Policy Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Policy Review


How can I pay for this trip? There are many ways that your clinic abroad trip can be funded. ... FASFA - You may have already done this. Eligibility Notification ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Policy Review

Palmer Clinic AbroadOct. 2007 Trips
Policy Review and Paperwork
Please initial sign-in sheet
Please check your name on the attendance. This
must be your legal name as shown on your
Financial Aid Sue McCabe
How can I pay for this trip?
  • There are many ways that your clinic abroad trip
    can be funded. Of course, you can always pay for
    it on your own or have your rich relative get the
    bill. However for those of you that do not have
    a giving relative, there may be student loans

How can I pay for this trip?
  • Loans?
  • What kind of loan is it?
  • What is an unsubsidized loan
  • What is a Grad Plus or Private Loan
  • How much money do I have available?
  • I have not had loans in the past. What do I do?

Paying Cash?
  • 500 deposit due August 23, 2007
  • Final Payment by Sept. 14, 2007
  • Please note, if you have only partial loan
    availability, and will owe more that 50, you
    must pay the deposit and any balance after your
    loans by the deadline!
  • If you have a private loan for over 50 of the
    balance, you must have the pre-approval form in
    order to not have to pay the deposit.
  • If you will owe under 50, your balance is due on
    the 14th.

Grad Plus or Private Loan?
If the cost of your trip is greater than the
amount you have available, you will need one of
these loans. This form you fill out will be sent
to Iowa Student Loan for pre-approval by the
Financial Planning Office.  You will have the
results early enough to decide if you will be
eligible or will need to complete the Partnership
loan with a qualifying co-signer.
Grad Plus or Private Loan?
  • You must get pre-approval now!
  • You must submit proof of pre-approval to the
    business office by August 23rd. or pay the 500
  • You will receive this Pre-approval notification
    via the Fin. Aid Department in your PCC Box prior
    to the cancellation deadline.
  • Final Payment by Sept. 14, 2007.

  • Each student has different financial aid status.
    Unfortunately we can not answer specific
    questions to the whole group and maintain
  • Within the next week, all of you will get an
    individualized letter outlining your current
  • Before the final payment is due, you will get a
    Fin. Aid letter in your PCC Box
  • If you have further questions or concern about
    your status, please see the financial aid office.

What do I need to complete?
  • For Financial Aid
  • FASFA - You may have already done this.
  • Eligibility Notification
  • Professional Judgment Application
  • Loan Information Sheet
  • Grad Plus Loan Sheet
  • Please complete ALL portions of the packet and
    turn in in prior to departing today.

I do not need or get aid, do I have to fill out
the paperwork?
  • Yes!
  • All students must complete paperwork.
    International students may complete the top sheet
    and write INTERNATIONAL across the top.

Palmer Clinic Abroad
Roles and Responsibilities
You have not truly seen the world until you have
looked upon it with different eyes.
What is going on a Clinic Abroad Trip all about?
  • Humanitarianism
  • Responsibility
  • Hard-work
  • Commitment
  • Dedication
  • Clinical Development
  • Personal Development

  • To Your Nation
  • To the Chiropractic Profession
  • To Palmer College
  • To the Clinic Abroad Office
  • To Your Host
  • To Your Peers
  • To Your Patients
  • To Yourself

Points to Remember
  • Dont be the Ugly American! As a society
    Americans tend to be rather loud.
  • We typically think of partying as drinking and
    acting crazy.
  • Not all things meet the standards we are used to.
  • Embrace the opportunity to enjoy another culture,
    dont expect ours!

Points to Remember
  • Remember that Chiropractic is new to this
    country. Represent your profession well!
    Promote the profession, not the party!
  • Always act as if you were in your small hometown
    where your practice is.
  • Remember that you may not be back, but Palmer
    students will be. Dont set an unwanted

Points to Remember
  • Remember that this trip would not be possible
    without your host.
  • Realize the amount of work and dedication they
    put in before you even arrive.
  • Treat their neighborhood as if it were your own.

