- For this class most communication will be through
E-Mail - I will accept mail from other mail accounts. But,
I prefer mail through PIPELINE. - You must know your PIN or get it ASAP
- Write down your PIN and USER NAME
- ALL E-Mail to me must be through the
- ccrijcarter_at_yahoo.com account
2Getting Your PIN
- Printed on Registration confirmation
- Lost it? Go to Records Office (Registrar)Show
them a picture and your registrationand they
will give it to you. Write it down! - With the PIN you can get your CCRI User Name.
You will need it for TESTING registration this
3Getting Your User NameGo To CCRI Home PageClick
on the PIPELINE Help
4Click User Name Lookup Students
5Enter Your -Social Security Number -your PIN
Then ClickLOOK UP
6It will return with Your Name - Your User
Nameand Your CCRI E-Mail Address
Write them down!Then ClickLogin
7Next Go Back to the CCRI HOME PAGE and Click to
8Next - Sign into PIPELINE andVERIFY whether
- Put in Username (TAB)
- Click LOGIN
9Check your E-MailYour first assignment will be
in your INBOX in the next few days if not already
Click the Maximize button if necessary
10Open Mail That is There. To READ - Click on the
From LinkYour First Assignment is in the Message
If you do not have mail from me in your Inbox See
11Class EMAIL Rules
- Since ALL E-Mail to me must be through the
ccrijarter_at_yahoo.com account - Get an understanding of how to use PIPELINE
- On the Opening MenuGo to PIPELINE HELP
EMAIL - Do NOT be Overconfident. Spend the time
now to Learn PIPELINE.
12Class EMAIL Rules
- On all email to me use your class Section Number
after your name on the first line of the Message
body. Example COMI-1100-30x Where x is 1 or
3. 301 and 303 are valid class Section Number - All EMAIL to me is to be FORMALComplete
sentences Proper SyntaxNo Spelling errors. Use
Spell Checking
13Class EMAIL RulesHINTS
- -Be sure to CC (?) yourself. If you dont get
it back I didnt get it! - Enter my address and your address into the
ADDRESS BOOK and use them each time you send
mail. Prevents typos.. - Save a copy so you will not have to recreate a
message that does not get through.
- Read the Email,Follow the Instructions,and
send me a response. - Refer to the Syllabus for Grading.