Title: Games, Cross Media and Film
1Games, Cross Media and Film Everyone is a movie
maker! Fred Hasson, København November 7th 2007
2- Who?
- Musician / Rockband
- Study and Politics!
- Freelance Journalism
- TV film independent producers, BBC
- Dotcom - 1997-2001 sold to Endemol
- Computer Games 2001- now
- Chair EGDF, Member BAFTA, BSAC.
3- Tiga
- 157 members - 120 developers (publisher and
independents), technology, outsourcing - Casual/mobile Group, Technology Group.
- UK - 8,000/22,000 in 160 studios, Mkt
2.35bnproduction 350m 45-50 Europe - Lobby Econ Development
- GAME (Ger/Aus/Sw), APom (Fr) Spelplan(Swe),
Producerne(DK), Neo (Fin), BeGIN(Benelux),
Tiga(UK) - 11 countries, 500 studios, 17,000 people
- Lobby Econ Development
- World Market 35bn Ubi forecast grow by 53 by
5- Games by other media
- Not serious violent Geeks
- BUT Games bigger(35bn) than US box office
- Games taking viewers especially young people
- Games providing real interactivity red dot is
6Evolution of games Always been games Chess ,
Mah Jong Board games/ Strategy games Toys
Consumer electronics IT .2 levels short of
a medium.??
7Evolution of games UK Dungeons and Dragons
meets ZX81 Problem solving Strategy Amusements/
sims Genres FPS, Sports sims, Adventure, beat
em up People sims, logic and game games
8Evolution of Games Return path Interconnectivity
MMOGs (WoW 9m users100m), XBLA User
generated content web 2.0 Interactivity in the
Set Top Box not the TV PS3 compromise only 33
9- Games market is segmenting
- Console and PC Sony-M/soft-Nintendo home
computer - Handheld PSP DS
- Boxed product (budgets 1-50m)
- Casual / mobile
- Downloadable
- MMOGs - themepark
- Virtual worlds playground
- Online
10- More to come
- Space between fully interactive and linear -
hybrid - Heavenly Sword more narrative
- Communities leagues, but also in games movies,
VoIP, EVE online - Experts from outside the games industry film,
education, even News and current affaires
11Games and other media TV websites?! Virtual
worlds esp childrens content, Games of
stories Advertising Viral marketing, virtual
worlds, in game adving Film Multi-linear
storytelling, production process, cross
collateralisation, licenses both ways Games of
stories Games other media Big Opportunities
12Games and Film Case Study Matrix 2 films, 1
games 2 animations (Animatrix) Animation skills
converging same art software, cross
collateralisation 30 But very different
cultures Geeks vs descendents of theatre
13Ubisoft vs Warners Ubisoft opening CG studio to
make short films and learn but not ruling out FFs
in the future Warners not licensing its IP so
much and more interested in owning studios and
making own games Dubai ops games/film
14Are they related? Games action and no narrative/
story? Ubisoft Next stage is to introduce
emotion into games. Long term create ultimate
interactive experience Peter Jackson Creatively
the games expands and enhances the universe and
characters Maybe it takes an outsider to spot
the potential of games?
15- Conclusions
- World changing fast recordings consumer chooses
what to pay! - Old media never dies it looses its scarcity
everyone is a movie maker - Games are medium capable of doing everything
but has lack of redemptive seriousness.. BUT
.2 levels short of a medium - Games industry also faces challenges, User taking
16Games, Cross Media and Film Everyone is a movie
maker! Fred Hasson København November 7th 2007
17Evolution of games Board games/ Strategy
games Toys Consumer electronics IT .2
levels short of a medium.??
18(No Transcript)