Title: Domestic Violence Program
1Domestic Violence Program
- Trula Motta, Program Director
- Department of Children Families
- Julie Ann Rivers-Cochran, MSW, Director of
Programs - Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence
February 6, 2008
2Program Office Responsibilities
- Oversight of state federal funding
- Certification and monitoring of domestic violence
centers and batterers intervention programs - Grant management
- Technical assistance
3Basic Principles
- Domestic violence is criminal behavior
- It is essentially a gender-based crime and occurs
when one person in an intimate relationship uses
a variety of coercive tactics to maintain power
and control over the other - Two prong approach direct intervention services
and policy development and implementation
- 1970s - First domestic violence centers
established in Florida, beginning of statewide
coalition, standards for centers developed - 1980s - Marriage License Trust Fund/FVPSA, change
references of spouse abuse to domestic violence,
notice of rights and remedies
- 1990s 2000s Significant changes including the
Governors Task Force on Domestic Violence and
VAWA funding resulting in development and
implementation of 50 changes to Florida
statutes to increase perpetrator accountability
and victim safety
- 1990s 2007
- Warrantless arrest
- 24 hour availability of judges to do injunctions
- DV definition expanded to include any family or
household member - Increased penalties for domestic violence
- Training for law enforcement, HIV-AIDS providers,
other health care workers
- Victim privilege
- Statewide injunction verification system/Data
Collection by FDLE - Commission on Minimum Standards for Batterer
programs - Batterer programs mandated
- Prohibits sale of weapon to offenders arrested
for stalking, or a repeat violation injunction
8Current Strategies
- Continue building a collaborative model that
directs resources to human service partners such
as mental health, substance abuse, child welfare
and others outside of the criminal justice system
9Primary Prevention ofDomestic ViolencePlanning
for a Violence-Free Future
10Prevention of Domestic Violence
- Governor Charlie Crist's Primary Prevention of
Domestic Violence Statewide Initiative - DELTA Project
- Economic Justice Initiative
11DELTA Purpose
- D Domestic Violence Coalitions
- E Enhance Coordinated Community Response (CCR)
prevention focus through - L Leadership in
- T Training, technical assistance and funding
opportunities and - A Alliances with local communities
12Prevention of Domestic ViolenceAs A Public
Health Issue
- Centers for Disease Control and Injury Prevention
(CDC) - Violence against women is a substantial public
health problem in the United States.
13The Public Health Approach to Prevention of
Domestic Violence
Disseminate Effective Strategies
14The Social Ecological Model
Factors at each level of the social ecology
contribute to the perpetration of domestic
violence in our society.
15Why Prevention?
- Adolescents are influenced by many factors that
support or condone domestic violence. Each of
these factors need to be addressed in a
consistent, systematic, and systemic manner. - This recognizes that changes in the environment
and long-term programs are needed.
16Who is DELTA?
17FL DELTA Sites
Okaloosa Walton
Palm Beach
18Coaching Boys Into MenPinellas County DELTA
19Pasco High Interest GroupPasco County DELTA
Challenge Gender Stereotypes
20Pasco High Interest GroupPasco County DELTA
Young Women Men Working Together to End
Domestic Sexual Violence