Title: University General Accounting
1University General Accounting
- Jane Patterson
- Controllers Office MS124
- (775)784-7776
- janep_at_unr.edu
2Chart of Accounts
The account number defines the structure and
organization of the university accounting system.
The chart of accounts structure is set up in
order to segregate and classify transactions into
3Source of Funds
- The fund is the four digit numeric code which
defines the source of funds such as where it is
coming from and spending rules applicable to the
fund. - 1101 to 1199 State funds, revert back to the
State of Nevada at the end of each fiscal year. - 1200 to 1299 Non-state funds, generally
unrestricted. Any funds remaining at year end
roll forward to the next year. Any non-state
funds from which salaries are paid or expenses
exceed 25,000 must be budgeted. Contact
Planning, Budget and Analysis at 784-6516. - 1207 and 1210 Indirect Cost recovery accounts.
4Source of Funds cont.
- 1300 to 1399 Non-state restricted funds.
- Includes Foundation accounts (1311)
- Scholarship (1312)
- Grants and Contracts (1320-1373). Grant Accounts
are multi year accounts, roll at fiscal year end
and have grant end dates. - 1400 to 1850 Various other non-state sources
such as endowments, agency funds, loan funds etc - 1900 Agency Funds.
- 4101 to 4850 Nevada System of Higher Education.
- Three digit numeric code identifying the College
or Vice President. This 3 digit code follows the
fund in each account number. - Examples
- 102 is the Provosts Office
- 105 is Student Services
- 107 is Athletics
- 113 is Education
- 117 is Engineering
- Four digit alpha/numeric code identifying the
department or project. The combination of Agency
Organization form a unique account structure
within the financial system. - Examples
- 112-0200 to 112-0299 is the Art Department in the
College of Liberal Arts. - 114-2300 to 114-2399 is the Biology Department in
the College of Science. - Area and organization form a unique code. If
account number 1101-102-0028 exists, there will
NOT be a 1200-102-0028 account number. 102-0028
is a unique identifier for that specific account
number. Grant accounts always start at 0050.
All other university accounts range from 0001 to
7Expense Object and Sub Object Expense Codes
- Expense Object Codes
- Two digit alpha/numeric code identifying the
general type of expenditure category. - 11 Professional Salaries 20 Travel
- 14 Classified Salaries 25 Hosting
- 16 Fringe 30 Operating
- Expense Sub Object Codes
- Two character alpha/numeric code providing
additional detail about the transaction.
Required on all university forms for expenditures
and deposits at the Cashiers office. - 20 01 In-State Travel
- 20 02 Out-of-State Travel
- 20 03 Foreign Travel
8Revenue Source Sub Revenue Source Codes
- Revenue Source Codes
- Two digit alpha/numeric code identifying the
source of the revenue. - 68 Tuition Fees
- 78 Sales Services
- 85 Private Gifts, Grants Contracts
Restricted - Sub Revenue Source Codes
- Two character alpha/numeric code providing
additional detail about the transaction.
Required on all university forms for deposits at
the Cashiers office. - 78 01 Misc. Sales/Service Rev
- 78 02 Athletic Events
- 78 03 Gate Receipt/Other
9Fiscal Year and Month
Fiscal Year Two digit code identifying the state
fiscal year from July 01 - June 30 July 01, 2008
through June 30, 2009 09 Inception to date
accounts have a MY or Multiple Year code Grants
Contracts accounts funds 1320 through 1371
and fund 1208. Fiscal Month Two digit code
which identifies the fiscal month within the
fiscal year identifying when transactions are
posted. 01 July 02 August 03
10Document IDs
- Transaction Code
- Two digit character code identifying the document
type - PV Payment Voucher
- JV Journal Voucher
- SC Purchase Order
- Transaction Number
- Up to an eleven digit alpha/ numeric code
assigned to a transaction posted to the financial
system. (Number in the upper right corner of the
pre-numbered forms in the forms directory on the
web). - The combination of Transaction Code and
Transaction Number is unique to each transaction
in the Advantage financial system and in CAIS.
11Account Types
- 01 Assets
- 02 Liabilities
- 03 Fund Balance
- 20 Pre-encumbrance Purchase Requisition to
BCN Purchasing. - 21 Encumbrance - Purchase Order or Salary and
Fringe encumbrance. - 22 Expenditure/Expense
- 31 Revenue Except Recharge 39
- Budget or Budget Revision (Expense)
- 51 Budget or Budget Revision (Revenue)
12What does Accounts Payable (AP) Do?
