2Dr. Edward Bach andDr. Charles Wheeler can truly
be called as pioneers of the bowel nosodes.
3In 1927, they presented a scientific paper titled
The Problem of chronic disease, in which they
projected that most of the chronic disease have a
strong relationship with a group of certain
non-lactose fermenting bacteria.
4Later on, John and Elizabeth Patterson the most
renowned Scottish physicians concluded that
intestinal toxemia in chronic disease are very
closely related to Psora.
5From the evolution, it was understood that human
race was originally intended to live on
vegetables, fruits, nuts and cereals.
6As the time went on, the human race heavily
depended on cooked food, preserved food, canned
food, giving rise to excessive amount of
intestinal toxemia, which then becomes the root
cause of many chronic diseases.
7Hence, it was not surprising that in older days,
healers use to clean the bowels with colonics,
laxatives, cleansing diets, etc..
8It is one of the wonders of nature that a 15 feet
intestine is able to cope up with so much
chemical and bacteriological insult.
9When human beings start consuming junk food,
which are chemically and bacteriologically
harmful, they invite many chronic illnesses.
10Drastic change in diet by consuming live and
organic food can improve the chemical damage but
may not help to change the bacterial flora
(non-lactose fermenting).
11By consuming tablets of acidophilic cultures one
can change the flora of bacteria, but only
12But under the action of the bowel nosode the
non-lactose fermenting bacilli begins to mutate
into other less harmful group of bacteria and
finally disappear from system.
13The removal of the disease can be seen in 3 ways
14A. By removing symptoms of the disease
15B. By reappearance of old symptoms
16By appearance of Skinsymptoms (eczema, scabies,
ringworm etc.)
17Finally, when all the above 3 disappear, there is
a feeling of well being with increase in energy
18Dr. Bach has proved this clinically in many cases
that after giving bowel nosode there is change in
cultures of the patients intestinal flora from
non-lactose to lactose fermenting bacteria.
19Non-lactose bacilli were identified to belong to
coli bacilli group very closely related to
E-coli, Typhoid, Paratyphoid, Shigella etc.
20Dr. Bach also found that these non-lactose
fermenting bacteria were present in healthy
individual who were never sick, he gave the
reason that these peoples constitution is strong
and they can withstand such bacteria without
developing a disease.
21It is only the cumulative action over prolonged
period, which makes the constitution weak day by
day and ultimately the individual falls sick and
develops symptoms.
22Since there are many strains of bacteria and not
just one, hence various organs of the body are
affected like lungs, joints, stomach etc.
23Dr. Bach also established that these patients who
harbored such non-lactose fermenting bacteria,
usually have latent Psora in the background.
24The bowel nosodes are prepared from the pure
cultures of bacteria and not like other nosodes
like Bacillinum and Diphtherinum where tissues
and germs together are potentized.
25The culture that is used is polyvalent that is,
the bacterial samples from thousands of patients
are collected having similar symptoms.
26The indications of bowel nosodes practically
remains the same as nosodes that is,
1. Intercurrent prescribing2. When there is
paucity of symptoms 3. Initiates a
reaction where there is no reaction
27Bowel nosodes are usually prescribed above 200C
and not repeated frequently.
28 29 30The list of nosodes having no equivalent in the
bacteriological nomenclatureB. No. 15B. Morgan
GartnerCocal Co.
31The common character of these nosodes is that
they do not ferment the lactose. They distinguish
themselves according to their effects on
fermentation on other sugars
32Some indications of the bowel nosodes are
34INTRODUCTION Introduced and clinically proved
by Elizabeth Paterson.
