Title: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Domestic Violence
1Posttraumatic Stress Disorderand Domestic
- David S. Riggs, Ph.D.
- Center for Deployment Psychology
2Domestic Violence in the Military
- Rates of domestic violence within the military
are difficult to establish (also true in civilian
settings) - Rates of reported cases 1990 - 1.9
- 1996 - 2.6
- 2004 - 1.4
- Counts only cases of violence against a legal
spouse reported to military authorities or Family
Advocacy Programs
3Domestic Violence in the Military
- Rates obtained from anonymous surveys are larger
4Links Between PTSD and Domestic Violence
- National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Survey
- About 1/3 of veterans with PTSDS perpetrated
violence in the prior year (Jordan et al., 1990) - PTSD veterans were 2-3 times more likely to
perpetrate than those without PTSD - More severe PTSD symptoms were associated with
more severe DV (Orcutt et al., 2003)
5Links Between PTSD and Domestic Violence
- Other Studies of Vietnam Veterans
- Veterans with PTSD were more likely to perpetrate
violence (Beckham et al., 1997) - More severe PTSD is associated with more severe
DV (Byrne Riggs, 1996 Beckham et al., 1997) - Over ½ of a group of veterans being treated for
PTSD reported DV (Hiley-Young et al., 1995)
6Links Between PTSD and Domestic Violence
- Studies of Other Samples
- In a civilian sample seeking treatment for PTSD
or for substance abuse, those with PTSD were more
likely to perpetrate DV (Parrott et al., 2003) - In adolescents, More severe trauma-related
symptoms are associated with more severe violence
in dating relationships (Wolfe et al., 2004) - In a sample of WW II and Korean War POWs, more
severe PTSD was related to more severe DV
7PTSD Definition and Description
8Lifetime Prevalence Of Trauma
Kessler 2000
9Combat Exposure in Iraq
Hoge, et al, 2004, NEJM
10Common Reactions to Trauma
- Fear and anxiety
- Intrusive thoughts about the trauma
- Nightmares of the trauma
- Sleep disturbance
- Feeling jumpy and on guard
- Concentration difficulties
11Common Reactions to Trauma
- Avoiding trauma reminders
- Feeling numb or detached
- Feeling angry, guilty, or ashamed
- Grief and depression
- Negative image of self and world
- The world is dangerous
- I am incompetent
- People can not be trusted
12PTSD Diagnostic Criteria
- Reexperiencing (1 of 5)
- Thoughts, nightmares, flashbacks, emotional
reactions, physiological reactions - Avoidance (3 of 7)
- Avoid thoughts, avoid reminders,
amnesia,detachment, numbing, anhedonia,
forshortened future - Arousal (2 of 5)
- Sleep disturbance, concentration problems, anger,
hypervigilance, startle
13BattleMind Training
- Battlemind skills helped you survive in combat,
but may cause you problems if not adapted when
you get home.
Buddies (cohesion) vs. Withdrawal Accountability
vs. Controlling Targeted Aggression vs.
Inappropriate Aggression Tactical Awareness vs.
Hypervigilance Lethally Armed vs. Locked and
Loaded at Home Emotional Control vs.
Anger/Detachment Mission OPSEC vs.
Secretiveness Individual Responsibility vs.