- AP processes invoices for payments against
encumbered funds. - AP processes payments to vendors and employees
via Request for Payment (RFP). - Receives and routes invoices to departments for
approval. - Processes JVs, TVs, IPOs, Stop Payments, Wire
Transfers, Stale Dated Checks and copies of
cancelled checks. - Maintains and scans into document imaging
processed payment documents. - Maintains W-9s and issuance of annual 1099s.
- AP does not process RXs, POs or PO
modifications. Please contact BCN purchasing at
784-6552 or visit their web site
13Which Form/Document Do I Use?
- First ask yourself, am I paying a vendor or an
individual? - To pay a vendor for goods/services in the future
exceeding 2,000 submit a requisition to BCN
Purchasing http//www.bcn-nshe.org/purchasing/. - To pay a vendor for goods/services in the future
less than 2,000 use the university pcard
(MasterCard). - To pay an Individual (non UNR) for future
services submit an Independent Contractor
Agreement or Guest Speaker form. - To reimburse for interview expenditures submit a
Request for Payment form with original receipts. - To reimburse an employee for expenditures submit
a Request for Payment form with original
14Request for Payments
- RFPs are used for the following when the
university pcard is not accepted - Employee or student reimbursements (non-travel)
original receipts required - Hosting Reimbursements
- Prizes or Awards
- Guest, Interview Candidate Moving Expenses
- Conference Registration fees
- Memberships, Subscriptions, Accreditation,
Licenses, Royalty/Patent Fees, Sponsorships
Dues - After the fact payments Subject to purchasing
violations being issued. - Petty Cash Replenishment
- See second page of the RFP for a complete list.
15Acceptable Receipts for all Reimbursements and
- Receipts must contain the following
- Business Name and Address
- Itemization of Purchase
- Total Amount Paid
- Method of Payment
- Date of Purchase
- Original Receipt
16Non-Reimbursable Expenses
- The following expenditures will not be
reimbursed - Parking Permits
- Annual fees for personal credit cards
- Vehicle Cleaning
- Gift Certificates for non-research participants
- Corporate credit card delinquency fees, finance
charges, or annual charges - Loss/theft of personal property
- Parking fines or traffic fines
- Personal clothing or hygiene items
- Personal entertainment including sporting events
- Personal telephone calls in addition to prepaid
phone cards or other prepaid cards. - Fees associated with booking travel on-line such
as Orbits, Travelocity, etc in excess of 25.00
17Gift Certificates
- Due to the accountability issue with gift
certificates the current policy is that you may
neither purchase or be reimbursed for the
purchase of gift certificates for the following
reasons - Gift certificates can be cashed for their face
value. - There is no effective way to account for gift
certificate purchased or how and whom they are
distributed. - The ONLY exception is gift certificates are
allowable for research participants with approval
from the Office of Sponsored Projects.
18Membership Dues Licenses
- Institutional Memberships, Dues, Licenses
Associations. - Held in the University of Nevada, Reno name.
- May be paid with state funds.
- May be paid with either a RFP or pcard.
- Requires Dean or VP approval.
- Individual Memberships, Dues, Licenses
Associations. - Held in the name of the individual.
- Are NOT permitted to be paid with state funds
- May be paid with either a RFP or pcard.
- Requires Dean or VP approval.
- Dues asses a qualified individual by education,
field or interest. - Individual licenses must be required in the
employees work position.
19Petty Cash
- Contact Robert Andrews 784-1203 in AP to set up a
Petty Cash Account. Funds are used for small
dollar purchases of goods that cannot be
purchased on a Pcard. - To replenish the fund, a RFP must be filled out
with the original receipts and submitted to AP. - Cannot be used for Hosting.
- The amount requested plus the balance remaining
in the fun, should equal the authorized amount of
the petty cash fund. - Visit the web for policies, procedures and forms.
20How to Spend MoneyPurchasing Card
- The Pcard is to be used for small dollar
purchases up to 2,000 for external vendors who
accept Master Card. Pcard training is provided
by Bob Andrews 784-1203. - Each card holder can access payment net to edit
their own pcard transactions. - Each card has a default account number and it can
be changed via payment net for specific
transactions. - Biweekly statements with supporting documentation
are submitted to the Controllers Office after
being signed by the appropriate authority. - Does not create an encumbrance on the account.