35Bacillus Morgan is the commonest gram-negative
type of non lactose-fermenting bacteria found
in fecal matters of children suffering from
summer diarrhea. It has two subtypes
(Paterson Nosode) (Bacilli of Morgan
gaertner)Both the Morgan are characterized by
37CONGESTION CardiacCerebralCutaneousHepaticInt
estinal PelvicPulmonarySynovial membrane
39MINDAlways worried about his health, which leads
to depression, sad, melancholic
40Cannot remain alone Extremely nervous
accompanied by irritability and excitabilityFear
of health in a crowdVery edgy
41GENERALSAll pains are accompanied by
congestionBurning all over with sensation of
heat worse warmth in any form
42Discharge bloody, corrosive, offensiveNever
well since any acute infectionsReddish
discoloration of the affected parts example
Anus, cheeks, face, hand, head, nose
43Tendency to recurrent infections like bronchitis,
furuncles, styes, tonsillitisTendency to
44HeadacheBilious, Congestive, Hypertensive
Periodical occurs every 7th day. lt
Anticipation, Beginning of menses, lt
Contradicted when, Excitementlt Gastric upsets,
Heat in generallt Morning, Riding in car or
trains lt Stormy weather, Warm
applicationsVomiting with headache
45LocationFrontal Occipital VertexConcomitant
46O/E During headacheAnxietyIncreased blood
pressure Pulse rate increasedReddish
discoloration of faceScalp sensitive to
touchFrontal and maxillary sinus tender
lidsIritis PhlyctenularTarsal cyst
48NOSEAnosmiaEpistaxisO/ECracks at alae
nasiPostnasal catarrh
49EARCracks behind earOtorrhoea leading to
deafness TinnitusO/EBoils in the internal
meatusMeniere's disease Psoriasis
50THROATEasy chokingSensation of apple core
51O/ECervical lymphadenopathyCheesy vegetation
in the tonsilsGoiterLaryngitisPharynx
congested granular in appearanceTonsils inflamed
and enlarged
52LUNGSAllergic asthmaAsthma in children lt
Night.Dry hoarse cough ltmorningLoose cough with
sticky expectoration
53O/EBronchial breathingEmphysemaPneumoniaWheez
54MOUTH AND TONGUE Bad taste on the tongue in
morning and at nightExcessive salivationLips
redRecurrent aphthous stomatitisTongue coated
slimy Tongue stiff in the morning
55O/ECracks at angle of the mouthHalitosisRed
lipsWarts on tongue
Aversion Butter, Eggs,
Fat Desire Butter, Eggs, Fat, Sweets
57Blood in stools, mucous offensiveBorborygmiDiarr
hea sudden lt morning, lt eating after
58Eructations bilious lt menses duringHeartburnIndi
gestion lt sour food afterNausea lt eggs
59Pain in stomach gt eatingPainful itchy bleeding
pilesSour, acrid, bitter eructation Stool
pasty, offensive or full of mucous
60O/EAnal fissuresCholecystitisGall
61Murphys signs positivePeptic ulcerPilesRedness
and moisture at the umbilicusTenderness at
epigastrium, right hypochondrium
pressureVaricose veinsVenous stasis and lower
63KIDNEY AND BLADDERFrequent painful
urinationO/ESugar in urine Strong odor of
64FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEMDysparenuiaLeucorrhoea
brown, corrosive, green, offensive,
yellowPruritis vulvae in menopausal women
65O/EBartholin cyst tenderCandida
albicansTrichomonas vaginalisUrethral
caruncleUterine fibroidsUterine polyps
66MALE GENITALSItching violent gt
scratching.O/EScrotal eczemaIntertrigo
67LOCOMOTOR SYSTEMBack pain on motionCervical
