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Enlargement of the bile canaliculi is limited by a 'corset' of actin microfilaments. ... possibly disrupting the actin corset around the bile canaliculus ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Richard Hinton
  • School of Biological Sciences
  • University of Surrey

Cholestasis and Jaundice
  • Cholestasis means cessation of bile flow
  • Jaundice means yellow staining of tissues
    especially the whites of the eyes in humans and
    the ears in rats and mice normally due to
    excessive amounts of bilirubin
  • Cholestasis normally results in jaundice.
  • Jaundice does not necessarily mean there is

Types of Jaundice
  • Prehepatic The rate of formation of bilirubin
  • than the capacity for removal. Normally
    associated with hemolysis.
  • Hepatic a) Damage to liver cells stop
    conjugation and/or excretion. Associated
    with severe hepatocellular damage
  • b) Failure to form bile
  • c) Reflux of bile between hepatocytes
  • Posthepatic a) Damage to intrahepatic bile
  • b) Obstruction of intra or, more usually
    extrahepatic bile ducts

Sporadic Drug-induced Cholestasis In Humans
  • A considerable number of newly-developed drug
    cause cholestasis in a small proportion of
  • This condition cannot be reproduced in
    experimental animals.
  • Effects can be quite marked but are generally
  • In some cases it seems likely that an
    immunological mechanism is involved, in other
    cases it is clear it is not.
  • The result may be withdrawal of the license
    resulting in enormous financial loss.

(No Transcript)
Diagnosis Of Cholestasis
  • 1) Jaundice associated with an increase in
    conjugated bilirubin. (In prehepatic jaundice or
    liver damage jaundice is associated with
    unconjugated bilirubin)
  • 2) Raised serum alkaline phosphatase and
    5'-nucleotidase. In man gamma-glutamyl
    transpeptidase is a useful marker but generally
    oversensitive, in rats secretory IgA is the most
    sensitive marked available
  • 3) Loss of ability to clear drugs normally
    excreted in the bile.
  • NB There are no distinctive pathological changes
    common to all types of cholestasis.

The biliary tree a reminder
  • Bile is formed by secretion into bile canaliculi.
    These are small channels between hepatocytes
    which are delineated by tight junctions which
    prevent material discharged into the bile from
    leaking back between the hepatocutes. The
    centrilobular end of bile canaliculi is blind
  • Enlargement of the bile canaliculi is limited by
    a corset of actin microfilaments. This forces
    the newly made bile to flow down the bile
    canaliculi towards the periportal zone.
  • The hepatocytes of the extreme periportal zone
    make contact with bile duct lining cells and
    there is a very short stretch, called the canal
    of Hering, where bile flows in channels lined by
    a mixture of bile duct lining cells and

  • While each branch of the portal tree generally
    contains one portal venule and one hepatic
    arteriole there may be many bile ductules of
    varying size which fom an anatomising network.
  • As the bile passes down the bile ducts there is
    resorbtion of water and low molecular weight
    nutrients such as sugars.
  • In the majority of species (but not in rats) most
    of the time bile enters a small sack, called the
    gall bladder where there is further resorbtion by
    a mechanism similar to that which occurs in the
    loop of Henle, namely secretion of osmolytes into
    the interstitual fluid increase the tonocity
    attracting water across the tight junctions.
  • Discharge of bile into the intestine is governed
    by the sphincter of Oddi. The precise anatomy
    here, especially the relation to the pancreatic
    ducts varies from species to species

Composition of Bile
  • The principle components of human bile are-
  • 1) Bile salts (67). These are strong detergents
    whose role is to emulsify fat in the intestine.
  • 2) Phospholipids (22)
  • 3) Cholesterol (4)
  • 4) Proteins (4.5)
  • 5) Bilirubin and other conjugates lt2
  • In addition bile contains the normal inorganic
    components of extracellular fluids and is
    enriched in bicarbonate, giving it a slightly
    alkaline pH.