21How to Spend MoneyRFP, IPO or POs
- Request for Payment To be used for small dollar
purchases up to 2,000 if the vendor does not
take Master Card. Used to reimburse expenses,
request for check and other various payments
listed on the RFP form. Does not create and
encumbrance on the account. - Internal Purchase Order Used for internal
purchases of goods or services of any amount from
other units on campus. For example Locks
Department, IT computer software etc - Purchase Orders or Purchase Requisitions
Contact BCN Purchasing Department at 784-6552 for
additional information or visit their web site at
http//www.bcn-nshe.org/purchasing/ Use the
Purchase Requisition forms to initiate purchases
from off campus vendors of anything over 2,000.
22How to Spend Money Purchase Orders
- All expenditures that are 2,000 or greater
require a Purchase Orders (PO). POs are used for
purchasing goods or services and will create an
encumbrance on the account - Items between 2,000 - 24,999 must be documented
with a quotation or price list. - Items between 25,000 - 49,999 require quotes
from two or more responsible vendors. - Items over 50,000 will be awarded after
Purchasing completes a formal bid process. - Proprietary/sole source purchases are allowed
under certain circumstances. - BPOs Blanket Purchase Orders For goods and
services that are purchased on a regular,
periodic basis. May be used for recurring
payments and must be used if the total annual
recurring expenditures exceed 10,000. - http//www.bcn-nshe.org/purchasing/
23Vendor Invoices
- If a vendor is not in the database a W9 will need
to be completed prior to payment. - All foreign vendors require a W-8BEN.
- Invoices are paid against encumbered POs. The
invoice should contain the PO number issued by
BCN Purchasing. - Payments are for goods and services purchased by
the university. - Vendor invoices should be mailed to the
department for department approval. - AP will only pay invoices without department
approval if they are established in Advantage
with no approval required.
24After-the-Fact Purchases
- All goods and services 2,000 and over must go
through BCN Purchasing. If you have services
rendered without a PO you will need to complete
the following steps - Submit an RX to BCN Purchasing with a copy of the
invoice and a letter explaining why a PO was not
issued before the services were rendered. - A Purchasing Violation will be issued and
documented on the PO so the vendor and department
will know the PO was not requested before the
services. - A copy of the purchasing violation letter and the
PO will be sent to the departments Dean or VP. - BCN Purchasing will send the PO and invoice to AP
requesting a cash with order after the PO and
purchasing violation are complete.
25How to Spend MoneyPayroll
- Payroll Expenses Spending money from object
codes 11, 12, 14, 15 also affects object code 16
fringe benefits. For state accounts (1101)
fringe is covered from a central fringe pool.
For all other state accounts and for non-state
accounts, the fringe needs to be paid from the
same account number that is being charged the
salary. - Use PAFs, Payroll Action Form to initiate a
salary expenditure. Many employees will also
need a contract Terms of Employment document as
well. - A PAF will create an encumbrance on the account
accept for hourly wage employees. - PR-45 Use this form to transfer payroll
expenditures between accounts. Salary and fringe
expenditures will be moved together. -
26How to Spend Money Independent Contractors
Guest Speakers
- Visit the Controllers Office web site
ice/indy-contractors.html or contact SJ Yoon at
784-6663. SJ also offers training classes!!! - To be used to pay for services provided by
external vendors but subject to many regulations.
- Cannot be used for teaching of classes.
- Cannot be used for anyone who is employed by any
campus in the NSHE or a relative of someone
employed by NSHE. - Can be used to pay an honorarium to a speaker but
special care is to be taken if the speaker is
international. - Can usually be used to pay for services that are
not typically provided by employees of the NSHE.
27Nonresident Aliens
- Visit the Controllers Office web site at
- Contact SJ Yoon at SJ Yoon at 784-6663 or attend
one of her training classes PRIOR to making a
commitment to pay any foreign person. - All UNR departments and organizations must be in
compliance with the federal rules and regulations
and with the UNR NRAT policies and procedures.
Contact the Office of International Students and
Scholars when hiring any foreign nationals. - It is important the individual have the correct
immigration status for the type of payment
requested or we may not legally be able to pay
the individual under immigration law.
