Title: Video Enhanced VR for Teaching Restaurant
1- Video Enhanced VR for Teaching Restaurant
- Skills to
- Children with Autism
2 Abstract While Virtual
reality has been used for various training
applications, few studies have measured its
effectiveness in teaching social interactions.
This research used web delivered gaming
technology to create virtual worlds where
children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
interacted with avatars to practice restaurant
social skills. Videos of similar real world
situations within the virtual sequences
reinforced the lessons and aided in
generalization, a known problem for individuals
with ASD. Before training, two unknown restaurant
social skills were identified for each of five
children with ASD, aged 7 to 16. All children who
completed VR training correctly performed two new
social skills in a virtual restaurant. In
post-training real world restaurants, these
children exhibited at least one new appropriate
social interaction and 75 demonstrated 2 new
social skills.
3Learning Steps for Autism
- Define a common social skill deficit-eating in a
restaurant - Divide social skill into discreet steps(1) Wait
to be seated, (2) Answer hostess questions, (3)
Follow hostess to table, (4) Wait for server and
read menu, (4) Order food, (5) Table conversation - Define measurable actions in each stepEx Step 1
includes determining if there is a hostess or you
seat yourself, waiting in the appropriate place,
recognizing the hostess, and waiting for others
already in line - Identify meaning behind each step - Theory of
Mind - Show a range of appropriate responses for each
step - Use non-threatening practice of steps with
avatars in VR - Display video of real people in same step within
VR lesson - Reward or correct at each step based on childs
actions - Vary scene/avatar actions to teach variations
- Allow user control of steps for different
learning abilities - Vary avatar responses to avoid patterns and teach
4Program Design
- Text with video explanation of each stepWhat to
do (Question/How to Respond) Explain the social
action or exchangeWhy? -Explain the meaning
behind the actionsSee it! -See a video of real
people doing the stepOops What to do if
something goes wrongShow possible variations of
What to do - Virtual world practice in pizza restaurantThree
windows on screen Interactive VR world with
avatars Question/answer and video/correction
window Displays responses child can pick
If child picks correct response, shows video
If child picks wrong response,
corrects/repeats step What to do/Why? Guidance - Multi-player practice with other people over web
5Program Details
- Player moves in virtual worlds with mouse or
keyboard directional keys - Avatar program tracks and verbally responds to
different actions of the player - Avatars in virtual world include player, a friend
the player is eating with, a hostess, a waitress,
and other patrons at different tables - Visual cues. Example Colors visually separate
window functions Error/reward statements in red,
questions with choices in blue, inactive window
in black - Videos at each step are repeatable with button
control - Avatar spoken words have both text displayed at
window bottom and audio - Print out of step information available for
guidance if child prefers hard copy - Text with video explanation program was developed
with Flash - VR practice world was created and delivered over
web with Wild Tangent Platform - Multi-player VR practice was created and
delivered over web with Adobe Atmosphere - VR actions are controlled with JAVA programs
- Graphics used Wild Tangent world creation
toolkit, Atmosphere world creation toolkit, 3d
StudioMax, Poser, and Photoshop - Video production was done in a real a restaurant
during lunch hour. Waitress, hostess, and friend
were scripted actors. The regular restaurant
clientele was part of the filming background.
Fourteen action and seventeen avatar phrase
variations were used - Video processing was done with Premier
6Study Design
- Six children ages 7 to 16 with ASD chosenAll in
special education programs and recommended by
therapists. Child 01(Age 11, Male, Asian)-Child
02(Age 7, Male, White)-Child 03(Age 9, Female,
White)-Child 04(Age 16, Male, Black)-Child 05(Age
9, Male, White)-Child 06(12, Female, Black). - Pre-training testing in real restaurants on six
skill steps Individual testing was done in
multiple lunch or dinner visits. Restaurants
varied and depended on parent recommendation.
Interactions were not scripted. Actions and
latency were recorded by 2 observers. Correct
response required that 90 of all parts of a step
be done correctly. Child had to display
inappropriate behavior at more than chance level
for 2 or more steps to be included in study. - Five children practiced correct social actions on
computerTraining was approximately one hour, two
to three times over a 2 week period. Training
first involved a treasure hunt game to practice
navigation in virtual space. All children
mastered control in no more than two plays. Each
child then completed the Text, VR Pizza world,
and web training programs. After training, each
child assessed his knowledge with a written
questionnaire. All children came back
approximately one week later and repeated the
three training programs and questionnaire. - Post-training testing in real restaurants on six
skillsPre-training testing was repeated in the
same restaurants and data collected as before.
Appropriate skill responses varied between visits
because hostess, waitress, patrons, and other
details varied, creating different required
social interactions. Two restaurant visits were
done per child with an average of 3-day
separation between visits.
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- 4 children completed studyChild 03 knew all
skills in pre-tests. Child 06 was removed because
of family conflicts - All learned 2 new skills in virtual worlds at
100 accuracyFour subjects mastered all 6 skill
steps to 100 accuracy on all computer training - All did 1 new skill in real world with 90
accuracy75 did 2 new skills in real world with
90 accuracySkill retention was strongest when
the restaurant visit was close in time frame to
computer practice. Child 05 did a third computer
training between restaurant visits after missing
Step 1 in first post-training and subsequently
did all skills correctly - Mixed results for one child who generalized only
1 skillChild 04 was severely autistic (CARS 34)
and missed all skills in pre-training. In first
post-training, he demonstrated 100 accuracy in 5
of 6 steps. In second restaurant visit, music and
the unexpected presence of teacher at next table
distracted child. Computer refresher and retest
could not be completed before child moved to
another state - ProblemsReal world actions did not always match
discreet step divisions. Example child might
order correctly but stare at ceiling rather than
waitress (was given 50 accuracy). Observers
required that each action be completely
acceptable by normal social standards - Graphs of results and details of pilot study
available from do2learn_at_do2learn.com
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