Formation of Bile
  • Bile flow is closely related to the concentration
    of bile acids and salts in the blood. There is
    evidence for a small, bile salt independent flow
    but this is very small compared with the bile
    salt dependent flow. Transporting bile salts
    from the serum to the blood involves transport
    proteins on both the sinusoidal and the bile
    canalicular surfaces of the hepatocyte.
  • To make matters worse the momenclature used for
    these proteins is being changed radically. I
    will follow the nomenclature used by Arrese and
    Trauner (Trends Mol.Med 9 (2003) 558-564 which is
    the principal source for this part of the lecture

Transporters involved in biliary excreetion
Uptake of bile acids and Salts
  • Entry of the bile salts into the hepatocytes is
    largely mediated two carriers, one an "organic
    acid"/sodium co-transporters (NTCPs). This moves
    bile salts up their concentration gradient (no
    ATP hydrolysis is involved) but the laws of
    thermodynamics are preserved as sodium is moved
    down its concentration gradient. NB This process
    on the concentration of sodium in the cell
    remaining low. This is due to the action of the
    ATP-powered Na/K exchange carrier. Toxins such
    as ouabain which inhibit this cause cholestasis.
  • The second group of systems, the organic anion
    transport proteins (OATPs) are sodium independent
    and multi-specific. Again they appear to be
    co-transporters moving GSH and bicarbonate ions
    out of the cell

Movement of bile salts into the canaliculi
  • The final transport into bile are pumps which
    utilize the energy from ATP to move bile salts
    and other candidates for biliary excretion
    against a large concentration gradient. These
    transport proteins were identified because their
    expression in tumours results in multiple drug
    resistance. Several families of these were found
    to have a common structure and they have now been
    gathered together as ABC proteins. These
    proteins are characterized by possessing 12
    intramembrane domains and two highly conserved
    ATP binding sites. ABCB11 (aka BSEPbile duct
    exchange pump) is the most important in moving
    bile salts. More on the others later.

Transfer of water and plasma components
  • Water and low molecular weight neutral componemts
    of plasma enter bile by flowing between cells
    (the paracellular pathway)..

The main osmotic attractants are the bile acid
and bile salts which are responsible for the
bile acid -dependent bile flow. The relatively
small bile acid independent flow is thought to
depend mainly on the excretion of glutathione.
Both these processes require "sieving" across the
tight junctions so that although the low
molecular weight components of plasma enter bile
readily, plasma proteins only pass in small
quantities and the rate of passage is inversely
related to size
  • Phospholipid, cholesterol and "enzymes"
  • The detergent action of bile extracts
    phospholipids and some cholesterol from the
    plasma membranes of the hepatocytes lining the
    bile canaliculus. Some plasma membrane enzymes
    are extracted at the same time. Replenishment of
    the phospholipid seems to be by the action of
    MDR3 (ABCB4)
  • Bilirubin glucuronides and other conjugates
  • MDR1 (ABCB1) mediates the excretion of
    hydrophobic, mostly cationic, metabolites. MDR2
    (ABCC2) mediates the excretion of anionic
    conjugates including bilirubin and dyes. Yet
    others (eg ABCG5 and G8) transport steroids

Entry by Transcytosis
  • Material can also be moved from the sinusoidal to
    the bile canalicular face of the cell by
    transcytosis which is, for example, known to be
    the mechanism for transporting Immuno-globulin A
    (IgA) from plasma to bilein certain species
    Probably its most important role is to move
    plasma membrane proteins from the sinusoidal to
    the bile canalicular face of the cell. As shown
    in the diagram the process involves

Or in words
  • 1) Endocytosis at the sinusoidal surface of the
    cell of proteins to be transferred (including
    IgA-IgA receptor complexes.
  • 2) Transfer to the endosome compartment where
    proteins are sorted into streams directed to
    lysosomes, back to the sinusoidal surface or to
    the bile canalicular surface of the cell
  • 3) Discharge of the contents of the vesicles
    into the bile canaliculus.
  • In addition to this immediate transcytosis
    about 5 of lysosomes are discharged into the
    bile each day

Modification of Bile After Secretion
  • 1) Some water and nutrients are resorbed from
    the bile duct into the blood vessels which form
    the peribiliary plexus
  • 2) In some species the bile duct lining cells
    secrete a bicarbonate-rich fluid under the
    control of the hormone secretin.
  • 3) In species which possess a gall bladder there
    is marked concentration of the bile by a
    mechanism which resembles counter-current
    resorbtion in the loop of Henle.