pain- rheumaticlt Night, motionCervical
stiffnessFeet feel hot at night
68Finger stiff lt morning esp. middle fingerGrowing
pains in children at nightHands, arms,
puffyRheumatism of arm, shoulder, wristlt
Beginning of movement, Heat locally, night
69O/ECracks on heelsHerbedens
nodesMetacarpophalangeal joint swollenOffensive
feet sweatOsteoarthritisOsteoporosisRheumatoid
arthritisSoles tender
70SKINEczema of chin, eyebrows, face, forehead,
neck, left nipple, scalpItching lt heat, night,
washing with water
71Hair falls in bundlesFolds of the skin esp. near
behind ears, elbow, and neck
72Acne back and shoulderOily skinCannot wear
woolen garments next to the skin
73O/EAthletes footFidgety feetHerpes
ZosterNails brittlePsoriasis
74MODALITIES lt Beginning to movelt Company gt Alone
lt Hot atmosphere, lt Menopauselt
Morning, gt Movementlt Night gt Vomiting of bilelt
Stormy weather, lt Summerlt Winter, gt Movementgt
Vomiting of bile
75Prototype Remedy Sulphur
77MINDApprehension aggravatesDrowsy after
foodFear Closed narrow places
78Night Shrieks out in sleepIrritability lt
before mensesVery ImpatientWhen anxious bites
79GENERALSRight-sided affections
80EYESChronic recurrent inflammation of the
opacityStyesVitreous opacity
81NOSECoryza that turns into crusts easily around
nostrilsTendency to epistaxisO/EUlceration
around the nostrils
82EARSBoils on the external earsBuzzing in the
83MOUTH, TONGUE, PHARYNXBurning of the tongue as
if pricked by needlesO/EAphthous on the
gumsGingivitisPyorrhea Viscid saliva
meatCraving Sweets, eggs, salted food
85Distention of abdomenExcessive flatusLoud
eructations with bad odorSpontaneous expulsion
of mucous through rectum even with soft stool
86O/EAnal fissureCholecystitisDuodenal
ulcerMurphys sign positivePalpable
colonPilesRectal prolapseVomiting of food
87CARDIO VASCULAR SYSTEMPalpitation wakes the
patient from sleeplt Sleep during , gt
Eructations, gt Motion, gt Passing flatusTightness
in chest radiating to the left arm
88O/EAngina pectorisAnxiety on the faceCardiac
hypertrophyIncreased heart rateIncreased
systolic blood pressure
89THROATSensation of burning in the pit of the
throat as if from heartburn O/E Edema of the
uvulaTonsils enlarged and inflamed
90LUNGSTickling coughlt Evening, lt Lying down, lt
Morning, lt Walking
91URINARY ORGANSPain in the hypogastrium with
frequent micturitionRenal colicO/EOxalate
crystals in urinePus cells in urineTenderness
at the renal angle
92FEMALE GENITALIALeucorrhoea acrid, brown,
offensive, profusePruritis vulvaeSevere
dysmenorrhea O/EWarts on the breast
93LOCOMOTOR SYSTEMRheumatism of arm (right),
deltoid (right), elbow (right), knee, shoulder,
wrists (right) Burning feet lt Night
94O/ECrepitations in the knee jointRight foot
warm to touch than leftSpasm of the cervical
musclesThumb swollen
95SKINEruptions- oozing, crusty, scaling followed
by crackslt Contact of any metalsGiant Urticaria
96Herpetic eruptions on the face, soles followed by
post herpetic left sided neuralgia of the
faceLoss of hair in bunchesPsoriatic eruptions
on ankles, elbow, knee, legs, toe nails
97O/EAlopecia areata Contact dermatitisWarts on
hands, flat
98MODALITIES Agg. 4-8 p.m., after food, crowd,
lying down, morning, night, before mensesAmel.