Points to Remember
  • Read the Ten Commandments of a good study
    abroad student.
  • Thou shall not Whine!
  • Remember to respect your peers, even if you are
    not at your best.
  • Negative attitudes create a snowball effect.
  • Differences of opinion create strong character.
  • Be supportive in times of need.

Points to Remember
  • Give each and every patient your personal best!
  • You can not function at 100 if you have no sleep
    or are hung over.
  • Talk to your patient, not the interpreter.
  • Sometimes less is more, look for the primary
  • If you are unsure or if the patient has a
    pathology, please address the condition with the

Show respect to each and every patient!
  • Always provide quality and individual care no
    matter how many others are waiting.

A Few Expectations!
  • Come to the weekly classes. Remember that
    attendance is mandatory.
  • Be on time and stay for the entire class.
  • Do your assignments and complete paperwork ON
  • It is not possible to present you with every
    detail of your experience. However, embrace the

A Few Expectations!
  • Several aspects of the learning process are self
    directed. Please explore information about the
    culture and location on your own as well as
    during the class.
  • Between your weekly class and self directed
    learning, expected to spend about 2 hours per
  • If your expectations are not being met, please
    contact your trip coordinator or the CAP office!

The Purple Calendar
  • This is your guide to assignments and class times
    for the trimester, as well as topics we will be
    discussing. Please carefully look over it and
    write your commitments for Clinic Abroad on your

Tips for Clinic
  • Professionalism and Participation
  • Palmer Core Curriculum and Approved/Carded
  • Remember that it is the faculty clinicians
    license. Even if you want to use a carded
    selective technique, if the faculty is not
    familiar with the technique, they have the right
    to say no.
  • Universal precautions
  • Be aware of local health conditions
  • Be aware of local cultural issues
  • Use faculty expertise
  • Appropriately record all patient care.
  • Clinic notes must be turned in by deadline.

Tips from the CAP Office
  • Read the participant handbook.
  • Attend mandatory classes.
  • Complete all forms neatly and in a timely manner.
  • Complete all assignments.
  • Group process and participation.
  • Positive attitude/teamwork.
  • Professionalism.
  • Flexibility.

Tips from the CAP Office
  • Please report any problems or concerns to the
    coordinator or faculty.
  • Dont perpetuate gossip!
  • Check your email for information updates at least
  • The trip faculty and staff represent this office
    during a trip. They will be your first line of
  • The trip faculty and staff have the authority to
    report any and all misconduct occurring on a trip.

Tips for Yourself
  • Prepare mentally, physically and clinically.
  • Leave your personal baggage at home.
  • Set your expectations low and enjoy each
    opportunity as it arrives.
  • Save the alcohol and fraternizing for your
    personal vacations!

Tips for Yourself
  • Remember, there are things that you can do
    anywhere in the world, but there are some things
    that can ONLY be done on this trip at this time!
  • Dont cheat yourself.
  • An open mind, open eyes, patience, and
    flexibility and a good attitude are a must to get
    the most out of your experience!

Palmer Clinic Abroad
Just a few reminders!
Cancellation Deadline August 23, 2007
Lets do Paperwork!
  • Turn in all paperwork prior to leaving the
  • Please do not leave until all paperwork has been
    checked off and turned in.

Post Presentation Quiz
Please email answers to the Clinic Abroad
Based on information from the presentation and
the handbook
  • List a minimum of two goals of the Clinic Abroad
    Program (CAP). You will find this in the
  • While on a CAP trip, who are you responsible to?
  • List a minimum of two responsibilities listed in
    the student extern job description for CAP. You
    will find this in the handbook.
  • What is the cancellation deadline date?
  • Are Palmer College selective techniques allowed
    to be used on a CAP trip? If you respond yes to
    this question, are there any stipulations?
  • What is the curfew time for all evenings
    preceding patient care days?
  • List a minimum of five ways to prepare for a CAP
  • Discuss the importance of attendance at
    pre-departure classes and your commitment to
    attending all classes.
  • Discuss why adherence to professional conduct is
    essential during a CAP trip.
  • Provide your name and trip location.
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