Development of Cholestasis
  • This this may veassociated with
  • 1) Failure to secrete bile acids and bile salts
    - these are the principal water attractants and
    in their absence bile will not flow
  • 2) Obstruction of the intrahepatic bile ducts,
    usually due to inflammation (cholangitis). It
    has been suggested that some cases bile may
    reflux through tight junctions between

Possible examples
  • Action immediate and reversible
  • Clear-cut dose response
  • Compete with taurocholate for binding site on
    plasma membrane
  • Probably perturbs bile acid metabolism

Important but puzzling
  • Oestrogen-associated cholestasis was noted after
    introduction of both oral contraceptives and
    anabolic steroids. Effects are observed about
    12h after administration
  • The effects can be reproduced in mice and rats
  • The effect appears to be on hepatocytes
  • 1) Bile canaliculi are dilated and show bile
  • 2) BSP and bilirubin retention has been observed
  • 3) With ethinyl estradiol there are changes in
    the permeability of the biliary tree, bile
    salt-independent bile flow and membrane fluidity.

  • In humans causes lesions reminiscent of
    immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions in a
    small proportion of patients
  • In dogs and Rhesus monkeys a reduction in bile
    flow occurs after its acute intravenous
  • In isolated perfused rat liver chlorpromazine
    rapidly inhibits bile flow in a dose-dependent
  • Chlorpromazine inhibits Na/K ATPase activity.
  • Chlorpromazine inhibits efflux of bile acids and
    indocyanine green from hepatocytes

Other Agents Causing Cholestasis in Animals
  • Lithocholic acid - actioncan be reversed by
    cholic acid suggesting a competition for
    transport proteins
  • Ouabain Blocks Na/K pump
  • Phalloidin and Cytochalasin B. Both affect actin
    microfilaments - possibly disrupting the actin
    corset around the bile canaliculus
  • Cyclosporin A Causes symptoms of jaundice with
    no changes in the liver. Probably affects bile
    acid metabolism

Toxic damage to bile duct lining cells
  • Time course after treatment with alpha
    naphthyl-isothiocyanate When this is administered
    to rats at 300 mg/kg there is the following time
    course of events-
  • 4h Bile duct dilation, loss of microvilli, tight
    junctions open
  • 6h Similar but more pronounced, dilation of er
    and nuclear membrane of BDLCs. Some portal
  • 8h Damaged bile ducts, cells exfoliating into
  • 24h Almost total destruction of bile ducts.
    Focal necrosis in the parenchyma
  • 48h on Regeneration leading to complete repair

ANIT Toxicity
Mechanisms and Implications
  • ANIT treatment affects only the middle and large
    sized ducts. These are the ducts where
    secretin-regulated water and ion transport occur.
    the damage caused by ANIT and similar compounds
    is probably due to the concentration of a toxin
    rising as water leaves the bile
  • Repair of bile duct damage is even more rapid
    than repair of damage to hepatocytes. This rapid
    repair occurs in spite of apparently total

Chronic Damage to Bile Ducts
  • This may be seen both as a result of chemicals
    which affect the bile duct lining cells and as a
    spontaneous lesion in aging rats, probably
    associated with a viral infection
  • Chronic treatment with ANIT results in
  • 1) At 3 days there is acute damage to bile ducts
  • 2) By 10 days there is proliferation of bile
    ducts surrounded by highly vascularised loose
    connective tissue
  • 3) By 21 days there is proliferation of bile
    ducts which are now surrounded by mature
    connective tissue
  • The final appearance of the spontaneous lesion is
    the same as the induced one

Bile Duct Proliferation
  • Two types may be present
  • 1) Small fingers of cells push out into the
    surrounding parenchyma. In some cases the cells
    appear to be arranged in duct-like structures, in
    other cases not. This was associated with
    carcinogenesis but is more probably explained as
    repair by re-differentiation. The proliferating
    cells are termed oval cells
  • 2) As previously described, portal tracts
    enlarge and are filled with large numbers of
    ducts which do not invade the parenchyma. There
    is no association between this and cancer

  • Liver tumours may have morphologies similar to
    hepatocytes or ducts, the latter are termed
    cholangiomas is benign, cholangiocarcinoma if
  • In some cases (eg coumarin) cholangioma is
    associated with bile duct proliferation, in
    others (eg DAB - dimethyl aminoazobenzene) with
    hepatocellular damage
  • Both hepatocellular carcinomas and
    cholangiocarcinomas may be observed in a single
    study with agents such as DAB. It is not clear
    whether this means that oval cells are being
    targetted or that there is metaplasia of
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