Title: Real Estate Investment
1Real Estate Investment FEASIBILITY
ANALYSIS 2302 S. G. St. Tacoma, WA 98405
Presentation By Claudia Davila, Joe
Attinello, Yong Kim
- 2006 Population in Tacoma 198,491
- Population of age of 55
42,080 - 2011 Population in Tacoma 206,644
- Population of age of 55
47,941 - 2006-2011 Annual population growth rate
0.81 - 2006-2011 Overall population growth rate
4.10 - 2006-2011 Overall population growth rate for 55
13.90 -
- Retrieved from the report New Home Trend
Analysis from City of Tacoma Website
3Demographics (contd)
- The growth plan of UW Tacoma 2004-2014
- - Adding approximately 3,000 upper
division FTEs and 400 graduate FTEs while
maintaining 1.26 of the ratio of students to
FTEs - This is translated into expected growth of
almost 4,300 additional students in UW Tacoma
over next 7 years. - Retrieved from the report Report on the future
of the University of Washington Tacoma - http//www.tacoma.washington.edu/uwtfuture/2707_St
5Floor Plan
6Initial Costs
9Operating Expenses
10Gain on DisposalYear 8
11Cash Flow from Operations
12Sensitivity Analysis
- Scenario 1
- Changes in Appreciation Rate
- Scenario 2
- Changes in Rent/Sq. Ft.
- Scenario 3
- Changes in Construction Cost/ Sq. Ft.
13Appreciation Rate
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Average home value
- Washington 3.26 appreciation rate per year from
(1940-2000) - MSN Money
- Tacoma, WA appreciated 20 in 2005
- 65 over the past 5 years (or 13 per year)
- Economagic
- Average appreciation rate of houses actually sold
in the U.S. 6.5 - West Coast 7
14Appreciation Rate (contd)
Construction Cost/Sq. Ft. 110 Rent Charge/Sq.
Ft. 1.20
Discount Rate 12
15Rent Comparables
16Rent Charge/Sq. Ft. (contd)
- Appreciation Rate 5
- Construction Cost/Sq. Ft. 110
17Construction Cost/Sq. Ft.
Appreciation Rate 5 Rent Charge/Sq. Ft.
- Based on Paradigm Construction LLC rates
18Investment Decision
- Location, Location, Location! YES
- Projected (8-year average)
- NOI 118,786.14
- After-Tax Cash Flow 23,149.39
- Sale on year 8
- After-Tax Cash Flow 750,380.94