Title: Final Report of the 199596 SECDEF Fellows Program
1FINAL REPORT of the Secretary of Defense Fellows
Program 1998 - 1999
- Background
- Objective
- Organization
- Sponsors
- Results
- Common Observations Recommendations
- Individual Presentations
- SECDEF concerns for future Service leaders
- Open to organizational and operational change
- Recognize opportunities made possible by info
tech - Appreciate resulting revolutionary changes
underway - Affecting society and business now
- Affecting culture and operations of DoD in future
- Businesses outside DoD successful in
- Adapting to changing global environment
- Exploiting information revolution
- Structural reshaping/reorganizing
- Developing innovative processes
- Infrastructure is 2/3 of Defense Budget
- Business practice reforms generate savings
- Savings applicable to modernization shortfalls
- DoD needs effective access to best executive
level business practices - Strategic Planning
- Organization
- Change Management
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Globalization
- Outsourcing
- Build a cadre of future leaders who
- Understand more than the profession of arms
- Understand adaptive and innovative business
culture - Recognize organizational and operational
opportunities - Understand skills required to implement change
- Will motivate innovative changes throughout
career - Report and Briefings directly to SecDef, others
- Business insights relevant to DoD
culture/operations - Recommended process/organization changes
- Two officers from each Service (USMC one)
- High flag/general officer potential
- O-6 or O-5
- Senior Service College credit
- Eleven months at Sponsoring Company
- Three weeks orientation
- Report and Briefings directly to SecDef
- Business insights relevant to DoD
culture/operations - Recommended process/organization changes
- 98 - Prior
- American Management Systems, Andersen Consulting,
CNN, CITICORP, DirecTV, Hewlett-Packard,
Loral, Lockheed Martin, McDonnell Douglas,
Microsoft, Mobil, Oracle, Northrop Grumman,
Sarnoff Labs, Sears, Southern Co. - 1998 - 99
- Boeing, Caterpillar, Cisco Systems, Netscape,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Raytheon Systems, - Year of transitions
- 1999 - 00
- CITIGROUP, FEDEX, Lockheed Martin, McKinsey
Co., Sarnoff Corp., Sun Microsystems
- Program objectives fulfilled
- Education, education, education
- More sponsors than fellows
- Inter/intra-group experience sharing
- Unique corporate experiences
- Strong corporate support
- Executive/operational level mix
- Mergers/restructuring
91998-1999 Fellows
- Lt Col Joanne Guretsky The Boeing Company
- Seattle, WA
- COL Steve Holtman Caterpillar, Inc.
- Peoria, IL
- CDR Cathy Thomas Cisco Systems, Inc.
- San Jose, CA
- Lt Col Frank Brooks Netscape Communications M
ountain View, CA - LtCol Mike Strain PricewaterhouseCoopers Fair
fax, VA - Lt Col Phil McDaniel Raytheon Systems
Co. Garland, TX
10Common Observations/Recommendations
- Operational Change
- Organizational Change
- Transformation
- Service and DoD Implications
11Observations Recommendations
- Internal Organization
- Agility the single most important attribute
- Flexible, task organized, not hierarchical
- Decision-making decentralized
- Customer focused, responsive
- Satisfaction a factor in annual evaluations,
compensation - Automated shared support services (pay, travel,
legal, IT, etc.) - Single point access by user
- Active Top Level Leadership
- No transformation without it
- Role in strategic planning proportional to change
12Observations Recommendations
- Information Technology
- Full implementation a strategic level leadership
issue - Common Operating Environment for
architecture/protocols - CIO must have power/ to enforce
- Seamless DoD-wide Intranet access needed
- Professionalize systems admin in DoD - not a
collateral duty
13Observations Recommendations
- Information Technology (cont.)