- Hosting Documentation/Approval Please review the
University Administrative Manual - Spending money using object code 25 from an
approved hosting account. Expenditures can be
paid by using the pcard, RFP, PO or IPO. - The expense must have an attached Host Expense
Documentation/Approval form and flyer or agenda
documenting the event. - The form must be completed for any and all types
of hosting payments. - The form must state who, how, when, where and
why? - If hosting is paid for on a pcard, hosting
documents must be submitted with the pcard
- Hosting Documentation/Approval Cont.
- All hosting payments must have the approval of
the Dean or VP. - If hosting is charged to a grant account, the
grant must have prior approval from OSPA and be
listed as an approved expense. - Each Dean or VP has a host account for their area
and all hosting must run through those designated
accounts. - Table purchases at fund-raising events are
subject to prior approval by the President. - On-campus hosting must be through Chartwells
unless the total amount is less that 50.00.
30Why Does Accounts Payable have so many policies
and procedures that must be followed?
- University Administrative Manual
http//www.unr.edu/business_finance/forms/uam.pdf - NRS - Nevada Revised Statutes http//www.leg.stat
e.nv.us/NRS/ - NAC Nevada Administrative Code
http//www.leg.state.nv.us/NCA/CHAPTERS.HTML - SAM State Administrative Manual
http//www.budget.state.nv.us/SAM24/ - IRS Internal Revenue Service for tax code,
regulations, revenue rulings and procedures and
case law. http//www.irs.ustreas.gov - USCIS US Citizenship and Immigration Services
for legal payments to nonresident aliens.
http//uscis.gov/graphics/ - Board of Regents http//system.nevada.edu/Board-
of-R/Handbook/index.htm http//system.nevada.edu/
31Tax Information
- NSHE Tax Identification Number 88-6000024
- Sales Tax Exemption Letter http//www.unr.edu/vpaf
f - UNR completed W-9 http//www.unr.edu/vpaf/controll
er/accounting/documents/UNR_W9.pdf - 1099 related questions please contact Robert
Andrews at 784-1203 - Nonresident alien and independent contractors tax
questions please contact SJ Yoon at 784-6663
32Forms on the Web
- http//www.unr.edu/forms
- Internal Accounting Forms
- Request to Establish/Modify Account PDF
- Internal Purchase Order PDF
- Journal Voucher PDF
- General Invoice PDF
- Transfer Voucher PDF
- Cash Transmittal Receipt PDF
- Cashier Deposit Slip PDF
33Controllers Office Forms
- General Invoice
- Used to invoice an outside entity for services or
products provided by the university, including
other institutions within NSHE. - Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) the
system office is considered internal and you
should use an IPO instead of a general invoice. - Cash Receipt (CR)
- Document used to record income and/or
reimbursement of expense received from an outside
entity. The Cashiers office excepts checks,
cash, and credit cards and posts to the
appropriate account in the Advantage financial
34Controllers Office Forms
- Request to Establish/Modify Account
- Create a new non-grant account within the
Advantage financial system. - Modify an existing account such as add/delete
signature authority or change the account
manager. - All 1311 requests must go through the Foundation
office. - Internal Purchase Order (IPO)
- Used for purchases between departments of the
university and/or the NSHE. - No dollar limit
35Controllers Office Forms
- Journal Voucher (JV) Use the JV form to correct
a previously posted non-payroll expenditure or
revenue transaction from one account to another.
Also used to correct object/sub-object and
revenue and sub revenue source codes. - Expenses revenue can be transferred between
funding sources as long as they are transferred
to funds that allow the expense/revenue. For
example, a host expense can NOT be transferred to
a non-hosting account. - Post foreign wires and drafts to/from the bank
account to appropriate operating account in the
financial system. - If you need to JV salaries from one account to
another use the PR-45 form. - The JV form must contain the fund, agency, org,
object/ revenue source codes and sub
object/source codes. - The original posted transaction must be on the
form. - The JV must be signed by someone with signature
authority on the account. - The comment section must be filled out stating
why the JV is being processed.
36Controllers Office Forms
- Transfer Voucher (TV) Non-state funds only. The
Transfer Voucher form allows you to transfer
cash from one account to another account.