Guilt Non-Defensive Driving vs. Aggressive
Driving Discipline and Ordering vs. Conflict
14Diagnosis of PTSD Associated Symptoms
- Guilt, shame, despair
- Hostility, aggression
- Social isolation, loss of beliefs
- Feeling constantly threatened
- Poor health
15PTSD and Domestic ViolencePotential Links
16Risk Factors For DV(From Riggs et al., 2000 and
Stith et al., 2004)
- Depression
- Substance use
- Marital distress and conflict
- Life Stress
- Anger and hostility
- Intense emotional reactions to threat
- Poor problem solving skills
- Violence in the family of origin
17Risk Factors For DV(From Riggs et al., 2000 and
Stith et al., 2004)
- Depression
- Substance use
- Marital distress and conflict
- Life Stress
- Anger and hostility
- Intense emotional reactions to threat
- Poor problem solving skills
- Violence in the family of origin
18Increased Morbidity With PTSD
Davidson 1991
19PTSD comorbidity
- Lifetime PTSD and
- 1 or more psychiatric disorder 79-88
- 3 or more psychiatric disorders 44-59
- PTSD typically precedes the onset of comorbid
psychiatric disorders
Kessler et al, 1995
20Anxiety Disorders Impact of Trauma and PTSD
Anxiety Disorder Patients
No Trauma
Suicide attempts () 6 16 30 Hospitalization
() 30 38 48 Alcohol abuse/dependence
() 21 34 38
PTSD vs other groups plt0.001 plt0.01 PTSD
and trauma vs control plt0.001
Warshaw et al Am J Psychiatry 19931501514
21Substance Use Disorders and Trauma/PTSD
Estimates of trauma exposure In general
population 40 - 70 In SUD population 35 -
90 Estimates of PTSD In general
population 5 - 12.5 In SUD population 30
- 50 Estimates of Alcohol Dependence In
general population 7 - 9 In PTSD
population 30 - 68
22PTSD and Substance Use
- In PTSD Patients, substance abuse is associated
with - more severe PTSD
- dissociative symptoms
- borderline personality characteristics
- In Substance Abusers, trauma is associated with
- more severe substance use
- higher rates of depression
- more anxiety
- antisocial personality
- suicide attempts
23Risk Factors For DV(From Riggs et al., 2000 and
Stith et al., 2004)
- Depression
- Substance use
- Marital distress and conflict
- Life Stress
- Anger and hostility
- Intense emotional reactions to threat
- Poor problem solving skills
- Violence in the family of origin
24PTSD and Marital Distress
- Vietnam Veterans with PTSD experience more
marital distress than those without PTSD
(Carroll et al., 1985 Jordan
et al., 1992 Riggs et al., 1998) - More severe PTSD symptoms are associated with
greater distress and relationship conflict
(Riggs et al., 1998) - In WW II and Korean War POWs, more severe PTSD
related to greater relationship distress
(Cook et al., 2004)
25Risk Factors For DV(From Riggs et al., 2000 and
Stith et al., 2004)
- Depression
- Substance use
- Marital distress and conflict
- Life Stress
- Anger and hostility
- Intense emotional reactions to threat
- Poor problem solving skills
- Violence in the family of origin
26Increased Medical Problems in PTSDGW1 Veterans
Barrett et al., 2002
27Decreased Quality of Life with PTSDGW1 Veterans
Barrett et al., 2002
28Decreased Quality of Life with PTSD Vietnam
Zatzick et al., 1997
29Impaired Quality of Life in PTSD
SF-36 Score
Malik et al. J Trauma Stress. 199912387.
30Risk Factors For DV(From Riggs et al., 2000 and
Stith et al., 2004)
- Depression
- Substance use
- Marital distress and conflict
- Life Stress
- Anger and hostility
- Intense emotional reactions to threat
- Poor problem solving skills
- Violence in the family of origin
31PTSD and Anger
- PTSD has been repeatedly associated with higher
levels of anger and hostility - Veterans with PTSD respond with more hostility in
non-provoking interpersonal interactions (Beckham
et al., 1996) - Veterans with PTSD experience an increase in
anger following trauma primes (Pitman et al.,
1997 Taft et al., 2005)
32Cued Traumatic Responses
External Trauma Cues Sights Sounds Smells Situati
Internal Trauma Cues Emotional State Physical
State Thoughts
Traumatic Reactions Emotions Thoughts Arousal
33Risk Factors For DV(From Riggs et al., 2000 and
Stith et al., 2004)
- Depression
- Substance use
- Marital distress and conflict
- Life Stress
- Anger and hostility
- Intense emotional reactions to threat
- Poor problem solving skills
- Violence in the family of origin
34PTSD and Problem-Solving Deficits
35Social Information Processing
36Impact of Trauma Memory on Social Information
37Risk Factors For DV(From Riggs et al., 2000 and
Stith et al., 2004)
- Depression
- Substance use
- Marital distress and conflict
- Life Stress
- Anger and hostility
- Intense emotional reactions to threat
- Poor problem solving skills
- Violence in the family of origin
38Pre-Trauma Characteristics That Contribute to
Persistent PTSD
- Personal History Characteristics
- Psychiatric History
- Prior Trauma
- Child Abuse
- Other adverse childhood events
- Family Psychiatric History
39(No Transcript)