eructations, flatus, moving about
99Prototype remedy Lycopodium
100DYSENTERY CO.(Bacillus Dysenteriae)
101Shigella dysentriae belongs to the large family
of enterobacteriaThey are normally eliminated in
the fecal matters of infected as well as healthy
carriers, very closely related to Escheria,
Klebsiella, Proteus and Salmonella
102GENERALSPhysically as well as mentally restless
103MINDAnticipatory anxietyExtremely Fidgety
people cant sit on one placeSensitive to
criticismFear causeless, Claustrophobia,
StrangersTimid and bashful
movements of the extremitiesHabit spasm or tics
of face
105HeadHeadache frontal, sub orbital, supra
orbital, vertexlt Excitement, periodicity every
7-14 days
106Concomitant Before headacheDiarrhea
ltexcitementDimness of vision before
headacheHead sensitive to combO/EChoreaMigrai
107SLEEPDreams of dead bodiesFalling asleep
lateIrregular sleepNightmaresWakes up at 2-3
am with uneasiness in the epigastria
108EYESFloaters in the visionPhotophobiaTwitching
of the eyelidsYellow visionO/EBlepharitisConj
Pain and inflammation of the
middle earO/EOtorrhoea
110NOSEPain in the root of the noseRecurrent
coryza O/EFrontal sinusitisHay fever
111THROATRecurrent tonsillitis PharyngitisO/EGoit
112LUNGSCoughBloody and profuse expectorationWhoop
ing coughO/EBilateral CrepitationsBronchiectas
isChronic obstructive lung disease
113MOUTH AND TONGUEBad taste in mouthO/ELips
dried and fissure
114STOMACH, ABDOMENAcid peptic diseases in
individuals suffering from emotional stressPain
in the stomach awakes the person between 12
midnight and 1 a.m.lt Eating, Strong Emotiongt
Vomiting large quantities of mucous
115Spasm of the pylorus especially in neonates and
infantsExcessive distention of abdomen due to
116Nervous diarrheaDiarrhea lt emotionsExcessive
mucous with stool
117Desires Fats, Milk, Salty, SweetsO/EDuodenal
ulcerH.Pylori gastritisIrritable bowel
syndromePyloric stenosisTender colonUlcerative
118SKINPalms, fingers- dry, cracksVesicular
eruptions between fingersO/EPompholyxPsoriasis
anticipationPain in the precordium lt
anxietyO/EAngina Extra systolesHigh systolic
blood pressureTachycardia
120LOCOMOTAR SYSTEM Rheumatism of the neck muscles
lt MotionPain in the knees lt MotionO/E
121URINARYUrging to urinate lt traveling in car or
122MALETendency to masturbation
123FEMALEIrregular mensesO/EDysfunctional
uterine bleeding
124MODALITIESlt Anticipationlt Anxietylt
Excitementlt Midnightlt Traveling by train, busgt
Vomiting of mucous
125Prototype remedy Arsenic Album
127Sycotic-co is Coccus, which does not ferment
lactose It is a gram-negative diplococcus
128It includes numerous types and sub-types of
serology and presents two varieties
Str.Faecalis,Var. liquifients Str. Faecalis,
Var. zygmogenes
129GENERALSChronic inflammation of the mucous
membraneTendency to form new growthsHair on
abnormal parts, esp. face and upper lips in women
130MINDAnger suddenBites nailsCensoriousExtremely
131Fear when alone, animals, dark, dogsNervous,
tenseTearful, timid, hypersensitiveTerror
nightWorries about every small detail
132NERVESTremors of facial musclesInvoluntary
blinking of the eyes
133HeadHeadacheEvery fortnight especially
frontal congestivelt rest and heatlt before,
during, after menses lt noise
134Sweats of the head at nightLeft sided facial
neuralgiaO/EMigraine Sinusitis
135SLEEPDoes not wish to remain alone because of
fear of dark leading to restlessnessProfuse
sweats of the head lt Night
136Falling asleep difficultDreams of dead
personsInsomnia till 3 a.m.
