Title: Vehicle Dynamics and Robot Vehicles
1Vehicle Dynamicsand Robot Vehicles
- Jim Van de Ven
- February 18, 2004
Unless otherwise noted, all images
from Gillespie, Thomas D. Fundamentals of
Vehicle Dynamics
- Background
- Robotic Vehicles
- Vehicle Dynamics Basics
- Two Wheel (Bicycle) Model
- Stability
- Steering Control System
3Background Information
- MTS Systems Vehicle Dynamics Division
- SAE Mini-Baja
- Formula SAE Mini-Indy
- Legend Air Suspension
- Robotic Vehicles
- Other
Picture From http//www.legend-airride.com
4Robot Vehicles
- What Distinguishes a Robot?
- Autonomous?
- Intelligent Mechanism?
- Useful Task?
Kodiak- Univ of Alberta
Cadillac Night Vision System
5Robot Vehicle Examples
- Scout
- Developed by Univ of MN, MTS, Honeywell, and ATC
Video From http//distrob.cs.umn.edu/scout.php
6Robot Vehicle Examples
- Soccer Segway Carnegie Mellon Univ
Video From ftp//brim.coral.cs.cmu.edu/pub/robot/
7Robot Vehicle Examples
- Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition
- Collegiate Competition June 12-14, 2004
- Oakland University in Rochester, MI
Picture From http//www.igvc.org/deploy/
8Two Wheel (Bicycle) ModelLow Speed Turning
9Two Wheel (Bicycle) ModelHigh Speed Cornering
- Tires Slip During All Cornering
- Center of Turn Dictated by Front vs. Rear Slip
10Tire Slip Angle
- Difference Between Direction of Travel and
Direction the Wheel is Pointing - Torsional Spring- Hand on Table Example
11Tire Slip Angle
12Tire Model
- Tires Behavior is Not Linear
- Camber Creates Lateral Force
13Camber Thrust
- Camber Angle of Tire Lean From Vertical
- Examples
- Motorcycle
- Road Grader
- Tracking Grooves in Road
Picture From http//www.caterpillar.com
Picture From http//www.motorcyclesafety.state.mn
14Stability- Oversteer (Loose)
- Rear Lateral Traction Exceeded
- Vehicle Enters a Spin
- Completely Unstable Above Critical Speed
15Oversteer Video
Video From http//www.esceducation.org/about_esc/
16Critical Speed- Equations
rYaw Rate (deg/sec) ?Steer Angle
(deg) VVelocity (ft/sec) LWheelbase
(ft) KUndersteer Gradient (deg/g) C?Tire
Cornering Stiffness (lb/deg) WWeight (lb)
17Understeer (Push)
- Front Lateral Traction Exceeded
- Vehicle Slides Straight
- Most Production Vehicles are Understeer
18Understeer Video
Video From http//www.esceducation.org/about_esc/
19Stability Examples
- Shopping Cart
- Push Forwards Understeer
- Push Backwards Oversteer (No Rear Lateral Force)
- Pulling Emergency Brake
- Oversteer (Low Lateral Force of Sliding Rear
20Bicycle Model
- Inherent Downfalls
- Lateral Weight Transfer
- Steering Geometry
- Camber and Roll Center
- Motorcycle Camber Force
214 Wheel Model
- Turning Radius
- Ackerman Steering Ideal Steering Geometry
- Inner Tire Turns More than Outer Tire
- Perpendicular Bisectors Meet
22More Advanced Dynamics
- Suspensions
- Tuning Oversteer/Understeer
- Roll Centers
- Camber Change
- Acceleration/Deceleration
- Transient Behavior
- Active Suspensions
- Aerodynamics
- Tire Behavior
23Steering Control System
24Open-Loop Transfer Function
- Physical System
- Free Body Diagrams
- Governing Equations
- Laplace Transform
- Solve Simultaneously
Graph From http//www.ee.usyd.edu.au/tutorials_on
25Closed-Loop Block Diagram
- Closed Loop Transfer Function
26P, D, and I Control
- Proportional Control Decreases Rise Time
- Derivative Control Decreases Overshoot
- Integral Control Minimizes St-St Error
Graph From http//web.mit.edu/2.003/www/extra_fil
27P, PD, PI, PID Controllers
28Matlab Controller Tuning