Title: The Forest
1The Forest
- By
- Mahima
- Melissa,
- Peter,
- Thomas,
- Tyler
2(No Transcript)
3Kinds Of Forest
- There are many kinds of forest such as. Tropical
Rain Forest, Tropical Seasonal Forest, The
Savanna, Temperate Deciduous Forest, Temperate
Ever Green Forest, Boreal Forest.
4Forest Rain Fall Each Year
- Each year at least 30-60 inches of
rain falls in the forest.
5The Forest floor
- The forest is covered with clumps of Moss,
green, yellow, and red Leaves, Twigs, Animal
Droppings, and chemicals for new plant growth.
Among all the objects there are still small
organisms that can be found!
6The blue poison dart frogBy Tyler
- The poison dart frogs come in a variety of colors
from blue to yellow to red with blue legs that
look like jeans.
- These colorful frogs werent found untill 1968!
7The size and range of The Poison Dart Frog
An adult frog is about as long as a in. it weighs
about 0.3 ounces.
They are found all over south America, some in
the rain forest, never in water but next to.
8Predators are snakes,large spiders, and humans!
The diet is termites, tiny beetles, small
insects! The male frogs have round toes, the fema
le frogs have straight toes.
9- The Tiger
- By Mahima
- An adult tiger is about 300 pounds while a baby
is only 3 pounds!!!
- The tiger lives in almost all the forests in the
- It eats large mammals such as deer,antelope,wild
cattle, and wild pigs.
- Sometimes even small rhinos and elephants.
- Their predators are large rhinos and other large
10 By Mahima A tigers life span is usually reall
y ,really long. They are almost always alone. The
only time they are not alone is when they are
with their babies. they even hunt alone.
11Great Horned Owl
- They are reddish brown and grey.
- Their eyes are yellow.
- Their feet are covered with feathers.
- They can turn their head 270 degrees!
- They can grow to be 2 feet long.
12Great Horned Owl
- Female are longer than the males and 10 to 20
- Both the male and female take turns laying eggs.
- The Great Horned Owls young can not fly till
they are 9 weeks old.
13Wolf Spiders By Peter
- They hunt alone.
- Wolf spiders are carnivores
- They jump on their prey, chase their prey or wait
for it to walk by.
- They live in human homes, burrows and under
14Wolf Spider
- They bite but not poisonous.
- It is not lethal but it will hurt.
- They bite because they are in danger.
15- They carry their eggs on their spinneret's.
- There are 1 centimeter 3 centimeters. Or ½ in
to 2 inches long.
- They have eight eyes in three rows.
- Color helps camouflage for protection.
- They are brown to gray with different markings.
- There are very hairy!
16Mudskipper By Thomas
- The normal length of a mudskipper is between 6
and 12 inches.
- The mudskipper live in burrows dug in mud.
- Mudskippers live approximately 5 years.
- Mudskippers climb up tree trunks and at the first
sight of danger they sprint into there burrow.
- There are several hundred eggs in one burrow.
- It takes 2 to 3 weeks for the eggs to hatch.
- A mudskipper can breath out of water.
- Other adult mudskippers might eat there young.
- The mudskipper eats algae and other small fish or
- The mudskippers mating seasons are May and July.
- Male mudskippers turn bright colors when it is
mating season to attract female mudskippers.
- The mudskippers eyes are designed for in and out
of the water.
- The mudskipper spends most of there time under