137ENDOCRINESEdema of the extremities, especially
of the feet Loss of hairs from temporal region
138Nails break easilyProfuse sweat, especially of
the head, hands and feetSwollen face Big neck
with swollen thyroidO/EGoiter
139MOUTHAcid eructations with burning sensation in
the stomachCapricious appetite
140Lips dry and cracked Profuse salivationTongue
dry, cracked, painful, sticks to the
palateVomiting at night, which ameliorates
141STOMACH, INTESTINE, ABDOMENAbdominal distention
with pain in iliac fossaConstipation alternating
with morning diarrhea
142Aversion to breakfastAversion bread, cheese,
cream, eggs, fat, milk, potato, salt, sugar, tea,
meat, tomato, vegetable, vinegarDesire butter,
cheese, fat, milk, salt, sweets
143Distended transverse colonEructations bilious
and sourMac Burney point tendernessNausea lt
cough during, eating eggs after, food smell of,
thought of eggs
144Recurrent appendicitisSoft stools with offensive
odorUrgent desire for stools when waking up lt
fat, onion, orangesVomiting lt eating eggs after
145O/EAcid peptic diseaseAno-rectal
prolapseDuodenal ulcerHiatus hernia
146Mac Burney point tendernessPalpable
colonPerianal wartsTenderness in right iliac
fossa and left iliac fossa
147THROATCatarrh in the morningEasily chocked on
attempting to swallow
148O/ECheesy spots on tonsilsGoiterHypertrophy
of tonsilsThroat- red, dry as if scalded
149LUNGS AND PLEURA Asthma and bronchitis lt Damp
weather, midnight after, 2-3 a.m., 2-4 a.m.,
motion, warm wet weathergt Seaside
150Bronchitis in winterCough 2-3 a.m., and when
waking up Paroxysmal coughCough loose gt
Morning, lt Waking onDescending coldsEasy viscid
151Intercostal neuralgiaPain in the left shoulder
bladesRespiration difficult cough
withRespiration difficult waking on
152O/EAdenoids enlarged in childrenAsthmaIntertri
go mammae
153NOSEDryness of the nose with crustsEpistaxisCra
cks of the nostrils Anosmia Pains in the frontal
and maxillary sinusesProfuse coryza
154O/EFrontal and maxillary sinuses tenderNasal
polypPost nasal catarrh
in the meatus PhotophobiaTarsal cystVitreous
156EARSCracks behind earsDiminution of hearing
Excess of cerumenItching in auditory
canalYellowish dischargeO/E Otitis Media
157URINARYPainful urinationProteinuriaStrong
smellUrging frequent and sudden
158O/ENephrotic syndromePyelonephritis
159MALE GENITALIABalanitisEjaculation failing
during coitionO/ECondylomataTubercles on
160FEMALE GENITALIAAgalactiaLeucorrhoea acrid,
black, brown, copious, corrosive, offensive,
white yellowMenses copious, delayedPain of the
left ovary
161Pruritis vulvaePolycystic ovarian
diseaseTubercular or gonorrheal
salpingitisTumors of the breast
162O/ELeft ovarian tumorUterine polyp
163LOCOMOTOR SYSTEMArthritis esp. of Meta
carpo-phalengeal joint, gt Dry climate, hot water
fomentationContraction of muscles or tender
164Intense pain of lumbo-sacral regionNodules over
the fingersPains of hips and sacro-iliac
regionStiffness of the back, neck and shoulder
165Pains lt Prolonged sitting position, night, by
first movement gt
Heat, gt movementPain in the arms lt nightPains
in fingers, hands and wrists
166Pricking and stiffness of the hands Painful
swollen heelsPains of the solesRheumatism of
the arms, elbows, shoulder, wrists
167Restless feetSweating of feet lt NightSensation
as if walking on loose stones
168O/EHerbeden nodesSwan neck deformity
Buttonhole deformityTrigger fingerSoles tender
to touch
169SKINAlopeciaBrittle nailsChilblains of feet lt
heatCracks on fingertips and heelsErythematous
170Large flat warts on the hands and feetOily
yellowish skin Acne rocaceaPapillomatous
formation on the right cheek (epithelioma)
171Varicose eczemaVesicular eruption lt detergents
soaps, flour, handling chemical, heat,
nightVesicular eruptions on the body and face
172MODALITIESlt Coldlt Humid weatherlt Nightlt
Sitting positionlt First movementgt Heatgt
Prolonged movementgt Seaside
173Prototype Remedy Thuja
174BACILLUS NO. 10(Nosode of Paterson)
175It does not exist in its bacteriological
nomenclature and Nelson Pharmacy does its
