- George E. Woody, M.D.
- Department of Psychiatry, University of
Pennsylvania and Department of Veterans Affairs,
Philadelphia, PA
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5Overview of HIV Rise in NYC Among IDUs (Kreek et
- 1978-1984 Increase from 0 to about 55 overall
- Leveling off at 50-55, then a slow decrease
beginning around 1992
6HIV-1 Infection in Intravenous Drug Users In New
York City 1983 - 1984 Study Protective Effect
of Methadone Maintenance (Kreek et al)
- 50 60 of untreated, street heroin addicts test
positive for HIV-1 - 9 of methadone continuously maintained since
lt1978 test positive -
7Six Year HIV Infection Rates by Treatment Status
at Time of Enrollment In Study
8Methadone Levels Study
9Reasons for HIV Risk Reduction in Methadone
- Abstinence
- If dont stop drug use completely almost always
reduce it substantially (e.g. reduction in
severity of the target symptom) - Fewer injections
- Exposure to risk reduction counseling and other
information in treatment program
10NIDA Cocaine Collaborative Treatment
StudyCrits-Christoph et al
- Random assignment to
- group drug counseling alone (GDC)
- individual drug counseling (IDC) plus GDC
- cognitive therapy (CT) plus GDC
- supportive-expressive therapy (SE) plus GDC.
11- 6-month active phase and a 3-month booster phase.
- GDC sessions were 1.5 hours weekly throughout the
6-month active phase. - Oriented toward helping patients stop cocaine use
and - Facilitating participation in 12-step programs
- Included education about HIV risk reduction.
12- Â
- Individual therapy sessions for IDC, CT and SE
therapy were - 50 minutes twice weekly for the first 12 weeks
- Then weekly during weeks 13-24.
- Monthly individual sessions held during the
booster phase in months 7-9.
13- Patients recruited by advertisements, from
substance abuse treatment programs, referrals
from friends or acquaintances, mental health
centers, and private mental health providers. - Â
- Patients 18-60 years of age, principal DSM-IV
diagnosis of cocaine dependence that was current
or in early partial remission, and had used
cocaine gt1 day in the past 30 days.
14Exclusion criteria
- Unstable living situations
- Inability to give informed consent
- Opioid or polysubstance dependence (current or in
early remission) - Major psychiatric disorder other than cocaine
dependence - Needing to be maintained on psychotropic
medication - Life-threatening or unstable medical condition
- Serious legal problems such as impending
incarceration, living in a halfway house, being
in a hospital for more than 10 of the past 30
days - Scheduling problem that made it difficult to keep
regular appointments.
15Exclusion criteria (contd)
- Patients invited for an intake visit after being
screened by telephone - At intake visit study explained and informed
consent obtained. - Patients then began a screening/stabilization
phase designed to select those with enough
motivation to participate in an outpatient study.
- Patients required to attend three visits within
14 days, including one group session and two case
management sessions as a test of their ability to
comply with study requirements.
16- - 2197 patients screened
- - 1771 met basic inclusion criteria and
scheduled for an intake visit, - - 937 reported for intake
- - 870 began orientation
- - 487 completed required number of appointments
17Five sites participated
- Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic
- University of Pennsylvania
- Brookside Hospital (Nashua, NH)
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- McLean Hospital (Belmont, MA).
18Randomized patients had
- Average age of 34
- Lived alone (70),
- 13 years of education
- Were employed (60)
- Male (77) Caucasian (58)
- 40 African-American 2 were Latino/a.
19- Crack smoking the most common (79)
- 19 intranasal cocaine
- 2 used intravenously.
- Average patient used cocaine for 7 years and
reported 10 days of cocaine use and 7 days of
alcohol use in the last month.
20- Following randomization, patients kept about half
their scheduled appointments during the six-month
active treatment phase. - HIV risk measured by RAB
- A self-report instrument that takes 10-15 minutes
to complete - Measures behaviors that are associated with HIV
risk. - Focuses on drug use during the past 30 days, and
- Injection and sexual risk during the past 6
21- For example, in response to the question In the
past six months, how often have you given drugs
to someone so you could have sex with them? - Respondent asked to check one of seven items
ranging from never to more than once a day.
22- Sixteen questions used to calculate three
composite HIV risk scores - Drug score
- Sex score
- Total score.
- Scores for a single question can range from 0 to
7, - with higher values reflecting more instances of
risk behavior.
23- Of the 487 patients who were randomized, 483
completed the RAB at study intake and 331
completed it at both intake and six months. The
data presented here report RAB data from the 331
participants who completed it at both assessment
24Overall Results
- Drug Use Treatment associated with significant
decreases in cocaine use across all groups with
the average patient reducing use from 10
days/month to one day/month at the six-month
25- Average ASI drug use composite score decreased
from 0.24 at intake where 100 reported cocaine
use in the last month, to an average of 0.12 at 6
months, where 50 reported any cocaine use in the
last month. - Â
- A significant treatment main effect, with
patients who received IDC GDC showing less
cocaine use at 6 months than patients in the
other three treatment conditions (13).
26HIV Risk Reduction
- Consistent with the crack smoking pattern of most
patients, almost all HIV risk was in the sexual
area and treatment participation was associated
with a substantial reduction in sex risk and in
total risk (primarily due to the reduction in sex
risk), as seen in tables 1a and 1b.
27TABLE 1a Change in RAB Sex Risk and Treatment
Analyses of difference in means controlled by
baseline assessment means followed by the same
letter are not statistically different (pgt0.05)
28TABLE 1b Change in RAB Total Risk and Treatment
Analyses of difference in means controlled by
baseline assessment means followed by the same
letter are not statistically different (pgt0.05)
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31Figure 1
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33Figure 3
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- Treatment is associated with HIV risk reduction
- Shown to reduce HIV infection in case of
methadone maintenance - Mechanisms differ according to drug of choice but
similar in that all associated with less drug use - For injecting use - fewer injections
- For non-injecting use - less unprotected sex
less exchanging sex for drugs - Alcohol dependence associated with increased
sexual risk, probably due to impaired judgment
rx probably reduces but few studies