Title: NTC Mission :
1Nuclear Theory Center FY 2004-05 Planning and
Budget Conference
- NTC Mission
- Conduct fundamental research in subatomic
- and nuclear physics
- Support existing and planed experimental efforts
at IUCF - and in the Physics Department
- Provide research opportunities by organizing
seminars, - workshops and conferences.
2 Faculty Chuck Horowitz Tim Londergan Brian
Serot Adam Szczepaniak Research
Associates Patrick Bowman Joanna
Kuros-Zolnierczuk Jeff McIntire (starting April
1) Soma Sanyal (visitor) Staff Patty Halstead
Graduate students Liliana Caballero Joe
Carriere Helber Dussan Carrie Halkyard Pawel
Krupinski Nikodem Poplawski
- Summary of 2003
- 22 visitors
- over 30 publications
- over 20 invited talks and seminars
3Supernova explosion (Crab nebula)
Nuclear Pasta is at lower limit of inner crust ¼
½ km down.
Exotic quark matter?
Supernovae radiate 99 of their energy in
Chucks pasta simulations (in collab. with AVL)
4Behold the pentaquark
By Dr David Whitehouse BBC News Online science
Physicists have discovered a new class of
subatomic particle that will provide unexpected
insights into the fundamental building blocks of
5 quark particles may exist in black holes
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7Plans for 2004-05
- Hire a junior faculty (to replace Malcolm
Macfarlane) - Increase external funding (DOE/NSF) to support
GlueX-HallD, - physics analysis activists and collaborative
research with Poland, - Mexico, Australia and Brazil.
- Introduce a joint theory seminar series with
Physics Department - Organize theory meetings (QNP2004, CSB, PWA)
8 Ed Stephensons Charge Symmetry Braking
experiment dd ! Hep0 at IUCF 100 Science
Stories list of the Discovery Magazine. Physicist
s find suspected flaw in cosmic symmetry
Chuk Horowitz has beein leading a tem of
theorists to explan the effects He organized a
workhop at the NTC and will do another one in