Title: Tutorial Orientation for Language and Linguistics
1Tutorial Orientation for Language and Linguistics
- Presented by Tang Jinlan
- BeiwaiOnline, BFSU
- Course objectives
- Course contents and structure
- Course focus
- You-must-know resources10 types
- Tutorial essentials
- Course assessment
- Your responsibilities
31. Objectives
4Three questions
- To put it simply, at the end of the course,
students should be able to answer three
questions - --- What is language?
- --- What are the functions language fulfills in
the social world? - --- What are the functions language fulfills in
the human mind?
- To explore the nature of language
- To examine the various functions of language and
its role in society - To analyze how language is used
- To develop students abilities to apply
linguistic theory to practical problems (such as
learning a foreign language) - To help students become a more effective speaker
and communicator
62. Course contents and structure
7Three main parts
- Part 1 What is language?
- Part 2 What are the functions language fulfills
in the social world? - Part 3 What are the functions language fulfills
in the human mind?
8Part 1 What is Language?
- Unit 1 Awareness of Our Language
- Learn to appreciate and understand language.
- Unit 2 Physical Aspects of Language
- How language is represented through speech
sounds. - Unit 3 The Symbolic Nature of Language
- How language is represented through written
9Part 2 Functions of Language in the Social World
- Unit 4 Language Function 1 Organizing Our
Experiences - A consideration of the functional aspects of
language. - Unit 5 Language Function 2 Doing Things with
Language - How speech acts help us to accomplish goals.
- Unit 6 Language Function 3 Managing
Interpersonal Relations - Adapting language to people and situations
10Part 2 Functions of Language in the Social World
- Unit 7 Language Function 4 Talk, Talk and Talk
- Analyzing conversation/discourse.
- Unit 8 Language in Society
- Language from a social and political perspective
11Part 3 Functions of Language in the Human Mind
- Unit 9 Language, Brain and Mind
- How the organization of the brain and aspects
such as memory affect our learning. - Unit 10 Review
- Help students check their awareness,
understanding and ability to analyze
123. Course Focus
13Course Focus
- Please remember that this is a CONCEPT course
and that the emphasis is on understanding IDEAS
and not on memorizing pages of text!
14What do we mean by ideas?
- Heres an example from the textbook pages 11-19
on the evolution of humans and language. - Do you think students need to remember every
detail such as species names and migration
paths? - What is most important is that students remember
that languages evolved as human societies spread
around the earth.
15What do we mean by concepts?
- Students do not need to memorize examples, but
they should understand why they were included.
Learn the concepts. - A concept is an underlying idea or principle that
can be applied in various cases.
16Examples about concepts
- An example of a concept from U1 is that language
and civilization are linked. - An example of a concept from U5 is that we learn
language in order to perform speech acts.
174. You-must-know resources 10 types
18You-must-know resources(1)
- Course introduction(????-????)
- Course orientation (????-??????)
- Tutorial plan for each unit(????-??????)
- Exam orientation(????-??????)
19You-must-know resources(2)
- Self-assessment (????-?????)
- Progress report (????-?????)
- Assignment (????-??)
- Assessment guidelines and sample exam paper
(????-????) - FAQs (??-??-???????-?????)
- Unit-based Focal Points (????-?????)
20Most important resource?
- Focal points is the key resource.
- It summarizes all the key points in a unit.
- All the assessment exercises are built upon Focal
215. Tutorial Essentials
22Preparation stage
- Preparation stage
- Read through the unit, understanding the nature
of each activity (pp.xviii-xxi) awareness tasks,
understanding tasks, and application tasks - Refer to the relevant resources focal points,
course orientation, tutorial plan, FAQs - Draw up a tutorial plan with the purpose of
helping students review and consolidate what they
have learned in the unit
23What we do in the tutorials?
- Get the main points out of the book.
- Discuss ideas using examples from the text and
from our own experience. - Reinforce concepts by applying them in new ways.
24A three-step procedure
- A tutorial activity design
- Key terms explanation (tutor-led)
- Key concepts elaboration (tutor-led)
- Discussion (group)
Rationale This is a concept course. Students
have difficulties in understanding ideas in
course materials. Tutorial activities are mainly
based on course materials, summarizing the key
linguistic terms, elaborating key concepts, where
possible, organizing discussions on some concepts.
25Key Terms
An example Unit 2 --- Activity 1 Language
in Speech and Written Communication(from
- vocalize, articulate
- phonetics
- convert
- handicapped
- Braille
- sign language
- manual
- barrier
- ...make a speech sound
- ...study of speech sounds
- ...change into new form
- ...disabled (e.g. blind)
- ...written language (blind)
- ...language for the deaf
- ...using the hands
- ...preventing passage
26Mediums of Communication
- When animals use mating calls, there is only one
meaning. - Aiyo!, Ha! and Ouch! are simple
expressions. - Speech (including sign language) and writing
(including Braille) are more complex mediums.
A1 T1 P45-47
27Steps Involved in a Speech Act(concepts
Step 2 Articulate. Vocalize the phonetic sounds.
Step 1 Idea. Plan what you will say.
Which step will we focus on in this unit?
Step 3 Travel. Sounds travel through the air
Step 4 Receive. Eardrums convert signal and
message is processed.
28Steps Involved in Writing (concepts elaboration)
Step 2 Compose. Develop your writing into
coherent discourse.
What differences do you see between speaking and
Step 1 Idea. Plan what you will write.
Step 3 Send. Printed form is delivered to reader.
Step 4 Read. Eyes transmit sensory information
for processing.
29Questions for Discussion(discussion)
A1 T2 P50
306. Assessment
32Progress Records (5)
- Test how well students read the material in the
unit. - Students must do it in order to pass the course.
- Can be found on the e-learning platform at
http\\www.beiwaionline.com. - Online delivery, submission and automatic-
marking. - The e-learning platform provides details and
submission deadlines.
33Assignments (15)
- Each assignment is worth 100 marks.
- Covers material from 3 units.
- Assignment I (Units 1-3)
- Assignment II (Units 4-6)
- Assignment III (Units 7-9)
- Online delivery, submission, tutor-marked
- Can be found on the e-learning platform at
http\\www.beiwaionline.com. Check for details
and deadlines.
34Final Exam (80)
- Test students knowledge of the features of
language and basic linguistic terminology
(although vocabulary is not the main focus). - Analysis and evaluation of linguistic theories
applied to language phenomena. - Application of theory to the analysis of language
materials. - To be completed within 2 hours.
35Exam Contents
36Sample exam questions(1)
- Section 1 course content awareness
- 2. Two of the most common ways of representing
language are ______ - Reading and listening
- Reading and writing
- Listening and speaking
- Speech and writing
(correct answer D. Unit 2)
37Sample exam questions(2)
- Section 2 General principles
- In Chinese, we often say ??????This statement
implies a connection between ____________
Answer Language and power
387. Responsibilities
39Your main responsibility
- Tutor provides tutorials for your own students
40Your other responsibilities(1)
- Resource guide
- At the beginning course introduction, course
orientation, course assessment - During the learning process unit-based
tutorials, Focal points,self-assessments, FAQS,
course-based forums - At the end exam orientation
41Your other responsibilities(2)
- Learning progress monitor mark assignments
before the due date, and remind students to
finish assignments and progress reports before
the due date - Consultant make your office phone number and
e-mail address known to your students at the
beginning of the term, so students can approach
you when they met difficulties in learning.
- Course objectives
- Course contents and structure
- Course focus
- You-must-know resources10 types
- Tutorial essentials
- Course assessment
- Your responsibilities
43Thank you all for your attention!