Title: AirportGround facility to Aircraft Content load options
1Airport/Ground facility to Aircraft Content load
WAEA 0403
Dr. Sudhakar Shetty The Boeing Company
- Wired Links
- Fiber Link
- Copper Link
- Wireless Links
- WLAN Links (Short Range)
- WiMax Links (Medium Range)
- Satellite Link (Long Range)
3Wired Links Fiber or Copper
- No bandwidth limits - Infrastructure build up,
maintenance operational issues
Graphic from Airport to Aircraft Content
Loading, Leach, Carrington, Vyvx, DCMWG July
13-14, 2004
4WILAN Links - Short Range (802.11a, 802.11n, or
- Download movies automatically while parked at
gate - Can be used easily for monthly upgrades
Technology Throughput Distance Tx time
for 1GB/movie WLAN 802.11a (at gate) 25MB/Sec x
n Ch. 100 ft 5.3Min WLAN 802.11n (at gate) 100
MB/Sec x n Ch. 100ft 1.3 Min UWB (at gate) 100
MB/Sec x n Ch. 30ft 1.3 Min
5WiMax Links (Medium Range) Nearby tower
Tower can be on or off Airport property
Terminal 2
Gate 1
Gate n
- Download movies automatically while parked at
gate - Can be used easily for monthly upgrades,
although slower than WLAN - Infrastructure can be set up outside the airport
Technology Throuhput Distance Tx time
for 1GB/Movie WiMax Fixed(at gate) 40MB/Sec x
n Ch 7KM 3.3Min WiMax Mobile(at gate) 15
MB/Sec x n Ch 3KM 8.9 Min
6Satellite Link (Long Range)
Terminal 2
Gate 1
Gate n
- Download movies all the time while flying
- Can be used easily for monthly upgrades
- Although slower than WLAN or WiMax, time is of
not a concern - Cost may be a concern
Technology Throuhput Distance Tx time for
1GB/Movie Satellite (while flying)
512KB/Sec N/A 260Min
7Data Transfer Timing Summary
Rates are shown for single radio channel. Some
standards could use multiple channels in parallel.
8Conclusions Recommendations
- Although Fiber has all the BW it may not be
practical - WLAN, WIMAX and Satellite links look very
promising - Wireless links can support all day to day media
updates - Initial load may need dedicated time or physical
media - Recommendation
- Support portable content load for initial load
maintenance - Support Wireless links (WLAN/WiMax/Satellite)
for daily monthly updates - 10 to 15 movies upload during a 15 minute at the
gate - 40 to 60 movies upload during an hour at the gate