preparation, without any other informations
176GENERALSTendency to form lipomas all over the
177MINDActive mind with irritability
178NEURO ENDOCRINE SYSTEMFrontal headaches above
the left eyeO/EHypothyroidism
179MOUTHHalitosisSpongy gums
180STOMACH AND ABDOMENAnal PruritisAversion
breakfast, bread, eggs, tomatoesDesire
chocolate, fried fish, sugar, sweets
181Nausea lt eggs, lt fatsNausea and
vomitingSometimes pains on the region of the
gall bladder
182O/ECholecystitisRound wormTender left iliac
fossaTender right iliac fossa
MorningExpectoration difficult
185URO-GENITAL SYSTEMLeucorrhoea smelling like
fish, greenish, and corrosivePruritis vulvae
186LOCOMOTOR SYSTEMRheumatism of the coccyx, left
knee, thighsO/ELipoma on the back
187SKINEczema on foldsLipomaPerspiration in the
axillaSebaceous cyst on the neckWarts of the
hands, which are flatO/EAlopecia areata
188BACILLUS NO. 7(B.Asiaticus, B. Cloacae, B.
Freundi)(Nosode of Paterson)
189Gram-negative bacilli of which the characters are
related to Aerobacter aerogenes
190GENERALSEmaciationPhysical and mental
prostrationPrematurely old
191NEURO ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Becomes fatigued at the
idea of exertionInsanity -MegalomaniaMental
exertion aggravates
192Light sleep wakes up at 2 to3 a.m.Takes long
time to fall asleep (about 2 hrs)Weakness of
fatsConstipationEructations, flatulencePain in
the region of liverWeak digestionO/EPiles
194CARDIO VASCULAR SYSTEMCardiac syncope either due
to hypotension or due to weak myocardial
contractionExcessive sweatsPulsations of the
blood vessels of the fingers
195O/EBradycardia HypertensionHypotension
196RESPIRATORY SYSTEMRecurrent tonsillitisBronchiti
sO/ETonsillar enlargement
197EYESThrombosis of central vein of retina
198EARSDeafness due to otitis media
199URO-GENITAL SYSTEMMenses copious
MetrorrhagiaOliguriaSexual weaknessUterine
200LOCOMOTAR SYSTEMFibrous rheumatism of the neck
and shouldersGout of the right toeLancinating
pains of the left hipLumbar pains
201Pain in kneesRheumatic pain of the
thumbRheumatic pains of the elbows, wrists and
shouldersRigidness of the legs and cramps at
202Stiffness of the neck and shouldersStiffness of
wristsSwollen fingers lt Wet and cold weathergt
Rest, heat
203SKINCracks of the tips of the fingersCracks of
the palmsParonychia
204MODALITIESlt Cold, gt Heat, lt Damp, gt Rest, lt
Beginning of the movement
205MUTABILIS(Mutabilis of Paterson)(Bacillus coli
206Specific for Albuminuria due to nephrotic
syndrome or immune complex nephritisAsthma
alternating with eruptions
207Clinically similar toPulsatilla
208BACILLUS FECALIS(Bacillus Fecalis Alcaligenes)
209Useful for chronic diarrhea of Aids
210Clinically similar toSepia
211COCAL-CO of Paterson
212Has no correspondence in the bacteriological
213Self-depreciationIt is indicated in recurrent
boils and septic conditionsO/EDiabetic
215Proteus belongs to the great family of
EnterobacteriacaeThere are four
varietiesMirabilis, Morgagnii, Proteus vulgaris,
216MINDStrong desire to live in mountains, as
mountains ameliorateAversion to companyTemper
tantrumsThe child rolls on the
groundUncivilized behavior, kicking those around
217Very obstinate with dogmatic attitudeViolent
rage lt ContradictionViolent, is capable to
murder when he is angryStriking rage during
218GENERALSTendency to get aged, prematurelyHeat
of sun aggravates, sun aggravates
219NEUROENDOCRINEConvulsions, epilepsy, meningism
during fever
220HeadHeadache heavy frontal headacheBegins in
the morningHeadache with diarrhea and pasty
tongue lt a week before menses
221Sleep Insomnia worse in the village (home town)
222NeckPain of the neck when rising up in the
223Vertigo Vertigo increasing with the rising sun
224MOUTHCracks at he angle of he mouthPainful
gumsSalty taste in the mouthUlcers in the
mouthO/E Apthae, stomatitis
225STOMACH AND ABDOMENAerophagia, the patient puts
his fingers in his throat to vomit up
airBiliousness lt during menses
226Aversion boiled eggs, butter, chocolate,
cucumber, meat, onion, pork, saladsAmel.
