
5Internet Censorship
On August 10th of 2003, the Department of
Telecommunications at the Ministry of
Communications Information Technology, an arm
of the Indian Government, decided that due to a
Yahoo! Group promoting anti-national news and
containing material against the Government of
India State Government of Meghalaya, that
Yahoo! Groups would fall under a government ban.
Over 400 ISPs complied, and the whole of India
quickly found itself unable to use these
sites. An outrage over the governments ability
to control Indian media has since sparked, the
people of India questioning the need for such
6Blasphemy Law
- The law extends into all facets of Indian media
to prevent the blaspheming of any religion, and
stems from this passage of the Penal Codes
section 295C - "Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or
by visible representation, or by any imputation,
innuendo or insinuation, directly or indirectly
defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet
MohammedPeace be upon himshall be punished with
death and shall also be liable to a fine." - India is not the only country with this law,
others include Pakistan and Bangladesh
7American Parallels
- Obscenity
- Bomb-Making Techniques
- Slander
- Books ???
8American Differences
- The Government rarely bans books and makes them
illegal to sell or own. - Any sort of banning is local, limited to one
school system or one library system, etc
- http//miteshvasa.blogspot.com/2006/07/india-banst
he-good-bad-and-weird.html - http//www.indianexpress.com/res/web/pIe/full_stor
y.php?content_id39862 - http//www.rediff.com/netguide/2003/sep/23yahoo.ht
m - http//www.chowk.com/show_article.cgi?aid00001344
channeluniversity20ave - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_in_India
10Thank You!!