- Fully utilize high tech collaboration potential
throughout DoD - Best practices in accessible archives
- Video/chat meetings and decision-making forums
- On-line professional news education, customer
presentations - Lease vs buy
- Leading edge or rapidly changing requirements
lease - DoD requires Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
14Observations Recommendations
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
- All functions (manufacturing, finance, HR, etc.)
linked - Integrated software
- Comprehensive data
- Single point inputs
- All processes evaluated and redesigned as
required - Cannot overlay on current processes
- Significant time, effort, transformation
leadership required - Significant savings in , manpower, time
- Available commercially or custom developed
- Commercial SAP, PeopleSoft, Oracle, J.D.
15Observations Recommendations
- Human Resources
- New trend within industry/workforce
- Mutually beneficial partnership - not a job for
life - Workforce shortage at all levels
- People must be treated like people
- HR programs/incentives a must to recruit/retain
- DoD must re-think paradigms that limit agility to
fill gaps - Only growing military personnel bottom up from
within - No lateral appointment/enlistment to fill
emergent needs - HR is a profession, not a collateral duty
- Major organizational segment or core competency
16Observations Recommendations
- Recruit/Retain Incentives
- DoD must adapt to compete
- Total package is critical - NOT JUST PAY
- "One size fits one" - unique incentive
combinations - Job Enrichment
- State of the art equipment
- User friendly, competitive health plan
- Work _at_ home an alternative
- Flex time working hours
- Significant compensation above basic pay for
17Observations Recommendations
- Partnerships/Teaming
- Greater access to information for friends
(business, allies) - Long term, not constantly re-competed
- Must be win-win
- Globalization
- Tech transfer approval process inconsistent and
glacial - New process needed for deciding what to protect
18Observations Recommendations
- Strategic Planning
- Horizon 1 - 5 years out
- Rapid pace of change agility makes longer range
passé - Broad and general
- Detailed Fiscal Planning
- 12-24 months out max
- 90 days to build/approve next years budget
- Financial reviews throughout year
- moved at business unit level
- No color of money within business unit
- Savings plowed back, not taken away
19Observations Recommendations
- Outsourcing
- Determining real core competencies is key
- Dont outsource
- Core competencies may change
- Activities not just organizations
- Incentivize performance
- Partnership is an alternative
- Y2K Problem
- High Awareness, but no silver bullets or new
surprises - Subcontractor tiers and overseas still a concern
- Configuration freeze dates set some already
thawing - Impetus to complete projects, replace systems
201998-1999 Fellows
- Lt Col Joanne Guretsky The Boeing Company
- Seattle, WA
- COL Steve Holtman Caterpillar, Inc.
- Peoria, IL
- CDR Cathy Thomas Cisco Systems, Inc.
- San Jose, CA
- Lt Col Frank Brooks Netscape Communications M
ountain View, CA - LtCol Mike Strain PricewaterhouseCoopers Fair
fax, VA - Lt Col Phil McDaniel Raytheon Systems
Co. Garland, TX
21The Boeing Company
- Largest aerospace company in the world
- Nations leading exporter
- Largest NASA contractor
- Merged with McDonnell Douglas in 1997
- Re-organization/downsizing continuing
- Enhance communication throughout DoD
- Design anywhere
- Increase use of teleconferences/computer chat
sessions/ computer video - Establish virtual offices
- Cost consciousness throughout DoD
- Raise awareness through the web, PME,
periodicals, media - Not just finance personnel - involve operators
- Further implement lean/shared services
- Eliminate service-unique forms
- Enhance maintenance and safety
- Electronic technical/safety updates
- Improve accessibility of web documents
- Increase computerized maintenance forecasting
- Push-type maintenance - parts ready on arrival
- Commonality/enterprise solutions
- Greater commonality and Civil Military
Integration - Explore enterprise solutions for contingency ops
- Flexible, tailorable force packages
- Logistics planning
- Cost information
- Spread and implement best practices
- Formalize process to ensure routine
