Title: CSI 710: Scientific Databases
1CSI 710 Scientific Databases Group Assignment
1 Project Rocket Science Database
Project Group Project 10 (Britzolakis
Georgios Donato Davide)
2- Specifications as required by the Assignment
(and using the URL - link
ons.html) - Implementation of the project using MS SQL
Server 2000 - Implementation of the queries using T-SQL
(Transact Structure - Query Language) as precompiled Stored
procedures because - 1. better performance (no time spent to compile
the queries) - 2. easy code development (running only the
script exec procedure Name)
3Database Diagram Table Specification 1
4Database Diagram Table Specification 2
Scientific Member
International Scientist
5Database Diagram Table Specification 3
Data from satellite
6Database Diagram Table Specification 4
Graduate Research Assistant
Research Associate
7Final Schema
8The Queries
- 1. List the names and the affiliations of
principal Investigators for all experiments - --The selection of the required columns.
- select Exp_Name, PI_ID, PI_FNAME, PI_LNAME,
- from PI
- --The join between the PI table and the
experiment table - inner join Experiment on Experiment.Exp_PI_IDPI.P
I_ID - Which experiments were launched aboard the
Atlantis during 1997? - --The selection of the required columns
- select Exp_Name
- from Experiment
- --The join between the Mission table and the
experiment table - inner join Mission on Experiment.Exp_missionMissi
9- List the crew members for the shuttle that
launched the Hubble Space Telescope - --The selection of the required columns
- select Commander_FNAME, Commander_LNAME,
CoPilot_FNAME, CoPilot_LNAME, - ScMemb_FNAME, ScMemb_LNAME, IntSc_FNAME,
IntSc_LNAME, Astr_FNAME, Astr_LNAME - from Shuttle
- --The join between the shuttle table and the
commander table - inner join Commander on Shuttle.Shuttle_Commander_
IDCommander.Commander_ID - --The join between the Shuttle table and the
Co-Pilot table - inner join CoPilot on Shuttle.Shuttle_CoPilot_IDC
oPilot.CoPilot_ID - --The join between the shuttle table and the
scientific member table - inner join ScMemb on Shuttle.Shuttle_ScMemb_IDScM
emb.ScMemb_ID - --The join between the shuttle table and the
International Scientist table - inner join IntSc on Shuttle.Shuttle_IntSc_IDIntSc
.IntSc_ID - --The join between the shuttle table and the
Astronaut table - inner join Astr on Shuttle.Shuttle_Astr_IDAstr.As
tr_ID - --The join between the shuttle table and the
vehicle table - inner join vehicle on Shuttle.Shuttle_IDVehicle_I
104. List the missions, crew, and dates for repairs
on the Hubble Space Telescope --The selection
of the required columns select Mission_Name,
Commander_FNAME, Commander_LNAME, CoPilot_FNAME,
CoPilot_LNAME, ScMemb_FNAME, ScMemb_LNAME,
Sat_Rep_Start, Sat_Rep_Finish from
Mission --The join between the satellite table
and the mission table inner join Satellite on
Mission.Mission_IDSatellite.Sat_Miss_ID --The
join between the mission table and the vehicle
table inner join Vehicle on Mission.Mission_IDVe
hicle.Vehicle_Mission_ID --The join between the
vehicle table and the shuttle table inner join
Shuttle on Vehicle.Vehicle_IDShuttle.Shuttle_ID -
-The join between the shuttle table and the
commander table inner join Commander on
D --The join between the shuttle table and the
Co-Pilot table inner join CoPilot on
Shuttle.Shuttle_CoPilot_IDCoPilot.CoPilot_ID --Th
e join between the shuttle table and the
Scientific member table inner join ScMemb on
Shuttle.Shuttle_ScMemb_IDScMemb.ScMemb_ID --The
join between the shuttle table and the
international Scientist table inner join IntSc on
