Title: History HIS Library Instruction
1History HISLibrary Instruction
- Harry B. Gilbert Library
- Tidewater Community College
- Chesapeake Campus
2History HISMy Contact Info
- Email RHarrison_at_tcc.edu
- Office 822-5174
- Reference Desk 822-5162
3History - HIS
- LRC Live
- Library and WorldCat Catalogs
- Databases
- Websites
- Subject Guides
- Evaluating Resources
- Citing Resources
4LRC Live Ask A Librarian
5Library Catalog
6Library Catalog
7Library Catalog
8Library Catalog
9World Cat
10World Cat
11Interlibrary Loan
- Please allow two to three weeks minimum to
receive interlibrary loan requests - Possible Factors
- Circulation policy of the lending library
for a given item - Item is missing, lost, or stolen
- Snail mail is snail mail
- Item is in use at the time of the request
12Indexes Databases
13Indexes Databases
14Indexes Databases
15Indexes Databases
16Indexes Databases
17Indexes Databases
18Indexes Databases
19Indexes Databases
20Using Databases from Off-Campus
Your username and password will be the same as
your SIS account.
If you can not remember your username and
password, click on the myTCC button on any page
and you will be taken to a page where you can
click on Look Up Your Username Reset Password.
From this page, you must fill in information
exactly as it appeared on your college admissions
application. You will be taken to a screen to
change your password.
If you still cant log on, call the help desk at
822-1122 or 1-800-371-0898
21Web Sites
- Google
- How to Evaluate Websites
- Wikipedia Pros Cons
The name Google is a play on the word googol.
A googol is the number 1 followed by 100 zeros
(1100). There isnt a known googol of anything
in the universe not stars, not dust particles,
not atoms. Googles use of the term reflects its
attempt to organize the worlds infinite amount
of information. Exactly how Google ranks
information is a secret but some of the factors
include How many sites are linked to the page
The anchor text of the links Google makes no
claim to present accurate or reliable
Is it an official website or something else?
Who is the author?
24WHOIS A network utility designed to give
information on ownership of web sites.
There are many whois resources online. Whois
Source provides extra information about each
site. http//whois.domaintools.com/
A good Whois utility can help you determine the
ownership of a web site, even when none is listed
on the pages of the site.
26Wikipedia Pros Cons
- Pros
- Information is extremely current
- Easy to use
- Always at the top of a Google hit list
- Cons
- Accuracy of information difficult to determine
- Authority of author(s) is uncertain
- A great deal of research must be done before
information found here can be used
27Wikipedia Pros Cons
It is argued that, although wiki information may
or may not be peer reviewed, the review process
is more transparent in Wikipedia than in
scholarly journals.
By clicking on the discussion tab or the history
tab, a reader can determine when content was
added, who added it, where the citation was
found, and whether or not there was controversy
over the entry.
28Subject Guides
A good place to find web sites that have already
been reviewed is on web pages created by faculty
and librarians. Some of these sites can be found
on the LRC Subject Guides at http//www.tcc.edu/L
29HistoryEvaluating Resources
Criteria for Evaluating Sources 1.AuthorÂ
     2.Publisher/Institutional AffiliationÂ
     3.Date of Publication or Last RevisionÂ
     4.Documentation/References     Â
5.Intended Audience      6.Purpose     Â
7.Writing Style      8.Relevance
30Citing Sources
All information sources used in an argumentative
paper must be cited. The more relevant
citations you use, the stronger your argument
will be. The more authoritative your citations
are, the stronger your argument will be.
The format for citing information can be found
in MLA handbook for writers of research papers /
 Joseph Gibaldi, LB2369 .G53
31Citation Machine
32Any Questions?
- Have a Super Fantastic and Productive Day!