implementation - Improve Joint Uniform Lessons Learned System
- People
- Communicate concern and professional values
- The military profession is a service
- NOT a nine-to-five job
- Take care of people
- Continue to work OPTEMPO
- Evaluate specialties
- Lifetime career fields (e.g. career pilots)
- Up-or-out policy
- Heart of Illinois - Peoria
- Worlds largest producer of
- Construction equipment
- Mining equipment
- Natural gas engines
- Industrial gas turbines
- Diesel engines
- 2 million products in service today
- 65,000 employees plus 197 dealers worldwide
- 1998 sales 20.89B profits 1.51B
- The Journey Continues
- Corporate change
- Hierarchical to business units
- Very few general offices
- Communication challenges
- Strategic planning
- At business unit level
- Near term focus
- E-commerce eventually
- Corporate Drivers
- Total customer focus
- Product differentiation
- Life cycle value
- Professional corporate culture
- Trust
- Quality
- Positive work environment
- Compensation
- Community involvement
- Family Jewels
- Caterpillar parts distribution system
- Integrated dealer network
- Diagnostics and prognostics
- Single parts data base
- 99.72 same day shipment
30Cisco Systems
- 85 of total Internet hardware/software
- 200 offices, 55 countries, 17,400 personnel
- 1998 revenues 8.5B, growth 30-35 per year
- Networked company
- Net a conduit to employees, partners, customers
- Employer/employees interdependent
- Virtual workplaces (office, home, on the road)
- Speed, agility in decision-making, execution
enabled - Costs avoided
31Cisco SystemsObservations/Recommendations
- Hiring and retaining top people
- Aggressive, multi-faceted recruiting
- Varied, responsive programs, services, virtual
workplace - Compensation, recognition, rewards by line
managers - Leading edge technology, training
- No one retires from Cisco
- DoD must adapt to compete
- Flexible incentives packaging (one size fits
one not all) - Line manager tools for on the spot
recognition/reward - Options for tapping expertise without owning it
- Worry less about retention, more how to
accommodate turnover
32Cisco SystemsObservations/Recommendations
- Information Technology
- 6 of personnel spend 3.5 of revenue
- 80 client funded growth 1.5 times the business
- Hardware/software standardization
- Based on industry open solutions
- Reduced training costs, costs of ownership
- More time for development of new capabilities
- Faster reaction to business change
- Allows Cisco to carry a bigger stick DoD could
33Cisco SystemsObservations/Recommendations
- Outsourcing/partnering
- Everything thats not a core competency
- Allocate headcount to core competencies
- Base on trust, long term commitment, Win-Win
- Partner in one venture, compete in another
- Implications for DoD
- Narrower, more adaptive core competency
definition - Outsource more aggressively
- Explore partnering alternative opportunities
34Netscape Communications Corp
- Fastest growing software company in history
- Apr 94 Founded as Mosaic Communications
- Aug 95 IPO announced
- Oct 96 First 100M Qtr
- Product evolution
- Apr 94 Navigator internet browser and servers
- Apr 96 E-commerce software
- Dec 96 Bundled internet tools (Communicator)
- Sept 97 Netcenter portal (website search engine)
- Jan 98 Browser computer code made FREE
- Mar 99 Netscape bought by AOL
- Future market
- Online sales projection 327 billion by 2002
- Flexible management style in Internet Time
- Decisions pushed down to lowest levels
- Reports/red tape minimized
- New ideas are test bedded - failure does not end
a career -
- Outsourcing
- Internal processes
- Increase operating efficiencies decrease
operating costs - External processes
- Increase revenue opportunities
- Partnering Meet time to market constraints
- Globalization Open overseas markets
- Human Resources
- Large number and variety of programs for a small
firm - Centrally managed, cohesively focused on
corporate strategy, maintains company culture - One size fits one multiple incentives
philosophy - Broad range of management tools
- Tailored rewards
- Revenue based bonuses
- Hi-tech collaboration
- Corporate culture - information sharing is vital
- Online interactive presentations
- Company forums and newsgroups
37Netscape Recommendations
- Human Resources
- Reorganize HR programs under one chain of command
