Title: Psychology at Oklahoma City University
1Psychology at Oklahoma City University
2Psychology Students at Work in the Psychology
Suite, WC 220.
3Dr. Amy Cataldi, social psychologist, in her
office. Intimate Relationships is her newest
course offering.
4She has a doctorate from OU, an MA in Counseling
from OCU, a JR Terrier named Maddie , and lots of
5Dr. Mel Preisz is a licensed psychologist and
teaches abnormal psychology.
6He is a good amateur magician, jazz enthusiast,
and fan of Sigmund Freud.
7Dr. Dennis Jowaisas teaches statistics, research
methods, and Modern Dream Interpretation.
8He is also Head of the department, Lithuanian,
and an avid fisherman.
9A view of Psychologys computer lab there are 10
more stations - honest!
10Variance equals the sum of squares divided by
N.. z z z z z z z z z z z z
11Still hard at work must be exam time!