brandyDesires butter, fats, salt, sweets
227Frequent hiccough for a few seconds, coming at
least once in a dayHunger pains, not better by
228HyperchlorhydriaNausea and migraine after
mealsVomiting of the least excess
229O/EAcid peptic diseaseDuodenal ulcerTongue-
thickly coated
230INTESTINESAlternating diarrhea and
constipationAnal pruritisDiarrhea with thickly
coated tongue
231Haematemesis, malaenaIneffectual urging for
stoolsNervous diarrheaBleeding piles with
intense itching ThreadwormsYellow soft stool
after breakfast
232CARDIO VASCULAR SYSTEMAngina lt Slightest motion,
cold draftIntermittent claudications
233Palpitation lt standing, emotional
excitementSensation as if fingers are
deadSensation of heaviness in the precordial
regionVaricose veins of the lower limbs
234O/ERight bundle branch blockDepressed ST
235THROATPharyngitis with difficulty to speak
236LUNGS AND PLEURATenacious expectorationThoracic
constriction, with the sensation of oppression
and suffocation
237NOSENasal obstruction lt Closed
roomO/EPostnasal drip
238EYESBurning pain in the eyesColored vision with
vertigoEyes, red, fatigued in lightMeibomian
239EARSAcute pain in children due to otitis media
240URINARYCloudy offensive urineCystitis after
having taken foodPain in the renal
regionViolent burning in urethraWhitish
filament in the urineO/EPyelonephritis
241FEMALEAbundant white discharge lt
ovulationBrownish bloody discharge before
mensesFuruncles of the ano-vulvar regionMenses
with clots
242Pruritis of the vulva Regular menses with clots
for seven daysThready clots at the end of the
mensesO/E Vaginitis
243UPPER LIMBSFibrosis of the palmer fascia and
rheumatic fibrosis of the little fingerHands as
if numb lt Night, morningBurning of palms at night
244O/EButtonhole deformityRheumatoid arthritis
Swan neck deformityDuptryens contractures
245LOWER LIMBSCramps in the feetFeet numb as if
frozen lt Cold weatherIntermittent claudications
246Pains in the calves, obliging the patient to walk
with a stickPulsation in the toesSciatica
247SKINEczema of the chin and of the upper lipFall
of hairsHerpetic eruptionsOozing dermatitis on
the back of the hands
248Pruriginous vesicles of the external face of the
wrists, fingersSevere pruritisVery abundant
sweating under the arms falling in big drops with
moist hands
249MODALITIESlt At nightlt By drinking winelt By
heatlt By exposition to sun
250lt In winter, coldlt Morninglt Stormy weatherlt
Waking uplt While getting up the stair
251gt After eating gt In moderate temperaturegt One
hour after rising upgt While lying stretched