- Differentiate pay scale based on skill code
- Tie bonus to individual performance
- Improve technical currency of DoD support corps
- Introduce specialty tracks at each level of PME
- Provide more information exchange with industry
- Create Reverse Reservists
- Co-sponsor vocational training for companies
- Selectively contract middle management to fill
Secretary of Defense Fellows Program
- Global professional services firm
- Merger of Price Waterhouse Coopers Lybrand
- 152 countries over 145K employees
- 61st largest employer in the world
- 1998 growth 20 revenue 15.3B
- Organization
- Matrix organization
- Geography - 4 regions
- Industry - 5 sectors
- Lines of Service (LOS) - 6 lines
- Goes to market by industry, draws expertise from
39PricewaterhouseCoopers Observations/Recommendation
Secretary of Defense Fellows Program
- Knowledge Management
- Intellectual capital the currency of a knowledge
economy - Ability to create/maintain/find information
quickly - Use of Intranet/Extranet facilitates information
flow - Common Operating Environment (COE)
- People are KEY -- IT structure supports people
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems
- Leverages IT structure
- Maximizes information utility minimizes info
cost - Industry experiences 30-100 ROI
- DoD can benefit from ERPs
- CINCPACFLT Solution Provider Initiative
40PricewaterhouseCoopers Observations/Recommendation
Secretary of Defense Fellows Program
- Agility
- Ability to reinvent organization to meet market
demands - Ability to move funds as required
- Maximizes IT structure/knowledge base
- Decentralized decision-making/budget
responsibilities - DoD is NOT agile
- Simulation
- Industry uses more often than pilot programs DoD
favors - Cheaper, risk free, doesnt disrupt current
operations - Greater ability to generate data for
decision-making - What if scenario capability
- Applicable at all levels, machine to network
41PricewaterhouseCoopers Observations/Recommendation
- DoD expects support for pre-determined positions
- Consulting firms supposedly hired to research
problems/recommend solutions - Not looking for best practices/solutions
- Waste of DoD time and money
- Human Resources
- One size fits all approach doesnt work
- Industry utilizing one size fits one approach
- Review policies for up-or-out, entry level only
accessions, etc. - Single point access by user to all support
42Raytheon Systems
- Raytheon Company
- One of the Big 3 defense contractors
- 20B in yearly revenue
- Global company, expanding internationally
- Company in transition
- Unique merger scenario
- Building an entirely new company
- Period of great turmoil which is not over
43Raytheon Systems Observations/Recommendations
- Internal organization
- Shared services for pay, travel, legal, HR, etc.
- Matrixed at each level
- Decentralization
- Goal Act with the agility of a small company
- Push down authority and responsibility
- DoD does this somewhat, but still needs
- More sharing for support functions
- Less Service-specific functions
- Greater use of IT
44Raytheon Systems Observations/Recommendations
- Information Technology
- Internet for general info and contacts
- Extensive Intranet
- Virtual company in the making
- Sharing information, employee communication
- Business is executed over the web
- Personnel functions
- Engineering
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Determining total costs
- Necessary to determine how to cut costs
45Raytheon Systems Recommendations
- Information Technology
- DoD needs to
- Expand Internet/Intranet use - not restrict
- Especially Intranet
- Implement Enterprise Resource Planning programs
- Cant fix practices if you dont know whats
broken - Greater visibility into spending what things
really cost - Greater management oversight of programs
- Closer integration with contractors possible
- Mandate and enforce common operating systems
- Greater interoperability
- Reduced costs through large buys
46Raytheon SystemsObservations/Recommendations
- Technology transfer
- Globalization has increased transfer issues
- Multi-national companies have added new issues
- Foreign ownership of US companies
- US firms integrating foreign components
- Current system is slow and inconsistent
- DoD must define technologies to protect release
the rest - Streamline request system
- Paperless