Please note the following restrictions - Cannot move cash into our out of state accounts
(funds 1101 to 1199). - The TB1 form allows you to move funds between
object codes within a state account or between
other state accounts with the same fund. Note,
you cannot transfer funds between functions.
Submit the form to Planning, Budget, Analysis
784-6516. - You cannot move cash in or out of state funds to
self supporting funds. (1101 to 1200) - Grant accounts require OSPA approval for funds
1320 to 1373 and 4320 to 4371. - You can NOT transfer in or out of a Foundation
(1311 fund) account without prior approval from
the foundation. - Processed through the financial system as JV
37Controllers Office Forms
- Request for Payment (RFP)
- Small dollar purchases up to 2,000 for products
or services where the vendors does not accept
pcard as a method of payment. - All purchases 2,000 or greater MUST go through
the BCN Purchasing Department. - Services paid to a vendor who is NOT doing
business under his/her social security number. - If it is under a social security number, an
independent contractor or guest speaker form is
used to process the payment request. - Reimburse employees for out-of-pocket,
(non-travel) related expenses. - Original detailed receipts are required.
- Written explanation of why the pcard was not
used. - Employees supervisor or higher has to approve
payment, even if they do not have signature
authority on the account being charged. - Reimburse job candidates interview expenses.
38Controllers Office Forms
- Scholarship Request SJ Yoon (784-6663) provides
Scholarship and Award training. All scholarship
requests must be approved by the Scholarship
Coordinator, Suzanne Bach and the Nonresident
Alien Tax Specialist, SJ Yoon. - Always check with the Scholarship office
regarding scholarships. Failure to do so may
cause the student to not qualify for financial
aid. - All payments to students MUST be approved by
Financial Aid. - Students are required to read the section on
taxability, check whether or not they are a US
citizen/lawful permanent resident and sign. - Types of Scholarships
- Compensatory Scholarship income for services
i.e. researcher, teaching assistant or graduate
assistant. The individual must be set up as an
employee and the payments must be paid through
the payroll system. This income is reported on a
W-2 form and is taxed.
39Controllers Office Forms
- Scholarship Request continued
- Non-compensatory Scholarship income paid to or
on behalf of an individual for the purpose of
aiding study, training, or research and does not
represent compensation for services. It is
specifically intended to defray the expenses of
study, training, or research. - Qualified Scholarships This income is to pay
for tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment
required for courses. - Nonqualified Scholarship This is income the
student receives that is above the cost of
required tuition, fees, books, supplies and
40Controllers Office Forms
- Award Request
- The student must check the appropriate box
regarding their citizenship status. - All Award Requests must be approved by the
Scholarship Coordinator and the Nonresident Alien
Tax Specialist. - All payments to students must be approved by
Financial Aid. - There are two types of award payments
- Compensatory Award There must be an
employer-employee relationship existing between
the one making the award and the recipient of the
award. If no such relationship exists, the award
will not constitute wages. - Non Compensatory Award An example of this would
be if the non-employed student wrote a paper, and
unexpectedly received an award for writing the
best paper.
41Controllers Office Forms
- Travel Request Travel training classes are
available through Bob Andrews at 784-1203 - Required when an employee is traveling out of the
state for over 24 hours. The employees travel
request must be completed, approved and received
at the Controllers office prior to the departure
date. - If college or department travel policies are more
restrictive, the employee is to follow the
policies which are more restrictive. - If a cash advance is requested, the approval form
needs to be received in the Controllers office
10 working days prior to departure date. Only
approved for extreme circumstances or student
travel. - Travel Expense Claim
- Must be completed and submitted to the travel
department within ten working days of the travel
return date for all travel. - Travel expense claim form must be completed if
there are no expenses to be reimbursed to the
42Controllers Office Forms
- W-9
- Required when adding new vendors to the
university vendor database. Federal regulation
require the completion of this form for any
payment paid to an individual (non-employee/studen
t), corporation, partnership and or sole
proprietor. - If not completed, the payment will be delayed
until the form is complete and on file. - Pcard payments do not require a W-9 to be on
file. - State of Nevada Sales Tax Exemption Letter
- Letter from the State Department of Taxation
exempting the university from sales tax. - The university is a State Entity and does not
pay Nevada State Sales Tax. - If you are physically in another state and
purchase/receive a product, the university is to
pay the state sales tax applicable to the sale.
43The End Thank You!