Title: SHOP Louisa
1SHOP Louisa
a retail marketing campaign forLouisa County,
2Louisa County has the lowest retail sales pull
factor in Iowa
3Retail Sales Statistics
4Inspirations to start the Shop Louisa campaign
- Take on a big problem
- theres no place to go but up!
- Copy a successful program
- Our banks were
- VERY willing to help.
5The ProcessSeptember December 2004
- Get materials from Hills Bank Trust
- Present idea to LDG Board of Directors
- Present idea to LC bank representatives
- Develop budget and schedule
- Develop name and design
6The Process continued
- Order clings
- Develop point of purchase sign print ad
- Distribute materials
- Place ads and ask for filler space
- Public relations and advertising campaign
- press release, column, presentations, website
- Repeat steps as needed
7What is a brand?
- A name, term, design, symbol, or any other
feature that identifies one sellers good or
services as distinct from other sellers.
8A brand name should
- Imply the benefits delivered
- Be positive, distinctive easy to say and
remember - Be consistent with the parent organization
- Where applicable, translate well.
9Marketing Fundamentals
- Emphasize benefits not features
- Make a call to action
- Be consistent
10Guerilla Marketing approach
- Public relations
- Events
- Collaborations
- Low budget (in our case 870 for Year 1)
11Our Brand
12Our 2005 Campaign
13Shop Louisa Sponsors
Columbus Junction State Bank Community Bank Iowa
State Bank F M Bank Trust State Bank of
Wapello MidWest One Bank
- Anecdotal
- Statistics by quarter
- Note Results are opportunities for press releases
- Retail sales increased 1.1 million!
- Media coverage
- Television, radio, newspapers, Chamber journal
16Shop Louisa present and future
- More press releases
- Use logo on event materials
- Community presentations
- Banner at key events
17Contact Information
Mallory Smith, founding Executive
Director, Louisa Development Group Owner, M Smith
Agency msmith_at_lcom.net Louisa Development
Group Angie Sanders, Executive Director PO Box
171 Wapello, IA 52653 319-527-5187 /
888-894-2932 www.louisadevelopmentgroup.org