Shuttle.Shuttle_IntSc_IDIntSc.IntSc_ID --The
join between the Shuttle table and the Astronaut
table inner join Astr on Shuttle.Shuttle_Astr_ID
Astr.Astr_ID --The selection criterion where
Sat_Name'Hubble Space Telescope'
11- List the shuttle launches, and mission names for
which Terry Willcutt was a crew - member
- --The selection of the required columns
- select Shuttle_Name, Mission_Name
- from Mission
- --The join between the mission table and the
vehicle table - inner join Vehicle on Mission.Mission_IDVehicle.V
ehicle_Mission_ID - --The join between the shuttle table and the
vehicle table - inner join Shuttle on Vehicle.Vehicle_IDShuttle.S
huttle_ID - --The join between the Shuttle table and the
commander table - inner join Commander on Shuttle.Shuttle_Commander_
IDCommander.Commander_ID - --The join between the Shuttle table and the
Co-Pilot table - inner join CoPilot on Shuttle.Shuttle_CoPilot_IDC
oPilot.CoPilot_ID - --The join between the Shuttle table and the
Scientific member table - inner join ScMemb on Shuttle.Shuttle_ScMemb_IDScM
emb.ScMemb_ID - --The join between the Shuttle table and the
International Scientist table - inner join IntSc on Shuttle.Shuttle_IntSc_IDIntSc
126. List the missions for which the shuttle
commander was female --The selection of the
required columns select Mission_Name from
Mission --The join between the mission table
and the Vehicle table inner join Vehicle on
Mission.Mission_IDVehicle.Vehicle_Mission_ID --Th
e join between the Shuttle table and the vehicle
table inner join Shuttle on Vehicle.Vehicle_IDShu
ttle.Shuttle_ID --The join between the Shuttle
table and the Commander table inner join
Commander on Shuttle.Shuttle_Commander_IDCommande
r.Commander_ID --The selection Criterion where
137. List shuttle missions where crew members
include Russian, Japanese or French citizens
--The selection of the required columns select
Mission_Name from Mission --The join between
the mission table and the Vehicle table inner
join Vehicle on Mission.Mission_IDVehicle.Vehicle
_Mission_ID --The join between the Vehicle table
and the Shuttle table inner join Shuttle on
Vehicle.Vehicle_IDShuttle.Shuttle_ID --The join
between the Shuttle table and the Commander
table inner join Commander on Shuttle.Shuttle_Comm
ander_IDCommander.Commander_ID --The join
between the Shuttle table and the Co-Pilot
table inner join CoPilot on Shuttle.Shuttle_CoPilo
t_IDCoPilot.CoPilot_ID --The join between the
Shuttle table and the Scientific Member
table inner join ScMemb on Shuttle.Shuttle_ScMemb_
IDScMemb.ScMemb_ID --The join between the
Shuttle table and the International Scientist
table inner join IntSc on Shuttle.Shuttle_IntSc_ID
IntSc.IntSc_ID --The join between the Shuttle
table and the Astronaut table inner join Astr on
Shuttle.Shuttle_Astr_IDAstr.Astr_ID --The
Selection criteria where Commander_Nat'Russian'
or Commander_Nat'Japanese' or Commander_Nat'Fren
ch or (CoPilot_Nat'Russian' or
CoPilot_Nat'Japanese' or CoPilot_Nat'French')
or ScMemb_Nat'Russian' or ScMemb_Nat'Japanese'
or ScMemb_Nat'French or IntSc_Nat'Russian' or
IntSc_Nat'Japanese' or IntSc_Nat'French
or Astr_Nat'Russian' or Astr_Nat'Japanese' or
148. List shuttle missions involved in the
international Space Station --The selection of
the reqired columns select Mission_Name from
Mission --The join between the Mission table
and the Vehicle table inner join Vehicle on
Mission.Mission_IDVehicle.Vehicle_Mission_ID --Th
e join between the Shuttle table and the Vehicle
table inner join Shuttle on Vehicle.Vehicle_IDShu
ttle.Shuttle_ID --The selection criteria where
Shuttle.Shuttle_Launch_Place'International Space