Title: Functions
2Outline of Topics
- What is a function
- Benefits of using functions
- Terminology related to functions
- Library functions
- Using functions
- Writing functions
3What is a Function?
- a module or routine which is invoked (i.e.,
"called") to perform a specified task. A
function may require values to perform its task.
These are made available to the function as
parameters (i.e., arguments). The function may
return a value. The number and nature of the
arguments and returned value, if any, are
specified when the function is written.
4What goes into a function?
- a function should perform a single, well-defined
task - a function should be given a name which is
descriptive of the task - a function should adhere to the principle of
"least privilege" - a function should not be given access to any data
beyond what is required for it to do its work - a function should not be given privileges with
respect to the data that it does not need (e.g.,
a function that needs to read a particular value,
but does not need to change it, should be
prevented from making such a change) - the function or class provider should provide the
API or documentation describing how to access and
use the function
5Why Use and Create Functions?
- Modularizes programs
- readability manageability
- not too many lines in one "hunk"
- functional division
- division of labor
- reusability
- code for one function only written once
- Keeps all related info (i.e., data) together
- Access to prewritten routines
- reduces cost
- improves reliability
- increases consistency
- improves performance
6Example of a Simple Function
- prototype
- void printResult(double) //note the structure
and the punctuation - invoking the function
- int main(void)
- printResult(amt) //the value stored in amt is
copied, and passed to the ftn - ...
- defining the function
- void printResult(double finalTotal) //finalTotal
is the name used within the ftn -
- coutltlt "\n\nSales Total " ltlt setw(10) ltlt
setprecision(2) - ltlt setiosflags(iosfixed) ltlt finalTotal ltlt
7Terminology Related to Functions
- declared declaration
- defined definition
- invoked called
- signature
- function call
- library function
- standard library
8Terminology Related to Functions (more)
- arguments
- parameters
- actual parameters
- formal parameters
- call by value
- reference parameters
- overloaded functions
9Math functions
- need library "math.h" or "cmath"
- absolute value -- fabs(-12.3)
- "rounding off" -- floor(7.3)
- raised to a power, 154.8 squared -- pow(154.8, 2)
- square root -- sqrt(36.2)
10Calling statement
- static functions (i.e., class methods)
- CTimegetCurrentTime()
- MyClassmyStaticMethod()
- member functions (instance/object method) can
only be accessed by objects of that class - bankAcct.setBalance(1500.)
- calcAmt() //error no object reference
- others
- turnLeft(45)
- floor(currentBalance) //library function
11Function Definition
- Definition describes
- the function's interface
- what the function requires when called
- what the function returns when execution is
complete - the function's logic
- Example
- double takeDeprec(int numAccidents, double
blueBook, Car aCar) -
12Function Definition
- A function is similar to a separate program
- It can use (i.e., knows) only
- passed parameters
- local variables
- globals (externals)
- Function can include any type of logic, I/O, file
operation, loop or other statement - A function can only return one value (!)
13Parameter Passing
- Normally parameters passed "by value"
- A copy of each parameter is made when the
function is called - Temporary copies are used by the function
- Temporary copies are discarded when the function
completes execution
14Declaration (or Prototype)
- Included in program prior to reference or use of
a particular function - could be within a function, such as main
- could be of file scope
- May be contained in an "included" header file
- Specifies
- return type
- function name
- number, order, and type of arguments
- Prototypes are not actually required by Cif the
definition precedes use (but our convention is to
use prototypes)
15Examples of Prototypes
- double calcAmt(double, string, int)
- void printValues(Customer, int)
- Can include variable names, but they are ignored.
So the above would be - void printValues(Customer myCust, int count)
- double calcAmt(SalesTrans )
- looks stranger than
- double calcAmt(SalesTrans salesArray25)
16Purpose of prototype, definition and calling stmt
- prototype specifies the type of value
returned, and the number, type and order of
arguments for the function. The prototype allows
the compiler to verify that the use (i.e.,
invokations) of the function are correct with
respect to the number, type, and order of
parameters, and the returned value - definition specifies the info provided by the
prototype, as well as the names of the variables
that have been passed as arguments (i.e., the
"formal parameters"). The curly braces contain
the logic - calling statement sends the actual values
(i.e., the "actual parameters") to the function,
which carries out the specified operations (i.e.,
the logic), and accepts the value which is
returned by the function
17Relationship of calling stmt, prototype and
- Prototype double findRate(Car, int)
- Definition double findRate(Car aCar, int
numDays) - Calling Stmt amtDue findRate(theCar, 12)disc
- Usually appear in the order
- prototype (with file scope, but could be within a
function, or in a header file) - calling statement (within main or another
function called from main) - definition (after main, or perhaps in another
file never within another function)
18inline functions
- use the keyword inline prior to the return type
in the function definition - duplicates the code and inserts it everywhere it
is invoked - example
- inline double calcValue(const double amt)
- .
19Default arguments
- prototype
- double myFunct(int val125, double val2 34.8)
- call
- double amt myFunct (87)
- definition
- is normal
20Using an Array as a Parameter
- int totalTheArray(int )
- int salesArray10
- total totalTheArray(salesArray)
- int totalTheArray(int theArray)
21Call by Reference
- avoids memory and time cost of duplicating the
actual parameters -- no copy of reference arg is
made!!! - prototype
- void myFunction (double )
- invokation
- returnedValue myFunction(inputAmt)
- definition
- void myFunction (double workingValue)
- // can change the value of workingValue
- // no return of a value
22Example of Reference Args
- void addUmUp(int , int , int )
- int main(void)
- ...
- addUmUp(i, j, k)
- void addUmUp(int firstVal, int secondVal, int
thirdVal) -
- firstVal secondVal thirdVal
23Importance of Prototypes and Having a Unique
- void addUmUp(int , int , int )
- //void addUmUp(int, int, int) //Note if this
were included - //then call addUmUp(i, j, k) will be
ambiguous since - //the compiler does not determine call by
reference or - //call by value
- //int addUmUp(int, int, int) //Note if this
were included - //then this creates an ambiguous
reference since - //it differs only by return type
- with calling statement addUmUp(i, j, k)
24Summary of Functions
- Well written programs utilize ftns extensively
- Functions should perform a single purpose (but
this can be a "compound" purpose) - Choose a ftn name descriptive of the purpose
- Choosing what goes into a function can be
difficult (use guidelines, experience and
25Summary of Functions (more)
- Functions are in many respects like separate
programs - To understand how a function works you need to
understand - flow of control
- upon invokation, execution of the function starts
- upon ending of the function, the calling module
resume execution - transfer of information
- Understand call by value
- Reference parameters
- Pointers (covered later in the course)