Title: The Motivational Model for
1- The Motivational Model for
- Seung-Hui Cho
- Use of Motivational Model for Sexual Homicide In
Rampage Killing Case - Does the Motivational Model fit this case?
- Are there red flags that can help us prevent
another tragedy from happening? - If so, what are they?
3Motivational Model
- Focuses on psychosocial and cognitive factors
(nurture) - Does not focus on genetic or neurological factors
4Serial Killer vs. Rampage Killer
- Serial Killer
- Kills three or more people in three or more
separate events over a period of more than 30
days - Emotional cooling-off period
- Psychopaths with personality disorders
- Victims have something in common
- Sex may play a role
5Serial Killer vs. Rampage Killer
- Rampage Killer (Spree Killer)
- Kills at two or more locations with almost no
time break between murders - Spontaneous act
- Justification of act - leads up to the time of
the attack - Victims certain targets, and then whoever gets
in their way - Most end in suicide of killer
6Seung-Hui Cho
- Birth 01/18/1984, Seoul, South Korea
- Immigrated to U.S. at age 8 with parents and
older sister, Sun-Kyung Cho - Seoul, South Korea ? Detroit, MI ? Centreville,
VA (permanent residence) - English major at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
7Stage 1 Ineffective Social Environment
- Ignore Behavior pre-college
- Seung-Hui overshadowed by Sun-Kyung
- Parents and relatives thought Seung-Hui was mute
or mentally ill - Parents wanted him to talk
- Would college make him talk?
- No indications of positive reinforcement
- Tough for non-U.S. born parents to communicate on
emotional level - Dry-cleaning business in U.S. long hours
8Stage 1 Ineffective Social Environment
- Ignore Behavior during college
- Seung-Hui recommended for counseling
- Strange behavior seen by classmates and
professors - Plays written caused concern
- Suicide threat was made
- Did not want to go home
- So many signs, better intervention?
9Stage 1 Ineffective Social Environment
- Support Distortions
- Continued being non-talkative through school life
- Sister went to Princeton, contractor for State
Department - The standards of Asian parents?
- Distortions not supported, just not addressed
10Stage 1 Ineffective Social Environment
- Non-intervening/Non-protective
- Parental protection limited by business
- Parents did not know what to protect Seung from
- Unfamiliar with American education system
- Transition to higher level education difficult
- Bigger school and less people like him
- Intimidating, scrawny for his age, English
barrier - Keeps to himself, showed his problems through
subtler means
11Stage 2 Formative Events
- Physical Abuse and Sexual Abuse
- No indications of any physical abuse or sexual
abuse - May appear later in media when family is ready to
be interviewed and analyzed on stricter basis - College stories may indicate experience with
physical abuse and sexual abuse
12Stage 2 Formative Events
- Interpersonal Failures
- Though sister was more successful than him, no
consequences point to it - Developmental Failures
- Know very little about any failures growing up
- Could point to parental pressure
13Stage 3 Patterned Responses
- Critical Personality Traits
- Social Isolation
- Would ignore attempts to strike conversation
- Almost never opened his mouth in school
- Did not want to share his works in class
- Students isolated him for his differences
- Short answers to questions
14Stage 3 Patterned Responses
- Critical Personality Traits
- Preference for autoerotic activities
- No indication of any autoerotic activity
- Possibility, since spends most time to himself
- Fetishes
- Stalked girls
- Imaginary girlfriend
- Emily Hilscher
15Stage 3 Patterned Responses
- Critical Personality Traits
- Rebellious
- Writings were cause for concern
- Unorthodox behavior
- Burning desire for revenge
- Lying
- More withholding the truth than lying
- Entitlement
- Feeling of revenge against those that wronged him
16Stage 4 Actions Towards Others/Self
- Childhood
- Cruelty to animals or children
- None reported, but may show up later
- Joyless, hostile, aggressive, repetitive play
- Quiet individual, kept to himself
17Stage 4 Actions Towards Others/Self
- Childhood
- Disregard for others
- No intention to talk to others
- Inner grudges with some people
- Showed in first two murders
- Firesetting, Stealing, Destroying Property
- None of the sort, unlikely to appear
18Stage 4 Actions Towards Others/Self
- Adolescence
- Assaultive Behavior
- Engaged more in passive assaulting behavior
- Burglary and Arson
- None reported, unlikely to appear
- Abduction
- None reported, personality does not match
19Stage 4 Actions Towards Others/Self
- Adolescence
- Rape
- Passive sexual deviant (stalker)
- Any engagement in sexual activity with others is
unlikely - Murder
- 32 people murdered at Virginia Tech.
- (27 students and 5 professors)
- Committed suicide
20Courtesy of MSNBC and NBC News
21Stage 5 - Feedback Filter
- Justifies Act
- Suicide Note
- You caused me to do this.
- Rants about rich kids, debauchery, and deceitful
22Stage 5 Feedback Filter
- Sorts out Errors
- Does not pertain to this case
- No rest period to sort out errors
- 32 murders in less than 24 hours
23Stage 5 Feedback Filter
- Areas of Control
- If Seung wants to die, might as well take people
with him - Felt that he had finally gained control of others
that have had control of him
24Stage 5 Feedback Filter
- Avoids Punishment
- Suicide is the ultimate avoidance of punishment
- Was able to beat NRA system of obtaining a weapon
- Somehow bypassed his hospitalization
- Was able to conceal his plans
25Stage 6 Organized or Disorganized?
- Personality Traits
- Intelligent knew how to go about his crime
- Computer was his main resource
- Reticent prevent his plan from being leaked
- Burning Anger and Insensible Courage takes a
lot to go through a crime like this
26Stage 6 Organized or Disorganized?
- Crime Scene Characteristics
- On campus incident
- Norris Hall classrooms, one dormitory with his
main target - Picked a time when classing are transitioning
- Knew initially who he wanted to kill
- Classrooms may be part of rampage
- No rhyme or reason for victim selection
- Much speculation needs to be done before making
many definite conclusions - Suspicion of behaviors within the family
- Family does not seem to be a direct cause
- Suspicion of other behavior of childhood years
- Computer and e-mail will tell us a lot
- VA Tech did everything they could to help
Seung-Hui Cho - Many events in Chos life led him to this point,
not just one
28Motivational Model
- Motivational Model accounts for the rest period
between murders - Rampage killers usually do not have this
- Some aspects of model do not fit a rampage killer
- Can be used to build another model for a rampage
29What are the red flags?
- Anti-social or highly unorthodox behavior
- Expression of emotions rare
- Much activity kept to self
- Expression of emotions, not commonly seen,
through passive means - Art writing, drawing, sculpturing
- Lack of a coping mechanism
- Need a way to release negative emotion
- Tough to single people out
- Even tougher to get people to seek help
30This presentation is dedicated to all those who
are currently still suffering from the terrible
tragedy of Virginia Tech.
- May God bless the innocent souls that have been
taken from this Earth by this tragedy!